NEWS ON 8/19 **1. **SH REPOORTS 1 LOCAL COVID-19 CASE 本土病例+1!上海新增病例系医护人员 **2. **CHINA & FRANCE NOW RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER’S DRIVING LICENSES 正式生效!中法驾照可以互认啦 **3. **DEFENSE CLAIMS MENG HAS NO LINK TO FRAUD 辩方律师:“证据真空”!孟晚舟引渡案审理结束 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1. **SH REPOORTS 1 LOCAL COVID-19 CASE 本土病例+1!上海新增病例系医护人员 Shanghai reported one local COVID-19 infection today. The individual works at Songjiang Central Hospital and was diagnosed after a routine【例行的】nucleic acid test this morning. The hospital has suspended outpatient【门诊】services and arranged nucleic acid tests for all employees. Zhang Yue has more. 今天(18日),上海通报新增一例本土确诊病例,患者为松江区中心医院工作人员,系在医院例行核酸检测中发现。松江区中心医院从今天起暂停门急诊,并第一时间对工作人员进行了全院核酸筛查。 The individual hasn’t left Shanghai in the past two weeks. Scientists are now sequencing the virus sample to determine whether it’s related to clusters in Nanjing or Yangzhou, cities with recent outbreaks in neighboring Jiangsu Province. The hospital said the test was done as part of routine testing of its employees. All employees have been required to be tested every three days since August 2nd. Officials say all of the patient’s previous tests came back negative. 这个病例最近两周没有离开过本市,疾控部门正在抓紧开展基因测序,调查该病例与南京及扬州聚集性疫情是否存在关联。从8月2日开始,在医院每三天一次的例行核酸检测中,其此前结果均为阴性。 INTERVIEW Wu Jinglei, Director Shanghai Health Commission 邬惊雷,市卫健委主任 The patient, who lives in Songjiang District, has been vaccinated. She hasn’t left Shanghai in the past 14 days. She has been to several places around her apartment including a fruit shop, supermarket, and Grandma’s Home restaurant. The Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University also suspended services at its three branches in Xuhui and Minhang districts today, as the woman went to see an eye doctor. 该病例在沪居住地是上海市松江区永丰街道仓丰路855号有庐公寓,已全程接种新冠疫苗,此前自8月2日以来,医院组织的每3天一次的例行核酸检测结果此前都为阴性。流行病学调查显示,该病例14天内未离沪,除工作场所与居住地外,到访过公寓楼下尚品优鲜超市、公寓楼下阿兵水果店、外婆家(新理想广场店)等场所。目前上述场所已进行封闭管理、终末消毒。另据调查,其曾因眼疾到过上海市五官科医院就诊,该医院汾阳路、宝庆路、浦江路三个院区都已经暂停日常门急诊医疗服务。 By 6pm, 76 primary and secondary contacts have been placed in quarantine. Citywide, some 7,347 people who may have been infected have been tested for the virus today, and all results came back negative. 272 environment and subject samples also came back negative. 截至今晚(18日)6点,已排查到该病例的密切接触者、密接的密接共76人,全部落实集中隔离措施,核酸检测结果均为阴性。已排查到7347名筛查对象,核酸检测结果均为阴性。目前已对病例相关场所的物品、环境等进行采样,已检测272份样本,结果均为阴性。 The patient lives at Yongfeng Community on Cangfeng Road, which is now listed as a medium-risk area. All venues have already been disinfected【消毒】. Songjiang Central Hospital has been locked down and barriers set up at its entrances. People coming to pick up medication or medical reports were told to go to another hospital or come back another day. It wasn’t announced when outpatient services and nucleic acid tests would resume【继续、恢复】. 该病例所在的松江区永丰街道仓丰路855号有庐公寓被调整为中风险地区。其到访过的场所均已进行封闭管理、终末消毒。松江区中心医院从今天起暂停门急诊,各个出入口均已封闭。门急诊及核酸检测服务何时恢复,将另行通知。若需取药或取检查报告,患者需前往其他医院或改日再前往松江区中心医院。 **2. **CHINA & FRANCE NOW RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER’S DRIVING LICENSES 正式生效!中法驾照可以互认啦 Mutual recognition【认可】of Chinese and French driver's licenses【驾照】went into effect yesterday. 法国外交部网站昨天(17日)发表公告,宣布法中两国此前签署的驾驶证互认换领协议,即日正式生效。 The two countries will allow holders of valid driver's licenses to either simply drive with their home country's license or obtain driving permits without having to take additional tests. Chinese citizens who stay in France less than one year can use their Chinese driver's licenses and translated copies, and French citizens who temporarily live in China can present their licenses for temporary Chinese driving permits by offering their French licenses and translated copies. 中法双方承认对方核发的有效驾驶证,一方准许持有对方国家驾驶证的人员,在其境内直接驾车或免试换领驾驶证。对于临时进入对方境内不超过一年的,双方驾驶证实现互认。持有法国驾驶证且希望在中国换领中国驾驶证的人员,则须持有法国2013年9月16号以后签发的、符合欧盟标准的驾驶证。 **3. **DEFENSE CLAIMS MENG HAS NO LINK TO FRAUD 辩方律师:“证据真空”!孟晚舟引渡案审理结束 The court hearing of Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou’s extradition【引渡】continued yesterday in British Columbia Supreme Court in Canada. 昨日(当地时间17日),孟晚舟引渡案进入第二阶段审理之后的首次法庭听证在温哥华的不列颠哥伦比亚省高等法院举行。 Meng’s legal team made a final pitch to the judge, arguing that the US accusation that Meng had defrauded【欺骗】HSBC existed in an "evidentiary vacuum". Meng’s lawyers argued that a fraud【欺骗】charge must involve actual loss or risk of loss, and the legal document submitted by the United States requesting her extradition didn’t provide any evidence to prove that. 辩方律师阐明,按照加拿大的反欺诈法,指控欺骗行为,必须要有具体证据可以证明相关欺骗行为引发了实际损失或具体的损失风险。而美方提交的要求引渡的法律文件中未提供任何证据来证明这一点,因此本案存在“证据真空”。 #热词加油站 routine【例行的】 outpatient【门诊的】 disinfect【消毒】 resume【继续、恢复】 recognition【认可】 driver's license【驾照】 extradition【引渡】 defraud【v. 欺骗】 fraud【n. 欺骗】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~