Naked on Cashmere

"You feel right to me," she said. "Like naked on cashmere." Atticus presents a daily poetry reading


Total: 171

She Had an Uncanny Energy


She had an uncanny energy for lifethankful for every little miracle it bestowed—and it made herentir

“Leisure” by W. H. Davies What is this life if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare. No

She Wasn't Happy or Sad


She wasn’t happy or sad,in love or out of love,she was just thereexistingin the ebb and flow of life

In The Mornings


In the morningsshe taught me Frenchand after breakfast she would paintand I would writeand as the sp

"i carry your heart with me" by e e cummings  i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am

Does the sun promise to shine?No, but it will—even behind the darkest clouds,and no promisewill make

All Life Is A Revolt


All life is a revolt against deathand all revolts are eventually quelled.The question is:in those mo

On Those Nights


On those nightswhen the thick snow driftsthrough moonlightand the sky looks like falling starsclose

"Out Here On This Very Day” by Prince Neptune (Cody Simpson) Out here on this very dayWe journey fur

"I Have Fallen" by Christopher Poindexter I have fallenin love many times.Have you ever sat in a bar

Today I Opened A Book


that you’d pressed—it was orangeand redand yellowand small.And in all waysit was our lovegone nowbut

Keep Your Kingdoms


Keep your kingdomsgive methe open roadthe stars in the skythe smell of a campfirearound the next ben

Tell Me, She Said


Tell me,she said,about our houseour childrenour gardenabout the lives we will have --but he never co

Daughter of Mine


Daughter of mine—for your smiles,for your tears,for your skinned knees,and your broken hearts,for th

I Took Her Hand


I took her hand,and my heart beat fastas her warmth swallowed me up.A thousand times I’d run this tr

We Aspire


We aspireonly to liveour lives well,to fall into the gentle to and fro of life,and the refrains of s

I Woke Before Her


I woke before herand she slept on as the sun rosespilling light across our bedshe was an angel in my

There Is No Excuse


There is no excuseI’ve heardworthyto declinea requestby a lady ofreasonablemoralsand pleasantcompany

You and I Are Stars


You and Iare starsmet oncein the breath of a universecrossed only for a momentas the ebb and flowof

It Rained in Rome


It rained in Romebut when the sun came outit seemed freshlike a city made newand the ruins glimmered