cover of episode Need-To-Know Money Lessons from the WNBA with Nneka Ogwumike

Need-To-Know Money Lessons from the WNBA with Nneka Ogwumike

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Nneka Ogwumike
Nicole Lappin: 探讨了 WNBA 和 NBA 之间的薪资差距,以及 WNBA 球员通过在海外打球来补充收入的现状,并就 2020 年的集体谈判协议进行了深入探讨。 Nneka Ogwumike: 详细阐述了 WNBA 球员面临的薪资不平等问题,并分析了其原因,包括社会对女性角色的刻板印象和团队运动的复杂性。她还解释了 WNBA 球员在海外打球的现状,以及这种做法所带来的风险和挑战,特别是自布里特妮·格里纳在俄罗斯被拘留后。此外,她还分享了 2020 年集体谈判协议的成果,包括更高的薪酬、更好的市场营销协议以及改善的家庭福利,并讨论了该协议中关于海外联赛的优先级条款。最后,她还就如何进行有效的谈判,以及如何促进薪资透明化提出了建议。

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Shownotes Transcript

The business of sports is going through a revolution— and the transformation is perhaps the most dramatic at the WNBA. Today Nicole speaks to Nneka Ogwumike, a player for the LA Sparks and the President of the WNBA Players Association. Nicole and Nneka talk about the growth of the WNBA, why being compared to the NBA isn’t actually helpful, and the difficult position these players are in after Britney Griner was held in Russia. Plus, Nneka gives advice for negotiating that she's put to work for her league, and anyone can use.

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