Dr. Wendy Myers, ND is on a mission to help millions figure out that last missing piece of the puzzl
Dr. Kim Millman talks to Wendy this week about how to detect calcium and how to stop osteoporosis de
Allie Ochs talks to Wendy this week on the Live to 110 Podcast about the healing power of PEMF, Puls
Dr. Terry Wahls talks to Wendy about how she and you can heal autoimmune disease naturally. Dr. Wahl
This is thyroid week! So, I thought I'd replay this classic Live to 110 podcast about the thyroid. L
Wendy Myers reveals one of the major issues causing weight gain, not to mention making you sick! Lea
Nick Iadonisi talks to Wendy and Leigh on the Live to 110 Podcast about how to workout using functio
Kevin Geary talks to Wendy and Leigh about how one reboots their body with diet and fitness, focusin
General Leigh Lowery talks to Wendy this week on the Live to 110 Podcast about her fitness philosoph
Evan Brand talks to Leigh and Wendy about his new book REM Rehab about how improve the most importan
Michael Goldstein, maker of Long Life Saunas, talks with Leigh and I about what I think are the best
Danny Cohen, the inspirational wellness coach, of Motivationalwellness.com. talks to Wendy and Leigh
Jennifer Fugo talks to Wendy and Leigh about how her new book about how to go gluten free on a budge
Leigh Lowery gets the results of her hair mineral analysis on this week's Live to 110 Podcast. Find
Liz Wolfe of Realfoodliz.com talks to Leigh and Wendy about her new book, Eat the Yolks, a hilarious
Roy Masters of Fhu.com talks to Leigh and Wendy about meditation and how it can vastly improve your
Tee Major talks to Leigh and I about his revolutionary Kaizen Fitness Method. Kaizen (Japanese for "
Trina Felber, founder of primallifeorganics.com, talks to Leigh and Wendy about her totally primal s
Monica Bravo of BravoforPaleo.com talks about her book College Primal Challenge. It's about how to e
Jonathon Bailor of Thesmarterscienceofslim.com talks to Leigh and I about his new book, The Calorie
Dr. Lawrence Wilson of Drlwilson.com talks to Leigh and I about estrogen dominance, which contribute