cover of episode Possessed people, places and things (Sn. 18 Ep. 18)

Possessed people, places and things (Sn. 18 Ep. 18)

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Elvira: 作者讲述了自己在睡觉时,床发生震动,并通过祈祷使其停止的经历,认为这可能是超自然现象或恶魔附身。她描述了震动的感受,以及祈祷后震动停止的经过,并表达了对再次经历此类事件的担忧。她认为自己并非虔诚的教徒,但这次经历让她对超自然力量的存在产生了信念。 Frank: 作者讲述了自己家里的旧款有线电视盒会在夜间自动打开,并显示“hi”字样,认为这可能是超自然现象。他详细描述了电视盒的型号和年代,以及“hi”字样出现的场景,并排除了人为操作和设备故障的可能性。他表示自己并没有感到任何不适或恐惧,只是对这一现象感到困惑不解。 匿名: 作者讲述了自己在英格兰购买的一盘《驱魔人》录像带似乎具有超自然力量,会移动位置,并与家中植物的枯萎以及自己听到的低沉声音相关联,认为这可能是被诅咒的物品。她描述了录像带的状况、其移动位置的经过、以及植物枯萎和听到声音的细节,并表达了对这盘录像带的恐惧和不安。她最终将录像带丢弃,并希望了解这是否会释放出某种灵体。 匿名: 作者讲述了自己和家人在第一所房子里经历的超自然事件,包括听到耳语、夜间行走等,并最终在衣柜里发现一个强大的存在,通过祈祷将其驱逐。她详细描述了这些事件的发生过程,以及自己通过祈祷驱逐该存在的经过,并表达了对该存在的恐惧和不安。她认为这个存在可能是一种“睡眠恶魔”,并庆幸它最终离开了。 匿名: 作者讲述了自己在密歇根州租住的房子里发生的超自然事件,自己似乎在睡梦中与某种存在对抗,并听到一个低沉的声音说“你不能拥有他,他是我们的”。他描述了事件发生的场景、自己当时的状态以及听到声音的经过,并表达了对该事件的困惑和不解。他认为这可能是房子本身的原因,也可能是自己酗酒导致的。 Josh: 作者讲述了自己前妻在居住的公寓里经历的超自然事件,包括看到剪影、听到耳语、以及一个玩具娃娃发出奇怪的声音,认为这可能是某种超自然力量在作祟。他详细描述了事件发生的经过,包括前妻看到的剪影、听到的耳语、以及玩具娃娃发出的奇怪声音,并表达了对这些事件的困惑和不解。他认为这些事件可能与他们居住的公寓位置有关,也可能与某种超自然力量有关。 Carissa: 作者讲述了自己在14或15岁时,在梦中感觉有恶魔试图附身,并在梦中对着镜子喊叫“你不能进入我体内”的经历。她描述了梦境中的感受,以及自己对着镜子喊叫的经过,并表达了对这一经历的惊讶和不解。 Brian: 作者讲述了自己在阿富汗服役后,在睡梦中被某种实体攻击,并听到自己与某种力量进行争斗,最终驱逐了该实体的经历。他详细描述了梦境中的感受,以及自己与该实体进行争斗的经过,并表达了对这一经历的恐惧和不解。他认为这可能是某种恶魔或邪恶力量在作祟。 James: 作者讲述了自己在11或12岁时做了一个梦或幻象,梦中自己被带到一个充满负面景象的维度,并最终被一个光明的人物拯救,之后自己能够感知到邪恶的存在。他详细描述了梦境中的场景、人物以及自己的感受,并表达了对这一经历的困惑和不解。他认为这可能是某种超自然力量或宗教体验。 匿名: 作者讲述了自己在阅读一本关于恶魔的书后,收到了一个素未谋面的同学发来的短信,要求自己大声朗读书中的内容,认为这可能是某种巧合或诅咒。他描述了事件发生的经过,以及自己收到的短信内容,并表达了对这一事件的困惑和不解。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Elvira experience bed shaking after questioning her faith?

Elvira's bed shaking occurred after she questioned her faith due to her boyfriend's criticism of the Bible. The experience, which she described as demonic, led her to hold onto a small amount of faith to avoid similar occurrences in the future.

What happened when Frank's old cable box turned on by itself?

Frank's old cable box, which was from the late 80s or early 90s, turned on by itself and displayed the word 'hi' on the screen. This happened multiple times, and Frank was perplexed as the box had never behaved this way before.

How did the VHS tape of 'The Exorcist' affect the caller from the U.K.?

The VHS tape of 'The Exorcist' seemed to have a negative impact on the caller. It caused a houseplant to die when placed near it, and the caller also experienced a deep, guttural voice in the night, leading them to destroy the tape.

What did the anonymous caller from Indiana experience during a night in a Vrbo house?

The caller's ex-girlfriend reported that he sat up in bed with his eyes closed and spoke in a deep, not his own voice, saying, 'You can't have him. He's ours.' This happened while he was sleeping fitfully, and the house was filled with old antiques and trinkets.

How did Josh's ex-wife react to the disembodied voice in her bedroom?

Josh's ex-wife heard a male husky voice whispering, 'I'm never going to let you go.' She grabbed her daughter and huddled in a corner of the room, eventually yelling for her mother, who came in and turned on the light.

What did Brian from Florida experience during sleep paralysis?

Brian experienced sleep paralysis where he felt a demonic entity trying to enter his mouth. He fought it off while hearing a voice argue with his God, who said, 'You can't have him, he's mine.' Brian woke up sweaty and exhausted from the struggle.

What was the vision James from Texas had as a child?

James had a vision where his room elongated, and a man in a red plaid shirt came out of a portal, telling him to follow. He later saw an angel who helped him fight off negative entities, but in a subsequent vision, he refused to follow the man, sensing evil, and the man kept saying 'no' until James woke up.

What did the caller from Arkansas find in the book of demons?

The caller from Arkansas found a book of demons and started reading it. Shortly after, they received a text from a schoolmate they had never talked to, telling them to 'read it out loud.'

Elvira from Illinois recounts a paranormal experience involving her bed shaking violently. She found no logical explanation, such as an earthquake, and believes it might have been demonic possession, prompting a reevaluation of her faith.
  • Bed shaking incident in Illinois
  • No earthquake or other explanation found
  • Connection to questioning religious beliefs
  • Experience led to reevaluation of faith

Shownotes Transcript

Not every voice in your head is your own... tonight we hear chilling stories of demonic possession. Do you dare to face the darkness? Keep it spooky and enjoy!

Season 18 Episode 18 of Monsters Among Us Podcast, true paranormal stories of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs and more, told by the witnesses themselves.


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