cover of episode DON’T Leave Money on the Table: How To Find The Right Credit Card (and Perks!) For You (Listener Intervention)

DON’T Leave Money on the Table: How To Find The Right Credit Card (and Perks!) For You (Listener Intervention)

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Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nicole Lappin
Nicole Lappin:选择合适的信用卡可以帮助用户更好地管理财务,获得更多现金返还、旅行积分或其他奖励。信用卡不仅仅是购物工具,还可以成为理财工具。她强调了信用卡的多样性,并非所有信用卡都相同,用户应该根据自身需求选择合适的信用卡。她还建议用户关注信用卡的年费,并确保其能够被返点、里程或奖励所抵消。 Anna:她分享了自己使用信用卡的经验,指出自己目前的信用卡没有完全满足她的需求。她的一些信用卡的额外福利有限,有些卡的促销活动她经常错过。她希望找到一张能够提供更多现金返还或其他她需要的奖励的信用卡。她还谈到了自己对信用卡的焦虑,担心因为信用评分低于720而被拒,从而影响信用评分。 Anna:她分享了自己在20多岁时因为一段失败的感情而背负了高额信用卡债务的经历,这严重影响了她的学业和财务状况。她还谈到了自己对现有的金融体系的沮丧,因为难以找到针对她特定需求的实用信息,大部分信息都带有销售目的。她对个人理财方面缺乏足够的指导,例如如何平衡债务和储蓄,以及如何利用学生贷款改善信用。她还谈到了自己对信用卡的焦虑,以及如何通过主动询问和谈判来争取公平的薪资待遇。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

If you were leaving money on the table… wouldn’t you want to know? Today, Nicole speaks to a Money Rehabber who feels like she could level-up her credit card game and find the right card for the cash back perks she’s looking for. Join today’s Money Rehabber and find the right card for your financial life at

Credit Karma is a sponsor of this podcast episode. Credit Karma’s Approval Odds is not a guarantee. Credit Karma looks at how your credit profile compares to other Credit Karma members who were approved for the specific card shown or whether you meet certain criteria determined by the lender.