本期推荐又称“狮子之瞳”(或称“狮子的眼睛”)21世纪初叶,我们在各自小学毕业的夏天,玩到了影响到今后人生道路的一部龙珠游戏——《龙珠Z 悟空的遗产2》!这款游戏是GBA平台上的ARPG类型游戏《龙珠Z》系列第二部作品,讲述人造人篇的故事。两位老粉丝坐下来闲聊了许多游戏当中的小细节,在熟悉的音乐陪伴下度过了愉快的一个下午(当然我们并不想聊Webfoot后来的那作GT)。“彻底入坑,直接影响到了之后我对《龙珠Z》的热爱”——Minami“You've got the eyes of the lion!”——亚洲冯俊有多么的震撼呢?主持人:火星人(冯俊),摇戴狗minami录制日期 2018.7.1歌单:legacy_of_goku_iiOpening (SSJ3 Transformation)goku's_homeworld_mapeast_district_439the_eye_of_the_lion(这就是传说中的原版《狮子的眼睛》)west_city_play_&_watchwest_cityareas_of_actiontrunks'themewest_city_eat&collectcapsule_corporationnorthern_mountainstime&_spaceconfrontationsomething's_wrongSatan City (New Earth Music Arranged)The Eye Of The Lion (Guitar Ver.) - 田曦(大学时代remix)别吐槽我的音色和混音了!等我有空搞得牛逼的!* 附《The Eye Of The Lion》英文歌词:If you want to fight, look into my eyes!I've got the eyes of the lion!I'll beat you up without even tryin'!The eyes of the lion!Feel the danger around you!The black darkness surrounds you!What are you going to do?The eyes of the lion!You've got the awesome power within you!It's been there all along!Don't feel blueYou've got the eyes of the lion!Fear is the only thing holding you back!Green pastures are ahead of you!Move in and attack!Don't forget the eyes of the lion!YEEEEAAAAAAHHH!!!!!Eyes of the Lion!