Keep up with the happenings in the tech world without all the boosterism. Cryptocurrency critic, tec
Silicon Valley's "effective altruism" and "effective accelerationism" only give a thin philosophical
The Justice Department's interest in Binance isn't just "FUD" anymore. Originally published on Novem
Two crypto firms emerge from bankruptcy, and a Bored Ape party turns out even worse than it sounds.
From billions of mysterious Tethers to the apparent identity theft of Thai sex workers, many questio
Jurors spent less than five hours deliberating before returning the verdict. Originally published on
Bankman-Fried comes off as sullen and cagey in his cross-examination in front of the jury. Originall
Taking the stand before the jury for the first time, Sam Bankman-Fried recounts familiar events we'v
After a few other brief witnesses, it was time for the main event — or, at least, a preview of it. O
I'm taking this show on the road to hear Sam Bankman-Fried testify in person. Originally published o
Is the defense team doing as poorly as it looks, or do they have a trick up their sleeves? Originall
Sam Bankman-Fried's direct messages to a journalist about "unethical shit" were admitted as evidence
The defense team finally scores a few points, and cell phone records reveal Bankman-Fried's extensiv
Singh testified that Bankman-Fried pressured him into trying to dig FTX out of a hole he didn't even
BlockFi's CEO testifies that the company wouldn't have loaned to Alameda Research if they had any id
Recordings of the now infamous all-hands meeting capture Caroline Ellison admitting to conspiring wi
"Alternate" balance sheets, bribes, Saudi financing, and a painfully intertwined personal and profes
Caroline Ellison testifies about Sam Bankman-Fried's appetite for risk, involvement in Alameda Resea
The jury got a taste of code review as they examined a falsified "insurance fund" and the infamous F
Meanwhile, the defense tries to argue that if Sam Bankman-Fried was a criminal, he would've bought a
The death penalty is not on the table, the judge reassured one prospective juror. Originally publish