cover of episode Is the AI Bubble About To Pop? And, How a Rate Cut Will Affect Your Portfolio with Josh Brown

Is the AI Bubble About To Pop? And, How a Rate Cut Will Affect Your Portfolio with Josh Brown

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Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Josh Brown
Josh Brown: 本人认为美联储将采取25个基点的降息,这并非紧急措施,而是对经济形势的积极回应。基于对历史18个降息周期的研究,这种降息更像是庆祝性的,而非对经济衰退的回应。尽管如此,投资者仍需为最坏情况(例如经济衰退)做好准备,并构建一个在各种情况下都能保持稳定的投资组合。在资产配置方面,建议投资者根据自身风险承受能力和财务状况,选择合适的资产组合,并根据市场变化及时调整。此外,不要盲目追逐热门行业或概念,例如AI概念股,因为许多AI概念股已经估值过高,投资者应谨慎投资。 Josh Brown还建议投资者关注市场季节性因素,例如十月和十二月通常是市场波动较大的月份,但近年来这种波动性有所减弱。投资者可以选择不参与市场短期波动,尤其是在市场情绪极端的情况下。 Nicole Lappin: 主要就降息和AI泡沫相关问题与Josh Brown进行探讨,并就市场季节性波动、投资策略等方面提出疑问,引导Josh Brown进行更详细的阐述。

Deep Dive

Nicole Lapin and Josh Brown discuss the potential impact of the upcoming Fed meeting on the markets, including the possibility of a rate cut and its implications. They also highlight the importance of understanding the context of rate cuts, differentiating between emergency cuts and celebratory cuts.
  • Josh Brown's new book 'You Weren't Supposed to See That' offers insights for investors.
  • The discussion is split into two parts, with the second part covering specific stocks and Josh's investment outlook.

Shownotes Transcript

It's time for a vibe check on the market. Today, Nicole is joined by Josh Brown (Ritholtz Wealth Management) to talk about how the potential rate cut will affect the market, whether the AI bubble is about to pop, and what seasonal market trends to keep an eye on toward the end of the year. Tomorrow, you’ll hear the second part of Nicole and Josh’s conversation where Josh shares what he does on market dips, and which stocks he’s bullish on right now.

To find Josh's awesome new book, "You Weren't Supposed to See That," click here:

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