Moyra & Big Trev on 1029 Hot Tomato

Moyra & Big Trev have got your backs on that shoddy M1, you won't even mind getting stuck in traffic


Total: 347

Moyra got a pair of Crocs gifted to her. They have been worn. Big Trev got gifted a pair and he hasn

Moyra and Big Trev pack so much into their show every day, this is just a mere taste of some of the

There's no stupid questions on our show... and we encourage anyone and everyone to ring in with thei

Shops That Are No More


It's always sad when your favourite shop closes down (Brashes anyone?), so Moyra and Big Trev wanted

There are some suburbs of the Gold Coast that no longer exist, that have just been absorbed into oth

In this episode of the Gold Coast Community Page, we start off talking about a toilet and finish on

The team continue to surprise each other with gifts and today it's Big Trev's turn with a mystery gi

Did You Know?


Moyra and Big Trev are always on the hunt for facts and want to hear as many facts as they're brains

The Witch Of Moons Lane


Michelle, our Witch From Moons Lane is back with another listener reading from the other side!See om

The admins from the famed Gold Coast Community Facebook Page send Moyra all of the posts they can't

Moyra got "given" a pair of Crocs and now she's wearing them in REAL LIFE!See

Did You Know?


Moyra and Big Trev's weekly segment dedicated to facts you may not know including a weekly bonus fac

There may be a regular segment brewing here as Moyra and Big Trev look for Amazing Stories.  You wil

Michelle, our Witch of Moon's Lane is back to give some listeners a reading from "the other side"See

Numpty Of The Week


Numptys, they're everywhere. Moyra and Big Trev's job is to find them and make an example of them on

We really do love you Moyra, but you've gone to the dark side!See for privac

Did You Know?


It's their weekly segment dedicated to things you may or may not have known. As Moyra says, it's "Di

School Camps are a major event in kids lives (and parents) so Moyra and Big Trev wanted to hear abou

Moyra and Big Trev opened up about their favourite words of all time.See for

Moyra recently experienced a moment with her son where she watched an MA15+ tv show and a naughty sc