cover of episode Episode 560: “Jolly Jane” Toppan: Angel of Mercy (Part 1)

Episode 560: “Jolly Jane” Toppan: Angel of Mercy (Part 1)

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Alina和Ash讨论了简·托潘的生平和犯罪行为。她们指出,托潘并非出于仁慈杀人,而是为了满足其观看他人痛苦和死亡的快感,以及由此获得的权力感。托潘的童年经历坎坷,父亲酗酒且暴力,母亲死于肺结核。她被送往波士顿女子收容所,后被安·托潘收养,但实际上是被当作佣人对待。托潘在学校表现出色,但性格乖张,爱说谎,并利用谎言来掩盖自己的自卑感和获得优越感。她进入剑桥医院护士学校学习,期间被怀疑伪造病历,挪用物品,并对病人进行错误治疗,甚至进行药物实验,导致多人死亡。尽管如此,她深受病人喜爱,这让她得以逃避责任。托潘在麻省总医院工作期间,再次出现不当行为,并被怀疑偷窃。最终,她因违反规定而被解雇。离开医院后,托潘从事私人护理工作,期间继续进行谋杀。她杀害了她的房东夫妇、养女以及其他病人。托潘的谋杀行为并非偶然,而是经过精心策划的,她享受谋杀带来的权力感和性快感。她会在病人临死前爬上床与他们亲密接触。托潘最终承认了31起谋杀案,但实际数字可能更多。 Alina和Ash还讨论了简·托潘的心理状态。她们认为,托潘的童年经历和家庭环境对她造成了严重的心理创伤,导致她发展出反社会人格和虐待狂倾向。托潘的谎言和操纵行为是其心理疾病的体现。她们还探讨了现代医学对简·托潘案的影响,以及对类似案件的预防和治疗方法。她们指出,托潘案的发生与当时医院管理的疏忽有关,也反映出对女性犯罪的社会偏见。她们呼吁社会关注心理健康问题,并加强对医护人员的监管。

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When Jane Toppan began training to be a nurse at Cambridge Hospital in 1885, she was bright, eager, and well-liked by her peers and seemed to form easy bonds with the oldest and most vulnerable patients. What no one knew at the time was, once Jane managed to get time alone with her patients, she began conducting medical experiments by injecting them with various drugs and even going so far as to get into bed with them to hold them close to her as they died from the overdoses she’d administered.

Thank you to the amazing Dave White of Bring me the Axe Podcast for research!


Boston Globe. 1902. "Agree that she's insane." Boston Globe, April 6: 1.

—. 1901. "Alden P. Davis' death due to another cause." Boston Globe, November 21: 1.

—. 1901. "Hint to watch Miss Toppan." Boston Globe, October 31: 5.

—. 1901. "Inquiry is under way." Boston Globe, August 31: 1.

—. 1902. "Is Miss Toppan sane." Boston Globe, March 26: 1.

—. 1904. "Jane Toppan an imbecile." Boston Globe, July 10: 6.

—. 1902. "Jane Toppan insane, found not guilty." Boston Globe, June 24: 1.

—. 1938. "Jane Toppan, poisoner of 31, dies in hospital at age pf 81." Boston Globe, August 18: 1.

—. 1901. "Marriage and money." Boston Globe, November 1: 1.

—. 1901. "Murder by poison." Boston Globe, October 31: 1.

—. 1901. "No cause for suspicion." Boston Globe, November 4: 2.

Lowell Historical Society. 2022. Lowell’s ties to “Jolly” Jane, Massachusetts’ Female Serial Killer. October 29. Accessed March 28, 2024.

New York Times. 1904. "Jane Toppan, an extraordinary case of moral insanity." New York Times, October 23: A2.

—. 1938. "Miss Jane Toppan, 84, Mass poisoner, dies." New York Times, August 18: 15.

Schechter, Harold. 2012. Fatal: The Poisonous Life of a Female Serial Killer. New York, NY: Pocket Books.

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