cover of episode EP. 54 PENNSYLVANIA - Tortured To Death: The Horrific Murder of Jennifer Daugherty

EP. 54 PENNSYLVANIA - Tortured To Death: The Horrific Murder of Jennifer Daugherty

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Murder In America

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主播:本案讲述了詹妮弗·多尔蒂被她自认为的朋友们残忍杀害的故事,这起案件涉及到暴力、强奸、酷刑和谋杀等令人发指的罪行,受害者詹妮弗因为智力障碍而格外容易受到伤害,凶手们利用了她的信任和单纯。安吉拉因为嫉妒詹妮弗和里基的关系而策划了这起犯罪,并煽动其他人参与其中。里基作为主要参与者,在整个过程中扮演了关键角色,他既利用了詹妮弗的感情,又纵容了安吉拉等人的暴行。梅尔文和安珀积极参与了对詹妮弗的折磨和杀害。佩吉和罗伯特虽然没有直接参与杀害,但他们也参与了对詹妮弗的虐待和监禁,并未能阻止犯罪的发生。詹妮弗的家人在案件中遭受了巨大的痛苦和损失,他们为詹妮弗的遭遇感到悲痛,并寻求正义。 安吉拉:安吉拉在审讯中承认自己打了詹妮弗,但否认自己是主要凶手,她将责任推卸给其他人,声称自己只是因为嫉妒詹妮弗和里基的关系而感到愤怒。 里基:里基在审讯中试图将责任推卸给梅尔文,声称自己是被迫参与的,并表示自己爱詹妮弗,不希望伤害她。 梅尔文:梅尔文在审讯中也试图将责任推卸给里基,声称自己是被里基威胁的,并被迫参与了杀害詹妮弗。 安珀:安珀认罪并作证指控其他人,她详细描述了詹妮弗遭受的折磨和杀害过程,并表达了对詹妮弗的同情和歉意。 佩吉和罗伯特:佩吉和罗伯特认罪,承认参与了对詹妮弗的虐待和监禁,但否认直接参与杀害。

Deep Dive

Jennifer Daugherty, a woman with a mental disability, struggled to make friends but found acceptance at a community center in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. There, she met Angela Maranucci and Ricky Smearns, who would later be part of the group that tortured and murdered her.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2010, a horrific murder shocked the state of Pennsylvania, and all of America. A group of friends had turned against one of their own, in one of the worst ways possible... this story is disgusting, disturbing, and depressing. This, is the story of the murder of Jennifer Daugherty. And you're listening, to MURDER IN AMERICA.

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A huge thanks to SARENA NIX for helping us research and write this episode!

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