Zhang Hong// Reporter As Shanghai is carrying out a mass screening sweep, residents here at Shanghai Racquet Club & Apartments in Minhang District are having their first nucleic acid test. Although the line seems quite long, everything is in order and some residents told me that it took them less than 10 minutes to get a test done because they’re quite familiar with the process. 目前上海正在展开网格化核酸筛查。上海西庭网球俱乐部和公寓的居民(其中不乏一些外籍居民)正进行第一轮核酸检测。尽管队伍看起来挺长,现场秩序井然,有不少外籍居民告诉我他们等了不到十分钟就测好了,因为他们已经很熟悉这个流程了。 Sebastian Wiendieck Resident from Germany I did everything yesterday and it worked quite well and I made screenshots for me and my kids. I think the information and the announcement was quite good so everything is well-prepared. 我昨天就都准备好了,预约成功后我把自己和孩子的预约码截了屏。我觉得社区在通知方面做得很好,一切都准备充分。 Amaya Gran Resident from the U.S. This one is faster and less painful. 这里做核酸更快,还不痛。 刘萌子志愿者 这个小区应该是要做1500左右,大概百分之六、七十都是外籍。大部分会用,有少数不会用所以需要我们在旁边协助他们,早上大概7点多就在准备了。明天还有一轮,我们不轮班,就定点在这里两天做完。 Liu Mengzi, Volunteer There are about 1,500 residents here, 60 to 70% are expats. Most of them know how to register for the tests. But there are still some who don’t, so we’re here to help them. We started preparations at about 7am. There’ll be another round of tests tomorrow. We will be here the whole time. We will stay here until both rounds of tests are complete.) Any plans for the next 48hrs? 接下来48小时有什么打算吗? Ruben Wiendieck Resident from Germany Just play video games all day and night with my friend and do nothing cuz my dad can’t make me do anything. So I can just stay at home all day. My dad always makes me go outside. 我可以和小伙伴打游戏了。我爸没法让我干这干那的了。现在我就能整天在家,之前我爸总是让我去外面活动。 Kim Sajan Resident from the U.S. To cook a lot of food, spend some time with our children, get caught up on work. 我打算烧很多菜,和孩子一起度过亲子时光,再忙会工作。 Fabio Pinto Cesar Resident from Brazil It’s a pity that we need to stay here but it’s completely understandable. It’s a different approach here in China. Here, it’s tolerance zero and I think it works so far. I feel safe here. 说实话,不能出门是有些遗憾,但我完全可以理解。中国有自己的防疫措施,那就是动态清零,我觉得是有效的。我认为在这里很安全。 Preparations inside the residential compound 小区如何应对接下来的闭环管理 赵帅项目总经理// SRCA 外面的快递都是送到外面,如果不方便的可以送到家里。还有其他的一些问题都可以物业管理处进行联系,他们有一个微信群,还有一个直接有电话可以通知到物业中心,英语这边都会的,其他一些语言比如日语、韩语。 Zhao Shuai// Project General Manager Shanghai Racquet Club & Apartments Packages are held in a designated area at the gate. We can deliver them to a resident’s doorstep if necessary. Residents can contact the property management office if they have any problems. We have a WeChat Group and a phone number, and our staff can speak English, Japanese and Korean.