cover of episode Episode 574: The Kidnapping & Murder of Marion Parker (Part 2)

Episode 574: The Kidnapping & Murder of Marion Parker (Part 2)

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Ash 和 Elena 详细描述了19岁少年威廉·爱德华·希克曼绑架并杀害12岁女孩玛丽恩·帕克的整个过程,从希克曼被通缉到被捕,再到审判和最终被处以死刑。她们分析了案件中媒体的广泛报道,以及希克曼在审判中试图以精神错乱为由进行辩护,但最终失败的经过。她们还讨论了希克曼的犯罪动机,以及案件对社会的影响。 Ash 和 Elena 详细分析了希克曼案中媒体报道的规模和影响,以及公众情绪的转变。她们指出,希克曼案的媒体报道规模在当时是史无前例的,类似于后来的OJ辛普森案和加比·佩蒂托案。她们还讨论了媒体报道对公众参与案件调查和审判的影响,以及公众对希克曼的愤怒和谴责。

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A massive interstate search was launched to find Marion’s killer and within a few days, police arrested nineteen-year-old William Edward Hickman, a former co-worker of Perry Parker. During his interrogation, Hickman confessed to kidnapping and murdering Marion, claiming that a god he referred to as “Providence” had instructed him to do it. That confession prompted Hickman’s attorneys to take advantage of the state’s new law accepting a legal defense of not guilty by reason of insanity; however, a jury disagreed, and Hickman was found guilty and executed at San Quentin Prison the following year.

Because of the shocking cruelty and brutality of the murder, the well documented and exciting search for the killer, and the sensational nature of the defense, the story of Marion Parker’s murder and the trial that followed dominated the media and occupied several pages of all the major papers across the state for months. For these reasons and more, it remains one of the most notorious murders in California history.


Associated Press. 1928. "Hickman to have new judge." Fresno Bee, January 25: 1.

—. 1927. "Confession stuns mother." Los Angeles Times, December 23: 4.

Berger, Jackson. 1927. "Kidnapper tries to dash out brains in frenzy." Los Angeles Times, December 25: 1.

Los Angeles Record. 1927. "Hunt kidnappers of girl." Los Angeles Record, December 16: 1.

Los Angeles Times. 1927. "'Fox' ponders 'crazy' plea." Los Angeles Times, December 24: 1.

—. 1927. "Fugitive caught in breakneck race with Oregon officers." Los Angeles Times, December 23: 1.

—. 1927. "Hickman believed in Seattle." Los Angeles Times, December 22: 1.

—. 1927. "Hickman pronounced sane." Los Angeles Times, December 24: 1.

—. 1927. "Hickman's finger-prints found in apartment." Los Angeles Times, December 21: 1.

—. 1927. "'I liked her' declares youth while he sobs." Los Angeles Times, December 23: 1.

—. 1927. "Kidnapper grows sullen when 'pal' proves alibi." Los Angeles Times, December 24: 1.

—. 1928. "New crimes confessed by Hickman." Los Angeles Times, October 14: 3.

—. 1928. "New horror in Hickman case." Los Angeles Times, February 2: 1.

—. 1928. "Slayer makes self-analysis." Los Angeles Times, February 2: 2.

Neibaur, James. 2016. Butterfly in the Rain: The 1927 Abduction and Murder of Marion Parker. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

New York Times. 1928. "Hickman sentenced to hang April 27." New York Times, February 15: 25.

—. 1928. "Hickman's father goes to his aid." New York Times, February 1: 13.

—. 1927. "Youth arrested in child slaying at Los Angeles." New York Times, December 19: 1.

Overton, Gerald. 1928. "Hickman goes to death on gibbet." Fresno Bee, October 19: 1.

Rasmussen, Cecilia. 2001. "Girl's grisly killing had city residents up in arms." Los Angeles Times, February 4.

San Francisco Examiner. 1927. "Kidnapped girl's body tossed omn lawn." San Francisco Examiner, December 18: 1.

State of California v William Edward Hickman. 1928. 204 Cal. 470 (Supreme Court of California, July 5).

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