cover of episode EIGHT MINUTES FOR EIGHTY YEARS - BEST Arnold Schwarzenegger Speech Ever

EIGHT MINUTES FOR EIGHTY YEARS - BEST Arnold Schwarzenegger Speech Ever

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Motivation Daily by Motiversity

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Arnold Schwarzenegger: 演讲的核心围绕时间管理,努力工作和永不放弃。施瓦辛格分享了他年轻时如何高效利用时间,每天进行高强度的训练,学习和工作,最终取得成功的故事。他强调了设定目标的重要性,以及如何将每日的努力转化为实现目标的动力。他还谈到了失败的不可避免性,以及从失败中站起来的重要性,鼓励人们不要害怕失败,而是要全力以赴,永不放弃。他以自己和穆罕默德·阿里的例子说明了坚持不懈的重要性,并引用了特德·特纳的名言“努力工作并宣传自己”来强调努力工作和自我宣传的必要性。施瓦辛格的演讲充满激情和力量,激励人们追求自己的梦想,并为之付出不懈的努力。他认为,成功不是一蹴而就的,而是需要长期的努力和坚持,以及对目标的坚定信念。 Arnold Schwarzenegger: 施瓦辛格在演讲中分享了他个人成功的经验,强调了时间管理和努力工作的重要性。他讲述了自己年轻时如何合理安排时间,同时兼顾学习、工作和健身,并最终实现了他成为健美冠军、演员和州长的梦想。他鼓励听众不要被“没有时间”的借口所束缚,而是要积极主动地管理自己的时间,并为实现目标而努力。他认为,只有通过坚持不懈的努力,才能取得成功。施瓦辛格还强调了设定目标的重要性,并鼓励听众设定明确的目标,并为之努力奋斗。他认为,设定目标能够帮助人们保持动力,并最终实现自己的梦想。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasize the importance of hard work?

He believes that hard work is non-negotiable for success, as seen in his own journey where he balanced college, bodybuilding, and acting classes without wasting time.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger manage his time effectively?

He structured his day meticulously, balancing work, education, and training, ensuring no time was wasted, which he credits as the reason for his success.

What was Arnold Schwarzenegger's approach to setting goals?

He stressed the importance of having a clear vision and goal, using bodybuilding as an example where each workout brought him closer to his Mr. Universe title.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger view failure?

He saw failure as a natural part of the journey, emphasizing that true winners are those who keep getting up after failures, rather than staying down.

What advice did Arnold Schwarzenegger give about dealing with fear of failure?

He advised against being afraid of failure, suggesting that relaxation and a fearless approach are crucial for performing well in any endeavor.

Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of time management and hard work, sharing his personal experiences of balancing multiple commitments to achieve success.
  • Arnold worked on construction, went to college, and trained for five hours daily.
  • He attended acting classes from 8 PM to 12 midnight, four times a week.
  • He criticizes those who claim lack of time, emphasizing the need for efficient time management.

Shownotes Transcript


Motiversity family, it's Marcus Taylor here. And I want to thank you so much for tuning in to Motiversity's Motivation Daily Podcast, one of the top 50 podcasts in the world.

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Imagine if you work on a business, on some business that you want to develop, every day for an hour. Imagine how far along you will go. We don't have the time. We have 24 hours a day. We sleep six hours a day, so that gives you still 18 hours. The average person works around eight to ten hours. Let's assume it's ten hours, so we have eight hours left. Then you travel around an hour a day, maybe two hours a day.

So now you have still six hours left. So what do you do with these six hours? What do you do with these six hours? Then we eat a little bit, then we schmooze a little bit, talk a little bit to people and all that stuff. But you can see how much time is available if you organize your day. So you got to work hard. I mean, let me tell you something. When I went to America, I went to college, I went and worked out five hours a day.

And I was working on construction because in those days in bodybuilding there was no money. I didn't have the money for food supplements or anything. So I had to go to work. So I worked on construction. I went to college. I worked out in the gym and at night from 8 o'clock at night to 12 midnight I went to acting class four times a week. So I did all that. There was not one single minute that I wasted. And this is why I'm standing here today.

And it drives me crazy when people say they don't have enough time to go to the gym for 45 minutes a day and work out. Or to do something for 45 minutes to an hour a day to improve. If it is physically improve or if it is mentally to improve. I became very friendly with Muhammad Ali in the 70s. And Muhammad Ali worked his butt off. And I saw it first hand. And I remember that there was a sports writer

that was there in the gym when he was working out and he was doing sit-ups. And they asked him, "How many sit-ups do you do?" And he said, "I don't start counting until it hurts." Now think about that. He doesn't start counting his sit-ups until he feels pain. That's when he starts counting. That is working hard. And so you can't get around the hard work. It doesn't matter who it is. As a matter of fact, I believe what Ted Turner said,

Work like hell and advertise. Work like hell, go to bed early to rise, work like hell and advertise. So you work your ass off and then you let the world know about your work. That's what it is all about. Let people know if you have a company, if you have a movie, if you do a sports. Work your ass off but then advertise and let everyone know. The first rule of success is to have a vision.

You see, if you don't have a vision of where you go and if you don't have a goal where you go, you drift around and you never end up anywhere. Born in 1947 in Austria after the Second World War. And I didn't really like Austria when I grew up. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I couldn't see myself becoming a farmer or a worker in a factory or anything like that. Even though my parents wanted me to stay there and have a normal life.

But that was their vision, not mine. My vision was totally different. I felt that I was born for something special, for something unique, for something big. So I was searching. I saw a bodybuilding magazine that had Reg Park on the cover. Reg Park was then a three-time Mr. Universe. And I saw him on the big screen as Hercules. And on the cover it said, "How Reg Park, Mr. Universe, became the Hercules star."

I read that and I said to myself, "Wow, this is the blueprint for my life. This is exactly what I want to do. I want to become a bodybuilding champion just like Reg Park." So people always ask me when they saw me in the gym in the pumping iron days, they say, "Why is it that you're working out so hard, five hours a day, six hours a day, and you have always a smile on your face? The others are working out just as hard as you do and they look sour in the face. Why is that?"

And I told people all the time, I said, "Because to me, I'm shooting for a goal." In front of me is the Mr. Universe title. So every rep that I do gets me closer to accomplishing that goal, to make this goal, this vision turn into reality. Every single set that I do, every repetition, every weight that I lift will get me a step closer to turn this goal into reality.

So I couldn't wait to do another 500 pound squat. I couldn't wait to do another 500 pound bench press. I couldn't wait to do another 2000 reps of sit-ups. I couldn't wait for the next exercise, for the next half hour of posing and all the kind of things that you have to do to be a champion. We all fail. It's okay. What is not okay is that when you fail, you stay down. Whoever stays down is a loser.

And winners will fail and get up. Fail and get up. Fail and get up. You always get up. That is a winner. That is a winner. I failed in bodybuilding. I lost bodybuilding competitions. I lost powerlifting competitions. I lost weightlifting competitions. I had movies that went in the toilet and that were terrible and got the worst reviews. And in politics, I remember

I had many of the initiatives on the ballot and we lost. My approval rating in California went down to 28% and then it went back up again and they won again the governorship. Hey, we all lose. We all have losses. This is okay. And this is why I say don't be worried about losing because when you're afraid of losing, then you get frozen. You get stiff. You're not relaxed.

You got to be in order to perform well in anything, if it's in boxing or if it is on your job or with your thinking, is only happening when you relax. So relax. It's okay to fail. Let's just go all out and give it everything that you got. That's what it is all about. So don't be afraid to fail.

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