Dan Taberski
Mr. Ballen
Mr. Ballen: 本故事讲述了Yasutake家族的悲剧,妹妹Rina在家中去世后,家人因精神疾病而未能及时处理遗体,最终被警方发现。故事中详细描述了Rina的 recluse 生活方式,以及家人为了支持她所谓的‘艺术作品’而做出的种种举动,包括购买大量酒精擦拭她的遗体。最终,法院以家人精神疾病为由撤销了指控。 Yoshika Yasutake: 作为姐姐,Yoshika 与妹妹 Rina 的关系复杂。她曾是世界级钢琴家,但为了支持 Rina 的‘艺术作品’,放弃了自己的事业。她对 Rina 的行为感到不满,但同时也怀念两人曾经的亲密关系。在 Rina 死后,她仍然相信妹妹还活着,并积极参与了擦拭妹妹遗体的行为。 Rina Yasutake: Rina 是一个天才艺术家,但同时也患有精神疾病,长期把自己封闭在房间里,拒绝与外界接触。她自称在创作一件‘艺术作品’,并制定了一系列严格的规则,要求家人遵守。她最终死于饥饿,但家人却一直坚信她还活着。 Takahiro Yasutake: 作为哥哥,Takahiro 对妹妹 Rina 充满信心,并积极支持她所谓的‘艺术作品’。他与 Rina 的关系比 Yoshika 更亲密,并承担了为 Rina 做饭和购买酒精的任务。在发现 Rina 死亡后,他仍然坚信妹妹还活着,并参与了擦拭妹妹遗体的行为。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Today’s story is really, really weird. And just know going into this that a lot of what happened in the story has never been fully explained, so we did our best to make this make sense. But I'm sure many of you at the end of this story are going to be like, “what did I just hear?” And if that's you, I would encourage you to just Google the case yourself, because it's totally wild.

Story name, preview & link to original YouTube video:

  • #1 -- "Masterwork" -- At the end of the story, some of you may be left thinking, “what the heck did I just watch?" And if that's you, I would encourage you to google this story yourself (Original YouTube link --

For 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --

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