cover of episode Haunted stores, possessed toys, Santa imposters and a ghost horse - The Holiday Special (Sn. 18 Ep. 24)

Haunted stores, possessed toys, Santa imposters and a ghost horse - The Holiday Special (Sn. 18 Ep. 24)

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Monsters Among Us

Elise's Mom
Spencer:讲述了关于一部名为《萨默斯比》的旧VHS录像带的故事,在影片结束后,会有一个女孩的声音伴随着静态噪音出现,并说要杀死圣诞老人。他认为这可能是技术故障或人为添加的内容。 Urson:讲述了在一家高档运动鞋店发生的奇怪经历。他和店员同时听到一个清晰的“先生”的声音,但周围没有人发出声音。他们排除了音乐和顾客的可能性,无法解释声音的来源。 Athanasia:分享了她2005年在一家玩具反斗城工作的经历。这家店闹鬼,她经历了物品自己移动、听到脚步声等超自然现象,甚至看到展示用的婴儿摇椅自己移动。 Linda:讲述了她童年在老房子里发生的超自然事件。她的玩具会在她睡觉时自己跳舞,而且她经常做关于地下室怪异声音的噩梦。 Maverick:他的遥控车会自己动,而且他家楼上会传来脚步声,这些现象让他怀疑房子闹鬼。 Stephanie:讲述了她弟弟在密歇根州的一栋老农舍里发生的事件。他们家里的多个菲比娃娃在晚上同时发出声音。 Sandra:讲述了她童年时期在加利福尼亚州的一栋房子里发生的事件。他们家里的洋娃娃会说话、移动,甚至抓伤她的妹妹。最后,她的叔叔不得不把洋娃娃烧掉,但即使烧掉了,它仍然试图动起来。 Joanne:讲述了她童年时期的经历,她看到她的娃娃在床上跳舞,还看到一个眼球在她的床上。她认为这可能是睡眠障碍导致的。 Eileen:讲述了她十几岁时在宾夕法尼亚州的一栋老石农舍里保姆的经历。她听到从烟囱里传来的可怕笑声,这让她感到非常害怕。 Elise's Mom:讲述了她女儿Elise在圣诞夜看到圣诞老人的故事。Elise记得看到圣诞老人在圣诞树后面放东西,尽管她现在不太确定是否真的看到了圣诞老人。 Cindy:讲述了她童年时期在圣诞夜发生的盗窃事件。两个小偷闯入她家,其中一人装扮成圣诞老人。 Kelly:讲述了她圣诞节当天看到一匹黑马的故事,但这匹马几周前就已经在事故中被安乐死了。她认为她看到的可能是这匹马的鬼魂。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Christmas considered one of the spookiest holidays?

Christmas is often seen as spooky because of its long tradition of fireside ghost stories, especially during the long, dark winter evenings. It's believed that the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner during this time, making it a prime season for supernatural occurrences.

What is the story of the VHS tape that threatened to kill Santa?

Spencer from Ohio recalls a VHS tape of the movie 'Somersby' that played static after the movie ended, during which a girl's voice could be heard giggling and saying, 'I'm gonna kill Santa.' This happened consistently every time the tape was played, leaving Spencer and his family puzzled and unnerved.

What paranormal experience happened in a shoe store?

Urson from Utah recounts hearing a clear voice saying 'Sir' while browsing in a shoe store. Both he and the employee heard the voice, but no one was present in the area where the sound originated. The store's music was playing, but the word 'Sir' was not part of the song.

What haunted experiences occurred at a Toys R Us store?

Athanasia from British Columbia worked at a haunted Toys R Us where employees often felt watched, and boxes would mysteriously move on their own. The creepiest incident involved glider chairs in the baby department moving on their own, despite having no mechanism to do so without external force.

What percentage of consumers spend at least $400 on holiday shopping?

66% of consumers spend at least $400 on holiday shopping each year.

What is the story of the possessed Cabbage Patch doll?

Sandra from California recalls a Cabbage Patch doll that seemed to come to life, telling her younger sister to pick it up and later appearing to scratch her sister's face. The doll was eventually given away, but the cousin who received it reported similar strange behavior, including the doll walking and talking on its own.

What terrifying sound did Eileen hear coming from the chimney?

Eileen, while babysitting in a Revolutionary War-era farmhouse, heard a deep, guttural, and terrifying laugh emanating from the chimney. The sound chilled her to the bone, and she never experienced it again, despite continuing to babysit at the house for two more years.

What happened when Cindy saw a horse on Christmas Day after it had been euthanized?

Cindy and her partner saw a black horse on Christmas Day, weeks after it had been euthanized in an accident. The horse was well-known locally for breaking out of its paddock and was seen by Cindy on the day they chose to avoid the public footpath due to the horse's presence.

What is the Welsh tradition of Mari Lwyd?

Mari Lwyd is a Welsh Christmas tradition involving a horse's skull draped in white linens and adorned with ribbons and glass baubles in the eye sockets. The figure, accompanied by a group, visits homes, and after a brief moment of fear, the group bursts into song and celebration, blending spookiness with merriment.

A listener shares a story about a VHS tape of the movie "Somersby" that played static with a girl's voice saying, "I'm gonna kill Santa." The listener is curious if anyone else has experienced something similar.
  • A VHS tape of "Somersby" contained a girl's voice threatening Santa.
  • The voice appeared consistently at the end of the tape.
  • No other reports of similar occurrences on the tape have been found.

Shownotes Transcript

Spooky stories being told at Christmas is an ancient tradition. Centuries ago, fireside storytelling became a communcal activity filled with tales of the supernatural. The long, dark, cold winter evenings created the perfect ambiance for ghost stories, and it's believed the veil is thinner during this time. Tonight we carry on that tradition. So gather your family and friends around the hearth, pour yourself an eggnog and enjoy.

Season 18 Episode 24 of Monsters Among Us Podcast, true paranormal stories of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs and more, told by the witnesses themselves.


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Music from tonight's episode:

Music by Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse -

CO.AG Music -

Music by White Bat Audio -

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