NEWS ON 10/1 NATIONAL DAY HOLIDAY MOVIES ATTRACT VIEWERS OF ALL AGES 老少咸宜!国庆档电影票房飘红 8 new movies are being screened during the National Day Holiday and industry insiders are expecting a better box office performance than the mid-autumn festival. Reporter Zhang Hong explains why. "My Country, My Parents," the star-studded anthology, is one of movies that has received a lot of attention. The film pays homage to the past generations who have contributed to China's revolution and development, and features four stories that were filmed by different directors. It is also the last part of a trilogy for the "National Day Holiday Series", following "My People My Homeland" and "My People My Country" which were released over the past two years.The part I'm in charge of required me to create sets of Shanghai in 1978. It's very challenging because the city has changed dramatically. So I chose to focus on details that I was most impressed with when I was young, like the posters on Shanxi Road.徐峥:像我的这一段要这次要还原1978年的上海,现在要去还原那个78年的上海的场景太难了,整个时代翻天覆地的变化,所以我也选择了我记忆当中印象比较深的,比方说山西路那边电影海报的牌子) I came to watch this movie as I've watched the previous two. This new one is really touching. The tears kept coming when I saw the parents trying their best to give their children a better life. And then the theater was filled with laughter for the last two parts of the movie.我因为看过前两部,所以这次来看这部。父辈们很不容易,为了我们现在的生活很不容易。特别地感动,不停地在掉眼泪。后面两个故事是由喜剧导演负责的,所以笑点就更多一些。 Another much-anticipated drama is the historical epic "The Battle at Lake Changjin" that tells the story of the Chinese People's Volunteers soldiers fighting bravely in freezing temperatures in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.I learned about this war from reading but now with this movie, it feels so real. It reminds us that wars are cruel. We should cherish our life today as it is hard-earned.�以前只是书本上知道这个战争,通过这个画面就特别真实,战争很残酷,让我们知道我们现在的和平是先烈用鲜血换来的,我们就更应该珍惜现在的生活。 There are also animated films, including "Dear Tutu: Operation T-Rex" and "Goldbeak", offering a nice choice for families with young children. According to Maoyan, one of China's largest online ticketing service providers, today's box office sales topped 318 million by 1:30 this afternoon. "The Battle at Lake Changjin" and "My Country, My Parents" ranked first and second, reaching over 200 million yuan and 89 million yuan respectively. Animated movie "Goldbeak" ranked third with over 7 million yuan. We've been looking forward to the National Day Holiday. We saw an increase in box office sales during the Spring Festival and we are also expecting a big number during this holiday as the tickets of top-ranking films are selling quite well.档期方面,国庆也是我们期待的一个节假日,除了今年过年的时候比较高的票房,整个国庆我们还是很看好票房的,因为头部的新影片的票房收入还是挺高的。 Analysis by China International Capital Corporation has predicted sales of 4.1 billion to 4.9 billion yuan at the box office during the holiday.