MTB Podcast

All things Mountain Bikes! News, trends, reviews, bike tech & more presented by Worldwide Cyclery &


Total: 154

EWS Round 1 took place in Rotorua, New Zealand, and we've got first-hand insight into what went down

Who wants to shred new bikes!? We all do! :) That said, knowing a few key things beforehand will mak

Jonathan and Steven make sense of the MANY wheel, hub and axle standards, discuss the direct to cons

Your guide to MTB rear suspension systems! Jonathan and Steven go over all the major rear suspension

Are e-bikes really ruining mountain biking, and why are roadies freaking out about disc brakes? Also

The Roadie's guide to MTB! Brian Kennedy of popular YouTube channel BKXC is in studio to chat about

The mountain bikers guide to road cycling! Steven and Jonathan break down all the peculiarities, and

A comprehensive guide to building your own bike. Jonathan and Steven take your questions on training

Jonathan and Steven cover XC training questions, what tubeless sealant is best and how to use it, if

The always outspoken Kurt Gensheimer (AKA "The Angry Singlespeeder") joins us to answer your questio

Amy Morrison (Pro Enduro rider for Marin) joins us to cover all the new team announcements, product

Jonathan and Steven talk downhill news, rider signings and contract woes, bargain enduro bikes, Kyle

Jonathan and Steven cover the yearly awards from VitalMTB and MTBR, discuss the future of XC, The Ca

MTB Podcast - Episode 1


What the MTB podcast is all about, who the hosts are, who it's for, and how you can get involved.