Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like D
Ben Shapiro is a political commentator, Co-Founder of the Daily Wire, an author and a podcaster.Elec
Dr Laith Al-Shawaf is an evolutionary psychologist, researcher and Associate Professor in the Depart
Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, author, and emeritus fellow at the University of Oxfor
Dr Mike Israetel is a Professor of Exercise and Sport Science at Lehman College and the Co-Founder o
Dr Jamil Zaki is a psychologist, professor at Stanford University, and an author.In a world filled w
Oliver Burkeman is a journalist, a writer for The Guardian and an author.Does trying harder to be ex
Robert Greene is an author and historian.Robert is one of the most legendary writers in the world on
Dr Paul Eastwick is a psychologist, professor, and a researcher.What do people actually want in a pa
Rory Stewart is a British academic, broadcaster, writer, podcaster and former diplomat and politicia
Dr Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist, Associate Professor at the Stanford University School of Med
I hit 2.5 million Subscribers on YouTube!!To celebrate, I asked for questions from YouTube, Twitter
Lyman Stone is a demographer, researcher, and a writer.It wasn't long ago that everyone was worried
Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, former Managing Director of Thiel Capital and a podcas
Rudyard Lynch is a YouTuber and a historian.Is the modern world weird? Whether it's incels, brat sum
Dan Martell is an entrepreneur, investor, and author.The saying “money can’t buy time” is often used
Alex Hormozi is a founder, investor and an author.Alex’s Twitter has been one of my favourite source
Dr Leah Lagos is a clinical psychologist, HRV performance coach and an author.Heart Rate Variability
Dan Bilzerian is an entrepreneur and a professional poker player.What would it be like to dedicate y
Whitney Cummings is a comedian, actress, writer, and a podcaster.Emotional maturity is a difficult t
Johnny Miller is a writer, nervous system coach and a podcaster.Emotions are scary. Feeling feelings