cover of episode RUNNING MOTIVATION - Powerful Motivational Speeches for Success & Workouts

RUNNING MOTIVATION - Powerful Motivational Speeches for Success & Workouts

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Motivation Daily by Motiversity

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Coach Pain: 追逐梦想的过程中,虽然会经历失望、失败和挫折,但最终会发现自身的强大潜力。大多数人没有为梦想努力,他们满足于现状,而追逐梦想的人生活更有意义。要对生活和梦想说yes,不要被环境和年龄所限制。未来是无限的,每个人都有改变人生方向的力量。不冒险就不能成长,不成长就不能成为最好的自己,不能成为最好的自己就不能快乐。追逐梦想的过程中,即使没有实现梦想,也会变得更加强大和自信,能够迎接新的挑战。通过生活的磨练,人们会发现自己拥有掌控人生的权力。大多数人避免挑战和痛苦,却因此失去了成长的机会。要不断尝试超越已掌握的技能才能获得成长。每个人都有属于自己的独特机遇,不必害怕失去。要信守承诺,建立可靠的人际网络。追求梦想需要耐心、坚持和积极乐观的态度。不要轻易放弃梦想,即使遇到挫折也要坚持下去。不要轻易评判,保持积极乐观的心态。要改变现状,就必须改变自己的行为方式。要对自己的生活负责,并勇于改变。要追求更高的目标,创造更有意义的生活。相信我们可以创造一个更美好的社会。即使面对挫折和失败,也要继续前行,因为每个人都是特别的。要专注于自身,不要被外界干扰。即使疲惫,也要坚持追逐梦想。人生旅程充满起伏,要坚持不懈,克服困难。专注于自身,不要被他人影响。要专注于自身的目标,不要被他人评价所影响。要专注于自身,一步一个脚印地前进。成功需要不懈的努力和付出。成功需要在幕后付出努力。成功背后需要付出巨大的努力和牺牲。要找到人生的意义,并为之付出努力。要专注于目标,排除干扰,努力实现梦想。要专注于工作,不要被外界干扰。要评估生活中的一切,并专注于重要的事情。要排除干扰,专注于实现目标。要专注于工作,不要炫耀。在实现目标的过程中,要坚持不懈,不要被困难打倒。要坚持不懈,努力实现目标。要为自己的目标而努力奋斗。要坚持不懈,永不放弃。要努力争取想要的生活。要珍惜时间,努力工作。要努力工作,不要等待成功。要超越自己的极限,展现自己的实力。要相信自己,永不放弃。要充满激情,为自己的目标而奋斗。要努力工作,不要浪费时间。要坚持自己的目标,不要被外界干扰。要记住自己的目标,并为之努力。要专注于自身,提升自己的能力。要像鲨鱼一样,永不放弃。要不断提升自己,才能取得成功。要不断努力,才能实现目标。要成为一个有影响力的人。要坚持自己的梦想,不要轻易放弃。要相信自己,并为之努力。要相信自己,并为之努力。要不断努力,才能实现目标。要像鲨鱼一样,永不放弃。要不断提升自己,才能取得成功。 Les Brown: Eric Thomas: Marcus "Elevation" Taylor: William Hollis: Dr. Jessica Houston: Walter Bond:

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What I'd like you to do right now, I want you to think about your dream. Think about your dream right now and envision it. I don't know what that dream is that you have. I don't care how far-fetched it might appear to be. I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream. But here's what I know, that that dream that you're holding in your mind, that it's possible. See, sometimes we can't say, I can do that.

But what we can say, that it's possible that I can have my dream as we run toward it, as we work on it day in and day out. And most people don't work on their dreams. Why? They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, they stop pushing themselves. These are not risk takers. Most people have done all that they're ever going to do. They raise a family, they earn a living, and then they die.

But people who are running toward their dreams life has a special kind of meaning. That in the process of working on your dreams, you are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain, a lot of setbacks, a lot of defeats. But in the process of doing that, you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now. What you'll realize is that you're more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine.

Align yourself with people that can encourage you, people that can empower you, people that you can learn from, people that you can grow from. Look at your life, look at where you want to go. Don't worry about your circumstances. Don't worry about your age. See, it's time now. If you want to make this your decade, you've got to start saying yes to your life. You've got to start saying yes to your dreams, yes to your unfolding future, yes to your potential. Why not?

The future is unfolding for you right now. The future is unlimited for you right now. No one knows where you can go. No one knows what you're capable of or what's possible for you. We have the power to change our personal history, changing the direction of our lives, changing our thoughts, changing where we want to go, exploring new horizons.

So as you begin to look at this decade and affirming that this is your decade, as you set goals that will make you stretch, that will bring out the best in you, as you begin to remove the negative toxic people from your life, as you decide to take some chances in life, and that's one of the things that's very important. This God said, if you're not willing to risk, you cannot grow. And if you cannot grow, you cannot become your best. And if you cannot become your best, you cannot be happy. And if you can't be happy, then what else is there?

When you're working on a dream at some point in time a transition take place and the transition is is what you are becoming in pursuit of the dream because even if you don't get the dream you become such a strong and powerful person it will so change your life you can look at something else and say well I think I'll go do this then.

Because you have now developed yourself in such confidence and such competence and how to deal in the arena of life that you can move into another area and not miss a beat. Once you begin to discover who you are, then you really realize how you have been given authority and dominion over everything on the face of the earth, including all the dimensions of your life.

But you can only do that through the struggle of life. And most people avoid the struggle. Most people go through life avoiding pain. And when you go through life like that, something in you dies. Something in you that you never activate is lying dormant in there. That you never get a chance to call on because you have not challenged yourself. Somebody said, "The land of familiarity belongs to the dead."

that most people like to feel like they're a king in the area of their comfort zone. They only want to do those things that they know how to do well. Osborne said, "Unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you've already mastered, you will never grow."

There's no saying judge a man not by what he does but by that that he doesn't have to do. And to judge a true quality of a man is what do you do when nobody's looking. See there's some good out there for you in the universe that has your name on it and nobody can get your good. It has your name on it. They can't take your stuff. It's your stuff. So when you know that, when you know that whatever you're seeking it's also seeking you.

You don't worry. You don't run scared. You don't think somebody's gonna take it from you. You listen to your inner voice and you always take the high road. There will be the tendency, the natural inclination to take the low road. You must resist that. Here's something else I encourage you to do if you want to make it today. Keep your agreements. Keep your agreements that you make and establish a network of people who will also do that.

Establish a network of people in your life that you can count on, that will be there for you when you need them, and you'll be there for them. Leave the flakes alone, people that are seriously not serious. And if you're surrounded by flakes, that tells you who you are. Here's something else.

Three P's to have in your life and working on your dream and doing your life work. You must be patient, persistent and positive no matter what. Be positive no matter what because when you are negative ladies and gentlemen, you're sending out negative energy and you're blocking your good.

So don't send out any negative energy. Don't take it personal. See, a lot of people have an idea or a dream and they give up on it. No, no, don't do that. Work your dream until it get hot. See, most things don't happen as soon as we think they should happen. The messenger of misery might drop in on you and say, hello. Murphy's law might come by and thump you on the head. Any number of things can happen to interrupt your flow. It's okay. Don't take it personal. Just acknowledge what's going on. It's called life.

and keep on working on your dream. Continue to keep on knocking, keep on knocking because this is your life. This is what you love. This is your passion. Step back. Don't judge it. If you judge it, judge not yet unless ye be judged. Why? Because when you judge it, you invest emotion in it and that emotion could be anger. And guess what? That hurts you. That doesn't hurt anybody else. So what do you want to take yourself out early for by internalizing things? Shakespeare said, nothing is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.

So judge not according to appearances, but write judgment and feel that everything is going to work out for you because you're patient, you're persistent, and you're going to be positive no matter what. Don't allow other things or people or circumstances to determine what your reaction is going to be. So don't allow people to determine how you are going to respond to them or circumstances. Learn to look at it. Look at your life right now.

If you want to keep on getting what you're getting, keep on doing what you're doing. You've got to be willing to change your ways. Your life is working. If you don't like what you have produced, you are director, you are the star, you wrote this script.

You produced this, whatever it is. If it's a hit, you produced it. If it's a flop, you produced it. Take ownership of it and decide to go back to the drawing board and rewrite the script that you are the star of. You have the power to do that. On this day, you can declare that I'm going to change. As you look back on your life, you can decide that I don't like what I produced here and I want higher ground.

I want to begin to experience more love. I want to have more adventure in my life. I want something that gives my life a sense of meaning. I believe, ladies and gentlemen, if we can accept the possibility that this is the decade of consciousness. That's what I believe that this is. The decade of consciousness, if you please. A time where we can begin to create in folks' minds the idea, the possibility,

That we can create a more humane society. The possibility that we can create more love, communication and understanding in relationships. The possibility that we can create a drug-free America. The possibility that we can create the kind of respect for diversity and difference in our multicultural society. The possibility that we can begin to develop

the mindset to bring out the best in people, to encourage them to achieve their greatness and support them in their dreams. That if we can, in this decade of consciousness, to begin to see and envision that happening and that we all can play a role, that we were born for such a time as this, that we showed up for this, that we survived one out of nine million sperms and we have been chosen for this great work. What an exciting time to be alive. The Charma.

Where a man or a woman is made. The journey. The places where you bury loved ones. And you gotta keep going on without them. The journey. The moment when you get that phone call. When you've been going to interviews for months and months and months. And they give you that call back and they say, I'm sorry. We just didn't have what we were looking for. There's somebody out there right now.

There's somebody out there talking about quitting right now. And I want you to look me in my eye and listen to me. You are special. No matter if you have a degree. No matter if you work at McDonald's. You are special. Your gifts. Your special gifts. You were born with them. That's where you will find your greatness. The German. I need you to understand this. It's you versus you. Your dream.

Versus the world! Don't let them stop you! Let them see you! Let them see you shine! Some's gonna fail tests, some's gonna lose family members! But would not! Keep chasing the dream that hunts you! The dream that bites and eats at your soul! Because this is the only thing you wanna do! But just like when Coach used to say, "Keep running!" I can hear him now, he's saying, "Keep running, Will!"

Keep running. I know you're tired. Keep running. You want that degree? Keep running. You want that high school diploma? Keep running. You want to sell your mom off in projects? Keep running. You want a beautiful life? Keep running. Let them watch you rise like the phoenix and become one of the greatest this world has ever seen. The journey. This journey of life. This journey full of ups and downs.

in pain, are you ready for it? Are you gonna sit down in the valley of pity for the rest of your life or are you going to rise and keep running? This is you versus you. Listen to me again, I need you to understand this. This is you versus you. You see, once you stop paying attention to everything that has nothing to do with you, your life will change. You wake up every single day, you get on your Instagram, you get on your Facebook, and what do you do?

You scroll up to see what's going on in other individuals lives. I need you to teach you the lesson of staying in your lane. Understanding your unique gifts that you have to give this world. You see, what I will relate to you guys with is the fact that I started off with a terrible household. I started off with people telling me, "You're gonna be just like your father."

with the echoes of the daughter screaming that you will stay in this pit of hell for the rest of your life. And as I watched around me, other kids listened. Other kids made this a part of their DNA. They decided to make this their reality. But I ran away. I ran towards my dreams because I understood that if I do not make it, my family dies in this pit of hell. But the only way I can start running

It's when I realized that it was me versus me. Not him versus me or her versus me or them versus me. It was me versus me. Paying attention to the man that's already a hundred miles ahead of you and focus on your next step. Put your crown on and become a king. Put your crown on and stop asking for the people to make you great. And you take it. And know this will not be given to you.

This will not just be handed to you. You're gonna have to take it. No, not with force or power, but I'm talking about pure work. I'm talking about relentless effort. I'm talking about that ordinary man outworking the so-called extraordinary man. What's a crown man? Through the process in the dark room that prepares us and equips us for the stages of destiny.

It's time to get real. It's time to get raw. It's time to look ourselves in the mirror and come to the resolve that this version of ourself is not going to carry us in the stretch. That I've been this version of myself long enough that if I don't change, if I don't do something about this, then I'm going to find myself bankrupt. Some of the most monumental and transformational portraits and pictures that we've ever seen were developed in the dark room.

We celebrate athletes and we celebrate critical thinkers and innovators and actors and we praise them and coin them our heroes and we follow them by the millions. We love what they do in public, but you don't know the story behind the glory. You don't know the blood, the sweat. You didn't see the tears that they cry, the prayers that they pray, the countless weeks where they went without sleep to get where they are.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to live and not know why you're living. I'm just wondering if there's anybody here that wants their future, that wants to fulfill their destiny, that wants to manifest, that wants to walk in discipline and determination. I'm just wondering, is there anybody here that's willing to disappear? Are you willing to forsake all distractions? Can you hide yourself in the light?

Can you hide yourself in the gym? Can you hide yourself in the boardroom and play in pockets and do what's required behind the scenes in order to manifest the moment? Can you hide yourself in your closet? Can you hide yourself in rooms? Can you hide yourself? We have this passion to be in the public eye, but no patience to do the work behind the scenes. Stop telling the world what you are about to do.

Steve Jobs once said, we do not say anything about future products. We work on them in secret and then we release them to the world.

We only have so much real estate in our minds and our hearts. We only have so much bandwidth in our mental capacity. And the more distractions, the more delusions, the more negativity that we allow to take up real estate in our hearts and in our minds, the less energy we have to fulfill the call to fulfill destiny, to manifest the idea. Everything that you think about, that you meditate on, everything

Everything that has to your attention has to be worth your time. So now it's time to navigate and do an appraisal of everything that's in our life. Everything and everybody in our life. Time to do an appraisal and ask them this question. Are you worth my time? If you're not, it's time to unplug. Time to unplug. Time to unplug.

I'm just wondering if there's anybody that can hear my voice right now that has come to the end of themselves and they are willing to eliminate distractions. They are willing to delete social media apps if they have to. They are willing to walk away from everything that is distracted, everything that has diluted your devotion and your determination, every disease and dysfunction and disorder that has pulled you from destiny after you have heard it.

After you have received it, after you have written it down, after you have spoken it once, do what is required to manifest it into reality. And you can see it in your head, in your hand. Stop telling everybody what you're going to do. Stop telling everybody what your next move is and just disappear and do the work that is required.

Don't be bitter. Don't be frustrated. Listen, just remain faithful behind the scenes. Promotion is coming. Stages and opportunities are being prepared right now as you sacrifice in secret, as you put the work in in the dark room, as you do what is required to hold in your hand what you see in your head. When no one is there to affirm you, when nobody's there to validate you, when nobody is there to agree with you,

You build in the dark and you announce it when it's finished. It's 4:00 AM and your alarm clock goes off. You're thinking, do I really need to get up? Maybe five more minutes. Let me just rest my eyes for five more minutes. But then you kick a leg out from under your blanket and the other leg falls. You feel that cold hit you like a shot of ice to your brain.

A silent whisper crosses your mind. Why am I getting up? Should I go back to bed? And you're thinking to yourself, I'm so tired from the day before. Why am I doing this to myself? Every fiber of your being is telling you, just go back to bed. This mountain is too high. It's just not worth it. But today, today is different. Today, something else is speaking to you.

It's a hunger. The beast inside. First, it was a whisper. Then the loudest scream you ever heard. Yelling at you to get up, put both feet on the ground and rise. It is time to take on this glorious day. Welcome to the first day of your new life. A life where you decide every moment of every day to better yourself.

to make those uncomfortable choices to get you where you want to be. But you know that this is your new life and it's going to cost you your old one. It's going to cost you your old self. But you're ready. You're ready to step up and take a hold of your new life and make it everything that you can imagine it to be. This is day one. It's only going to get tougher from here. But you know you are made tougher

tougher than any other obstacle that comes your way. The only thing you need to do is pick up your feet with every step you need to decide to take another. Walking through anything that comes your way. You my friend are on your way. You're on your way of carving out your new life, taking what you deserve and never backing down without a fight.

You have come too far to only come this far. But don't look back now. This, my friend, is what you've been preparing for. You are on the cusp of greatness. You need to keep going. Don't stop now. This is not the time to let doubt and insecurity sneak in. You have no time for that. It's all up to you. Rise and grind.

It's time to be about it. It's time to get the life you always wanted. It's time to understand if you want to get something out of your life, you have to be willing to work for it. It's all up to you. Rise and grind. Rise and grind. Rise and grind.

So you got to understand that you got to get up and be willing enough to get the most of the life you've been given. I believe and I stand on it to this day. As long as the sun is shining on my face and not on my grave, I got an opportunity of a lifetime. I don't have time to waste time because as soon as that sun comes up, it's going to be about his business. I need to be about my business.

Because my life is my business people question me and they ask why do you get up so early? Why coach? Why do you get up so early? Why do you need to get up so early? I need to get my sleep. You need to get your sleep I need to get up because while the excuses are sleeping. I'm working. I

Are you going to let success sit around and wait for you? You believe that success is your best friend. Success doesn't care about you if you don't care about success. You know why? Because success is already made up his mind. It is going in the direction that it needs to go. It is hunting for the one that wants it the most, but you're not doing the hunting. You're sitting around waiting. You become something else less of yourself because you don't believe that you have the

and the capability to be the best of yourself. So why? You just sit back and wait for somebody to pat you on the shoulder and say it's okay, at least you gave it your best. Your best ain't good enough. Your best don't work. You need to go beyond your best. You need to go beyond the level. You need to let the world know that you exist. You need to let the world know that you made different. You're built different. You're stronger. You're more passionate. You believe in yourself. When the rest of the world shuts you down,

You woke up the next day and you said, "I got this. I do this. I breathe this. I am this. You can't stop me for who I am, what I am, who I am and what I stand for. You don't belong in this world. You don't belong in my world of life. You don't belong in my world of person. You don't belong in my world of passion.

You don't belong in my world of strength. You know why? Because you ain't strong enough. You're not willing enough. You're not passionate enough. And you know why I'm so passionate? Because the rest of the world don't understand my passion. The other world don't want my passion. They think my passion is too much. I'm gonna give you a little bit more. You know why? Because passion is what makes me who I am today. What are you? And what are you prepared to do? Are you prepared to fight? Are you prepared to bleed? Are you prepared to work? That sun is the weapon. That sun

gives me life. Rise and grind. My freshman year I don't play a lick and before I knew it I lost my mindset again. I began to recalibrate. You know everybody done play in NBA. I'll graduate in four years. You know what I just go get a good job. It's okay. It's okay. And the end of my freshman year my daddy called me on the phone. He asked me questions. He said son you're not playing. Why not? Politics dad. It's political.

My father asked me a question, he says, "How does your coach get paid, son?" I said, "Dad, he gets paid to win." He says, "Okay, son, if your coach gets paid to win, won't he play the players that give him the best chance to win?" He said, "Son, you got recruited, you took all your visits, you chose Minnesota. You took the time and you chose Minnesota. You told me that you're going to turn that program around. You told me you're going to graduate in four years. You told me you're going to make more money in business than you did in sports." One of the core values of our training and development called family was accountability.

That was the core value of that training and development organization called the Bond Family Accountability. He said, "So go back and do what you said you're gonna do." My father reminded me of what I said I was gonna do. I went back to my coach's office. I said, "Coach, what do I need to do to play in the NBA?" He looked confused. This is what I told him. "I'm gonna become somebody different. What do I need to do to play in the NBA? I'm taking this thing to the next level. We about to rise up.

So for you to be passionate, your logic and your emotions need to be intertwined. See, some of you guys have the intellect and some of you guys have the passion, but you have to have both to be successful in this business.

Sharks are hunters and predators. They never stop swimming. In fact, if a shark stops swimming, it will die. If a shark goes backwards, it will die. Think like a shark, act like a shark, and behave like a shark. Can I ask you a question right now? Can I ask you a real question? Not your neighbor, I'm talking to you. What kind of student are you right now in life?

You're in charge of your promotion. If you do five million and want to get to ten, you're in charge. In order for you to rise up, you better take your game to the next level. Your mindset needs to go to the next level. Your information needs to go to the next level. Your relationships need to go to the next level. Take your money and get information and access, and you will get good habits and good rituals, and you will go to the next level. Coach, what do I need to do to play in the NBA? He said you can't run, you can't jump, you can't dribble, you can't shoot, and you can't rebound, son.

Next year I'll be your most improved player. I'm gonna think, I'm gonna execute, and I'm gonna win. I'm gonna think, I'm gonna execute, and I'm gonna win. I'm gonna execute what I've been trained to do. I'm connected to a shark. I'm connected to the greatest training organization in the world. And when I get home, I'm gonna become somebody different. What do I need to do? You need to have an honest self-assessment about what your weaknesses are. And that's how you get to the next level. My sophomore year rolls around.

We go all the way to the Sweet 16 and I'm the top six man in the country. I go back to my coach, what do I need to do to play in the NBA? The list got shorter. The next year we went all the way to the Elite Eight. We were one shot away from the Final Four and I was the top six man in the country. I carved out a niche. And that's what impact players do. They make their community better. They make their city better. They make their town better. They make realtors better. Be an impact player and anyone in your life, if they need a shark, you become their shark.

All I had to do was have one good year and I walked right into the NBA. My senior year, everything lines up. But the first game of my senior year, I break my foot. I come back in six weeks and I break my foot a second time. In my mind, my college career was over and my NBA dreams were dead. I had seven points a game. I got offered a $75,000 job because one of my season ticket holders liked me. Right before I took the job, my daddy called me on the phone.

He would always ask the right questions at the right time. He said, "You had a tough year, son. What's next?" I said, "Daddy, I'm going to be a hospital administrator, $75,000 job." He said, "Not bad, son, but can I ask you a question? Do you believe you're an NBA player?"

Come on now, dad. I only have seven points a game, dad. We're not like these other black families that just need basketball, dad. We're educated, dad. We're not dependent on basketball, dad. We're balanced, dad. We're educated, dad. I got a $75,000 job, dad. Do you believe, son? He was checking my mindset. He was checking to see, was I thinking like an A student? Or was I falling back into that C mindset? Do you believe you're an NBA player? I said, yeah, dad, I do.

He said, "Well go for it son, but dad I never started in college, but, but, but..." My father said, "You told me son, that you're going to turn that program around and you did it for an event son. You told me you're going to graduate in four years son. The average student graduates in five. I'm proud of you. But you told me that you're going to play in the NBA. And you told me you're going to make more money in business than you did in sports. Do you believe you're an NBA ball player?" "I do daddy." "Go for it Swann, go for it." I go back to my coach's office.

And I said, "Coach, what do I need to do to play in the NBA?" He teared up. I teared up. He said, "I'll be honest with you, son. When I recruited you, I heard you was a mama's boy, but you're not. In fact, you're one of the toughest players I've ever had. I'm a Hall of Fame motivational speaker. I go all over the world running my mouth, but he gave me the greatest compliment I've ever received." He said, "You're just like your daddy." My daddy was a shark, and I was a sucker fish. But that moment was my opportunity

to turn into a shark myself. If you hang around sharks long enough, it will transform your mindset and I promise you, you will be like a shark. You will think like a shark. You can't go backwards and if you stop swimming, you will die. Brian Buffini, he can't go backwards and if he stops swimming, he will die. So ladies and gentlemen, you're connected to the right shark. All you need to do is be a good sucker fish. Success is all around you. Just pay attention.

Every time you leave a business meeting, consciously and subconsciously, that person will be briefing you. Are you likable? Do you brighten up a room when you enter or do you brighten up a room when you leave? Are you good with people? And don't you ever be a Sarah Parasite, which means don't you ever come to this conference and go back home and do nothing. And then claim, "Oh, I tried and it didn't work." No! My college basketball coach said, "Son, I think you should be a motivational speaker." I said, "Coach, I can talk the rest of my life. What do I need to do to play in the NBA?"

He said, "If you do those two things, you're playing the NBA. You got to better shoot the three-point shot with range, and you got to lose about 15 pounds because you don't pass the eyeball test." When I talk about the eyeball test, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about me. He says, "The NBA thinks you're a football player trying to play basketball. You got to lose weight to change the perception." I lost 15 pounds, and I became the first ever undrafted rookie free agent in the history of the NBA to start opening night.

Here's the deal. If you get to the top of the tree, all the fruit from the bottom at the top is going to be there, son. So I don't need you focusing on cars and money and stuff. You're going to get that. I need you to focus on why you were born in the first place. Why are you here on earth for this particular time? What are you doing here? I don't need to tell you that you owe you something.

I don't want nothing from you but for you to leave this room and know what you want. What do you want in your marriage? What do you want with your son and your daughter? What do you want in your health? What do you want financially? Like how much money do you want to make a year? What do you want to drive? How do you want to live? Stop just waking up like an accident. What do you want?

And then once you find out what you want, spend the rest of your natural life waking up and going after it. The reason why I speak with so much passion. E.T., why do you speak with so much authority? Because I'm talking about my life, not something that I read. I ain't out of trash cans.

You ain't gotta start with the two parent background. You ain't gotta start with wealth. You ain't gotta start with your parents graduated. It's not the hand that you dealt. You got rich kids who on drugs. You got rich kids who committed suicide. You got rich kids who don't know their purpose in life. It's not the hand that you was dealt, baby. It's how you play your hand. Every opportunity is the last opportunity. Every opportunity I have to re-prove myself again. Every opportunity I'm still nervous. ET, you've been doing this for years.

Why are you so nervous? Because the day you become content, the day you stop evaluating yourself, the day you stop growing, the day you stop getting better is the day you die. Is the day the person who's trying to catch you will get you. And I ain't where I want to be. And I'm like, God, I ain't where I want to be. And he was like, you stop being a victim. I said, what you mean a victim? Well, it ain't my fault my mom got pregnant at 17. It ain't my fault my daddy wasn't there. It ain't my fault they couldn't get along. It ain't my fault. He said, boy, you grown.

You ain't 10 no more. The decisions you make right now is up to you. You crying about something that happened to you when you was a kid. You ain't even no kid no more. You a grown man. Take full ownership. The stupid stuff you

Your parents didn't make you play no video games. What you crying about? So what your daddy wasn't there? Your mama end up getting married. What you crying about? He went to work every day. He never beat you. He never abused you. Your mama did the best she knew how to do. What you crying about? You grew up in a house. What you crying about? You've been lazy your whole life and now somebody told you you can make six figures and you go knock on the door a hundred times and your body say you a lie.

You ain't never gave 100%. And in order to knock on the door 100 times, you're going to have to get 120. Get up out of here. You can't do this. And you're going to have to fight and fight and fight and fight. And most of you won't be successful, not because you can't do it, but you can't outlast your old you long enough to get to your new you.

Every day when I wake up, I got all kind of demands. You got all kind of demands. And the reason why you're not where you want to be is not because you're not great, but you taking all other people's stuff before you spend enough time with yourself to get to know you and get to know what you want and what you should do. And so please raise your hand if you say E from this day forward, I make a commitment to myself in a way I've never made a commitment to myself before. Let me see your hands.

I said I'm a grind. I'm going to fight. I'm going to work. I'm going to press toward. I'm going to learn. I'm going to do everything in my power. Every single day, I'm going to do everything in my power to become a victor and not a victim. I've never seen, I've never seen all blacks play a day in my life. And if you watch some of my videos, I have all blacks in my videos. Why? Because they're what?

They're winners. When you're a winner, winning spreads. So everybody, I got videos where I'm like, y'all, I don't really know how to show my passion. Somebody said, get the All Blacks. I'm like, yep, that's what I need, All Blacks. All Blacks.

Yup, yup, I need the all blacks. I need the all, why? 'Cause they say what I'm saying. They just said it in rugby. I don't say, I don't, I'm like, woo, that's a violent sport. Their passion is all over there, why? 'Cause winners win. And I can't explain it to you, but you better stop making excuses and find a way to win. How do you do it then? Even we wake up and grind, winners win. I focus more on winning than I focus on structure. I focus on winning, and when you become a winner,

They start seeing you with winners. You know what's so funny? We want people to make guarantees to us, but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves. Now, I'm going to say it again. Like, somebody gave you a guarantee, $30, 30-day guarantee. In 30 days, if you don't make what they told you was going to make, in 30 days, you got an attitude, you want your money back. But you've never demanded your money back from yourself. You've never looked at yourself in the mirror and said, you let you down. Until you get to that point, you let you down.

Yo, people don't get it. Write this down. Your DNA is in your dream. Go to school for all these years and they never really show us the importance of dreaming. I said to my son, "Son, I gotta ask you a question." Like, and I'm being serious. I said, "Do you believe you created yourself?" I said, "Do you believe as a human being, not in a braggadocious way, but that you are the greatest level of all creation?"

And he's like, "You mean like over a deer?" I was like, "Yeah, deer." He's like, "You mean better than the eagle?" I'm like, "Yeah, like an eagle." He was like, "Of course, 'cause we can make decisions. We can do things." I said, "Okay, okay, okay. I just want to go back again. You don't believe you're a creator?" He said, "No, but you believe there's a higher power." He was like, "Yeah." And I said, "Okay, okay, okay. You believe as a human you're powerful." He was like, "Of course." I said, "So as a human, do you believe you were just born to be in a relationship, have sex, and have money and buy stuff?"

He was like, hmm, no, I guess it's something bigger than that, dad. Why have you never gone after your calling? Why you spend so much time worrying about a relationship? Why you spend so much time, son, worried about money and cars and stuff? If you really believe what you just told me that as a human is something greater than that, then why aren't you on that? He was like, I don't know. I said, because here's the trick, son. If you get this and that, you still might not get you.

Now, why is dreaming important? I don't care what level you get to. I need you to dream. I need you to focus on why you were born in the first place. Why are you here on earth for this particular time? What are you doing here? Anybody can buy a car, son. Animals get in relationships. Animals have sex and have kids. Son, it's got to be deeper than that. If you're higher than humans, then while you're here on earth, you got to do more than what animals do.

We gotta go to work. We gotta go to work. Because if I can get you to identify how much energy you put in others and in other people's dreams, and I can get you to pull back, and I can get you to do what you were born to do, what you were created to do, whoo!

Now, why is dreaming important? I don't care what level you get to. I need you to dream, right? I need you to, guys, I need you to spend a considerable amount of time dreaming every single day. Let me tell you why. I've noticed that the people who dream and those people who dream big have a different kind of life than the people who don't dream.

So if you were here and you're like, I'm scared, whatever you do, do this for me. Do not sabotage yourself with fear. Fear is not real. That's something in your brain. It does not exist. How do we get over it? You get over it by dreaming of what you can be.

Come on, y'all got to hear what I'm saying. There are those of you in this room, you spend a majority of your life doing what other people want you to do. You don't even know who you are. And so even what you're doing, you're not doing at 120% because you're doing what somebody else wants you to do and you're not that, you're not good enough to be somebody else.

So I need y'all to do me a favor. I need you to be selfish on the dream piece. Because what you have to understand is when you know who you are and you start operating that, you're going to start blessing people in a way you couldn't bless people before when you didn't really know who you were. See, this is the teaching the millennials need. This is what the millennials need, guys.

The millennials have rushed right into what they thought we wanted them to have. And that's cars and their stuff. Why? Because a generation before, for some of us, right, it was a working class. So they were in poverty, guys. And so they grew up watching their family work hard to get stuff. And so now we're wondering why they just want stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff. Because that's all they've seen in their homes. That's all they heard. They've seen their parents go out.

and bring to buy nicer houses and get better cars than grandma had, better stuff. So I need you to be selfish on the first tier and that's dreamy. I need you to be real selfish because you can't help anybody else. You can't do for anybody else if you hurt. You know what's so funny? We want people to make guarantees to us but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves. Now for real, I'm gonna say it again. Like somebody gave you a guarantee, $30, 30-day guarantee.

In 30 days, if you don't make what they told you was going to make, in 30 days, you got an attitude, you want your money back. But you've never demanded your money back from yourself. You've never looked at yourself in the mirror and said, you let you down. Until you get to that point, you let you down.

You've never, you're not brave enough. You want to put it on somebody else. The reason why I'm not successful is because of my boss. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, I'm not getting up on time. I'm not going to work on time. I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work. I let me down. You just said you give a 50%. You owe you an explanation. You owe you an explanation. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say, why are you only giving 50%? What's wrong with you? You need to put yourself on punishment.

You need to tell you no more TV, no more snacks, no more desserts, no more, no, we working out now. No more alcohol, not right now. Not no, I can't handle it right now. You need to tell you that you owe you something. So listen to me, there are those of you saying, I want to be a millionaire. I want to be the best at this company, right? But your value system says you believe in sleep more than you believe in grinding. Your value system says you are a consumer and not a producer.

That you're spending more money than you're making. Why? Because you're a consumer, but you're reading all the books and you're saying everything the books are saying. But those books are not in alignment with your values. And if you're going to go to the next level, your values are going to have to change. Nobody ever told them to dream. Nobody ever told them that DNA is in their dreams. We told them that their DNA is in their money. It's time to get real. It's time to get raw. It's time to look ourselves in the mirror and come to the resolve that this version of ourself

is not going to carry us in the stretch. I've been this version of myself long enough that if I don't change, if I don't do something about this, then I'm gonna find myself bankrupt. For me to understand, for me to be better, for me to be stronger, I must learn to suffer a little bit. I must learn to struggle a little bit. I cannot reap the rewards of success without understanding about struggles.

Success is not automatic. You don't get things just because you want them. You achieve your goals only when you are disciplined enough to keep showing up when you don't feel like it.

It's time to commit yourself.

to focusing on you. You have to disappear and come back and shock everybody that you... But don't let yourself be vulnerable to weakness. Don't let weakness consume you. Don't let hopelessness consume you. Be about your business. Understand that you've got to keep living and living strong.

If you keep showing up, if you keep going hard, your results will turn those who ignored you into fans. Let your results speak louder than your voice. Can you hide yourself? Can you hide yourself in the gym? Can you hide yourself in the portal and do what's required behind the scenes in order to manifest the moment? Many people out there in the world that don't have

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