Stay up-to-date with daily news and features on a wide variety of topics that affect Lincoln, Omaha,
Peat bogs sequester a massive amount of the Earth's carbon dioxide. But even as scientists work to b
President Donald Trump has published several executive orders that could directly impact agriculture
The Nebraska Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee heard proposals Thursday for further
The Nebraska Legislature debated expanding the definition of who would be considered an independent
The University of Nebraska Medical Center budget would take a major hit if a Trump administration po
The Nebraska Legislature’s Natural Resources Committee heard a proposal to merge two state agencies
Dangerously cold temperatures, high wind gusts and a wintery mix come to south central NE this weeke
Nebraska has never had a State Poet like Jewel Rodgers. She is the youngest person to hold the posit
The Nebraska Legislature Wednesday considered proposals dealing with cybersecurity breaches and toug
The Nebraska Legislature’s Revenue Committee considered a bill Wednesday to tax the cryptocurrency i
New data shows the University of Nebraska system had a 6.4 billion dollar impact on the state in 202
Nebraska lawmakers considered proposals Tuesday making it tougher to sue companies for data breaches
A Neligh teacher was surprised with the Milken Educator Award on Tuesday. The honor comes with a $25
Nebraska's state aid to schools would increase modestly, with perhaps bigger changes later, under a
Each year, volunteers venture out nationwide on a single night for the U.S. Department of Housing an
With the Husker baseball season starting back up Friday, announcer Greg Sharpe won’t relay the actio
The U.S. could lose up to 15 million acres of forestland to development by 2060. One effort to keep
Trade disputes remain center stage as President Donald Trump has imposed increased tariffs on China
The Nebraska Legislature's Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee held a public hearing
A grant program for teacher mental health training is at a standstill after falling short at the Sta