cover of episode Which Stocks Are on Sale Right Now? with Kevin Simpson

Which Stocks Are on Sale Right Now? with Kevin Simpson

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Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

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Kevin Simpson
Nicole Lappin
Nicole Lappin:就当前市场波动,投资者最关心的是否为买入股票的好时机。 Kevin Simpson:上周市场出现增长恐慌,但周末期间对冲基金的巨大撤资导致市场反弹。目前来看,经济数据比股市表现更好,不认为会进入衰退。解释了对冲基金的日元套利交易以及日元汇率波动导致其被迫平仓的情况。尽管市场波动剧烈,但经济数据显示经济仍在增长,这对于股票来说仍然是不错的。 选择股票的标准:盈利增长、合理的市盈率、股息增长和股票回购。 在经济衰退时期,应该投资低市盈率的股票,例如沃尔玛;在牛市时期,应该投资高增长潜力的大型科技公司。 市盈率是股价与每股收益的比率,高市盈率通常意味着更高的增长预期。长期来看,盈利能力强的公司股价会上涨,但短期波动难以预测。 巴菲特减持苹果和美国银行股票,可能是为了风险管理,而不是看跌的信号。 对英伟达、Meta、比特币、特斯拉、福特、礼来、黄金、苹果、亚马逊、美国银行、CrowdStrike、原油、TJX等股票分别进行了多空判断,并阐述了原因。 建议投资者关注经济数据,不要过度恐慌,但也要做好应对经济衰退的准备。 Kevin Simpson:周一市场的跌幅在历史上并不算严重,不必过度恐慌。经济增长正在放缓,但仍然保持增长,这对于股票来说仍然是不错的。 认为美国运通公司是值得购买的股票,因为它受益于高端消费者,并且具有良好的财务指标。 解释了“K型经济”的概念,即富人和穷人之间的差距越来越大。 在经济衰退时期,应该投资低市盈率的股票,例如沃尔玛;在牛市时期,应该投资高增长潜力的大型科技公司。 市盈率是股价与每股收益的比率,高市盈率通常意味着更高的增长预期。 英伟达的高市盈率,考虑到其未来的盈利增长,并不一定意味着高估。 巴菲特减持股票可能是为了风险管理,而不是看跌的信号。 对英伟达、Meta、比特币、特斯拉、福特、礼来、黄金、苹果、亚马逊、美国银行、CrowdStrike、原油、TJX等股票分别进行了多空判断,并阐述了原因。 建议投资者关注经济数据,不要过度恐慌,但也要做好应对经济衰退的准备。

Deep Dive

In the wake of market volatility, Nicole Lapin and Kevin Simpson discuss the potential for a recession, current buying opportunities, and the significance of the VIX. They analyze the market's reaction and the factors contributing to the downturn, including institutional trading and hedge fund unwinds.
  • The market dip wasn't among the top 100 worst days in history.
  • The S&P 500 ended down 3%.
  • American Express is a potential buying opportunity due to its strong performance and high-end consumer base.
  • A K-shaped economy describes the disparity between the haves and have-nots.

Shownotes Transcript

In the wake of Monday's market madness, the #1 question Nicole has been getting from Money Rehabbers has been: is now a good time to buy stocks? To tackle that question, Nicole calls up Kevin Simpson (Founder and CEO of Capital Wealth Planning). Nicole and Kevin talk about whether we should start prepping for a recession, whether to buy or sell stocks right now and what Warren Buffett is up to.

To find more of Kevin's work, including his book Walk Toward Wealth, click here: