A podcast about the trials and tribulations of life with chronic illness. Host Chelsey Storteboom ha
Christina was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 20 years ago and in that time, she’s discovered that di
Anna kept being told by doctors that her symptoms were all in her head, so she took her health into
This week, Chelsey is chatting with Merle, who has Metastatic Breast Cancer, Fibromyalgia, and Mixed
As a teen, Jana started experiencing classic autoimmune symptoms - fatigue, weightloss, muscle pain,
As you may remember, after a fairly disappointing first appointment, my mom's rheumatologist sent he
Nancie has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, endometriosis, and is now searching for a diagnosis for a myster
After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Claire was determined to find a holistic path to
On top of a congenital heart defect, Misti Blu has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. She has not had an easy r
You all know by now that Chelsey has Rheumatoid Arthritis (and if you don't, now you do!). What you
Depression is a really tough topic to talk about, yet somehow, Samantha still manages to make this e
Christine is the lucky winner of 2 autoimmune diseases: Graves Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. At
An update on Chelsey's mom's quest for treatment. Make sure to listen to Episode 2: Fibromyalgia fir
Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes has evolved since Mikki was first diagnosed. She’s no longer stabbing
This week, Chelsey is talking with Shawna who has been through a lot with her Crohn’s Disease (as we
Much like with an autoimmune disease, Emily has to manage her anxiety on a daily basis. By eliminati
Pro tip: If you're going into anaphylaxis multiple times a week for months on end, you might have an
Natalie has struggled with autoimmune issues for a long time and it hasn't been easy. She's been dia
This episode, Chelsey's friend Jenelle tells us about her experience with celiac disease and how it
This episode, Chelsey has a super special guest: her mom! Kelley has been struggling with fibromyalg
Welcome to My Immune System Hates Me! Chelsey was recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and i