cover of episode Oil 101 and How the War in the Middle East Affects the Market with Legendary Oil Trader Mark Fisher

Oil 101 and How the War in the Middle East Affects the Market with Legendary Oil Trader Mark Fisher

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Mark Fisher
Nicole Lappin: 本期节目探讨了石油市场的基本知识,以及中东战争和美国大选对石油市场的影响。 Mark Fisher: 当前市场波动剧烈,但沙特阿拉伯等国能够通过控制石油产量来稳定油价。除非伊朗封锁霍尔木兹海峡,否则油价不会大幅上涨。然而,加沙重建将需要巨额资金,这将推高油价。短期内,油价将维持在一定区间内,但长期来看,地缘政治风险和能源需求将继续影响油价走势。投资者可以通过关注芝加哥商品交易所(CME)和洲际交易所(ICE)的油价信息,或投资USO等追踪原油价格的股票来参与石油市场投资。此外,还可以关注能源类股票,例如埃克森美孚、雪佛龙等大型综合性能源公司,以及专注于炼油业务的Valero、Marathon Petroleum等公司。炼油厂行业由于准垄断地位和持续的市场需求,具有长期投资价值。然而,可再生能源的可靠性仍需提高,清洁能源转型将导致能源成本上涨。油价与美元汇率密切相关,美元贬值会推高油价。此外,市场情绪和地缘政治事件也会对油价产生重大影响。 Mark Fisher: 我认为能源交易已经触底,未来油价将突破70-85美元/桶的区间波动。加沙停火后,能源市场将迎来反弹。投资者应关注地缘政治风险和市场情绪的变化,并根据市场波动进行交易。

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Even if you don’t work on Wall Street, if you want to be a savvy investor, or, even if you just own a car, you need to understand the oil market. Today, Nicole is decoding that sector with a legend in the oil trading world, Mark Fisher, CEO of MBF Clearing Corp. Mark explains how to understand the oil market, how the election will affect the industry, and how the war in the Middle East will affect the price of oil.

For more of Mark's work, click here: