cover of episode TIME TO GET UP AND GET TO WORK - Powerful Motivational Speech ft Coach Pain

TIME TO GET UP AND GET TO WORK - Powerful Motivational Speech ft Coach Pain

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Motivation Daily by Motiversity

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Coach Pain
Coach Pain: 演讲的核心是强调立即行动的重要性,不要沉溺于负面情绪,要对自己的生活负责。他鼓励听众依靠自身的力量去提升自己,即使需要支持,也应该首先承担起责任。他反复强调要摒弃自怜自艾的情绪,要相信自己有能力克服困难,最终获得成功。演讲中穿插着对听众的鼓励和鞭策,语气坚定而充满力量,旨在激励听众积极行动,并对自己的未来负责。他认为,成功并非易事,需要付出努力和牺牲,更需要自律和坚持。他鼓励听众专注于当下,立即行动,不要把希望寄托于未来。他相信,只要努力,每个人都能成为最好的自己。 Coach Pain: 本段演讲的核心思想是强调个人责任和行动的重要性。演讲者认为,每个人都应该为自己的行为负责,不能依赖他人,要相信自己有能力改变现状。他鼓励听众克服自身的弱点,例如疲惫、软弱和愤怒,积极地去面对挑战。他认为,自怨自艾并不能解决问题,只有积极行动才能带来改变。同时,演讲者也表达了对听众的关心和支持,他相信每个人都有潜力去实现自己的目标,只要他们愿意付出努力并承担责任。

Deep Dive

Coach Pain emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and taking action. He encourages listeners to stop waiting for others to build them up and instead focus on building themselves. He highlights the need to be accountable for one's actions and to depend on oneself.
  • Take responsibility for your actions.
  • Stop waiting for others to save you.
  • Depend on yourself.
  • Take time for self-reflection and growth.

Shownotes Transcript


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Listen up, my friend. I need you to get up and I need you to get to work.

I need you to get to work because it's necessary for you to do so. You can't be sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and waiting for someone to build you up when you have everything you need to build yourself up. And I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you that you don't need support because we all do from time to time.

But you have to be responsible for your actions. You have to hold yourself accountable for your actions. You can't be sitting around and waiting for something to happen by itself like someone owes you something. Nobody owes you anything. You have to have the capabilities of saving yourself. You have to have the capabilities of depending on you.

It's good that you have people around you that care about you and love you. I love you. But you have to also be accountable for the things that you need to do alone. To have that me time. You have to have that responsibility within yourself and being able to go a step further without any hesitation. This does not come down to doing nothing. Something must be done. And you need to get done.

When are you going to be disciplined enough to know enough is enough?

It's not gonna be easy. I know it's not gonna be easy, but I'm here to let you know my friend You have everything you need with inside yourself Stop wasting time stop waiting for someone to rescue you stop letting someone else decide your fate and

Be responsible for your destiny. Be accountable for your actions and get to work because work has to be done. You can sit around and waste time. You can sit around and wait for someone to pick you up when you're down. I said it before and I keep saying this to you often and often again. If you think for one minute that you are not worth anything, then shame on you.

You can do this. You have to do this. What are you going to do? You're going to sit around and wait and wait and wait and wait for someone to pick you up off the ground when you're down? When you have everything you need to pick yourself up. I understand you get tired. I understand you get weak. I understand you're angry. But what are you going to do about it? Being angry is not going to fix it. Feeling sorry for yourself is not going to fix it.

i need you to do better i need you to get up and i need you to get to work don't you realize how important you are don't you realize that you have a job to do don't you realize the essence of your life matters what are you waiting for what are you gonna do right now in your life because the pity parties

You got to put them away right now. The pity parties, nobody's going to celebrate that with you. Nobody in their right mind is going to stand by you and have a pity party with you. I'm not going to stand by you because I believe in you. If I'm going to stand with you, I'm going to stand with you to lift you up, not celebrate your pity because pity is not going to get you there. Strength and power and wisdom and faith that will get you there.

But what are you prepared to do? Are you prepared to make the sacrifices? Are you prepared to move forward? Are you prepared to put in the work? Or are you going to have a lazy mindset? This is not going to cut it. You have to be free. Because I believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself. But you've got to work on that faith. You've got to work on you. You've got to be able to understand that God knows what to do.

It won't be easy. It's never easy. You don't want it to be easy. Because when it's easy and hard times come, what are you going to do? Because you're too busy. Instead of doing what's necessary to be the best makeup of yourself. You're sitting around watching people progress in their lives. And you're sitting around thinking to yourself, why can't I be like this person?

Why do you need to be like anybody else? Why can't you just be you? Why can't you just be true to who you are? Why can't you tell your truth instead of someone else's lies? Because what they do has nothing to do with you. What other people are doing in their lives right now to better themselves has nothing to do with you. Can you do better? I know you can do better, Mom.

But you got to get to work. You got to get to work. And you have to get to work right now. What about tomorrow? What about it? What does tomorrow have to do with right now for you? Tomorrow? I'll tell you about tomorrow. Do it now. Focus on right now. Take the steps today. And let tomorrow take care of itself. Because if tomorrow is waiting for you,

I won't do nothing to you.

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