Morning Wire

Trust in the media is at an all-time low. And there’s a reason—endless virtue signaling and manufact


Total: 2053

The NCAA changes its rules for transgender athletes, VP Harris pressed on the president’s controvers

A new poll from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action, provided exclusively to Morning Wir

New polling shows dramatic shifts in favor of Republicans, the rise of the DEI executive class, and

The FBI reveals new information on synagogue hostage situation, more fallout from Novak Djokovic’s f

Inflation reaches record levels, the Biden administration faces tough questions on immigration polic

January 15, 2022. Pastors sound the alarm over new “anti-religious” laws, popular real estate websit

The Supreme Court rules against the federal vaccine mandate for private employers, a sentence handed

Biden’s election bill push comes under scrutiny, a new analysis finds the administration’s economic

New emails show Secretary Cardona requested NSBA letter labeling parents “domestic terrorists”, Sena

The CDC changes its Covid messaging, NYC allows noncitizens to vote, and Pope Francis gets political

Teachers resign amid ongoing Covid controversies, a new study shows how the pandemic is impacting ba

The impact of Covid policies on unemployment, Hollywood’s award season gets off to a rocky start, an

President Biden delivers a politically charged message on Jan. 6, federal vaccine mandates reach the

The Chicago Teachers Union votes to shut down in-person classes, Mayo Clinic fires 700 employees ove

Prosecutors choose not to press charges against former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, prenatal genetic tests

NYC Has New Leadership


NYC’s new mayor faces a city plagued with challenges, U.S. population growth falls to a record low,

The Biden administration shifts its messaging on Covid, thousands of flights are cancelled, and the

Cities crack down on citizens due to Omicron, the “California Exodus,” and economic struggles and pa

Hispanic voters turn away from President Biden, a record number of drugs is seized at the southern b

The CDC changes its guidance on children in schools, hospitals halt vaccine mandates for employees,