Tom Paladino joins the show to talk about how you can use scalar light to fight pathogens and toxins in your body! We also talk about bioenergetics, or energy medicine, and the different ways light and energy can be used to help improve many areas of health.
On today’s podcast, you will learn:
Tom Paladino's Bio: Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Tom began research with Scalar Energy during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research or knowledge, Nikola Tesla. He was also able to study the work of a man Hieronymus who continued research on Scalar Energy. Hieronymus’ major contributions included unbinding the RNA/ DNA bonds of microbes plaguing the agricultural industry (rendering them harmless).
Tom theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, “the storehouses,” for scalar energy. He further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.
The existence of such energy not found within the electromagnetic spectrum, fascinated Tom. Inspired by these findings, he pursued a course of independent study seeking to better understand and subsequently harness Scalar Energy, through the development of an instrument called “Scalar Light.
You can learn more about Tom and his work, as well as sign up for one of his complimentary sessions at
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