Mr. Ballen
本集讲述了1994年新泽西州Cherry Hill发生的卡萝尔·纽兰德谋杀案。卡萝尔是一名成功的烘焙师,与丈夫弗雷德·纽兰德(一位犹太教拉比)结婚多年。案发前,两人婚姻出现裂痕,弗雷德与教区一位名叫伊莱恩·桑西尼的女性有染。弗雷德为了摆脱婚姻,策划了卡萝尔的谋杀。他雇佣了私家侦探伦·杰诺夫,伦又找来同伙保罗·丹尼尔斯实施犯罪。伦在第一次潜入卡萝尔家时未能得手,因为卡萝尔没有带现金回家。一周后,伦再次潜入卡萝尔家,并杀害了她。案发后,警方调查了弗雷德及其家人,但进展缓慢。直到几年后,伦·杰诺夫良心发现,向警方自首,揭露了弗雷德策划谋杀的真相。最终,弗雷德被判犯有谋杀罪,伦·杰诺夫和保罗·丹尼尔斯被判犯有加重过失杀人罪。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

This story is a fan favorite that was previously published as Episode 55.

In the fall of 1994, a 52-year-old woman pulled into the driveway of her home in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and then turned her car off. As she sat there for a minute, chatting with her daughter on her car phone, she was suddenly startled by someone running up and knocking on her window. When she turned to see who it was, she saw this big guy standing in the driveway who she didn't recognize. But when she rolled the window down just a couple of inches, and she was able to hear what this guy was saying, the woman relaxed. Then she got out of her car, shut the door behind her, and then led this guy into her home with her… That man would later be dubbed, “The Bathroom Man,” and he was there to do something horrific to that woman.

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