对话****新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官莱斯利·马斯多普 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋本台记者 Today, the New Development Bank is holding its first physical annual meeting in 3 years.The members finally had the chance to gather face-to-face with others from different fields to talk about how to shape the new era for global development based on the bank's previous achievements. So how do you define a new era? And what do you think are the biggest achievements the bank has made in recent years? 今天,新开发银行召开了三年来首场线下理事会年会。成员国代表和各界人士终于有机会面对面讨论如何基于新开发银行过去的成就开创全球发展新时代。您如何定义新时代?您认为近几年,新开发银行最大的成就是什么? Leslie Maasdorp, Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank 莱斯利·马斯多普 新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官 The theme for this year is indeed about the new era for development. And there are several features of characteristics of this new era. The first one I would say is the deeper focus on sustainability. This is captured in the strategy of the bank, where 40% of the bank's financing is going towards climate change. The second big part of our focus is promoting the use of local currency financing. As you know, (US) interest rates have increased significantly from zero levels just 2 years ago to US dollar interest rate over 5% today. When countries borrow in US dollars, they have foreign exchange risk that they are exposed to. Many of the capital markets of many of our member countries are well developed enough for us to raise money in those currencies. 今年的理事会年会主题的确是关于新时代发展的。新时代具有很多特点。首先是更注重可持续发展。这也是我行战略之一。我行40%的融资用于气候变化相关项目。其次我们更注重推进本币融资。我们都知道,2年前美联储基准利率还是百分之零点几,今天已超过了5%。所以,成员国借进美元,会面临外汇风险。我们许多成员国的资本市场已经发展得很好,我们有条件用本币进行融资。 Z: Especially in recent months, given the global banking crisis and high interest rates in western economies, more companies and countries have been paying close attention to using national currencies. We've also seen increasing proportion of NDB approvals denominated in national currencies of member countries, which stood at around 22% in the first quarter of this year. So what role do you think the NDB can play in promoting using national currencies of member countries? 特别是过去几个月,受全球银行业危机和西方经济体高利率的影响,更多企业和国家开始关注使用本币。我们也看到,新开发银行成员国以本币提供的融资比例在不断上升,截至今年一季度末,该比例已接近22%。您认为,新开发银行在推动成员国使用本币投融资方面有何作用? L: The goal overall is around 30% for the bank as a whole. In China, we are already exceeding that now. In China, close to 50% of the projects are in renminbi. On the 29th of May, the New Development Bank issued a Panda Bond for 8.5 billion renminbi. This is the single largest panda bond issued by any development bank globally. So we are very proud of this achievement. And we're very proud of the fact that we have been able to increase the size of our program - our bond program in China to 40 billion renminbi. So the aim of this is to utilize those proceeds in local currency in China. We will do the same in other member countries of the bank. In June - next month, we aim to also issue a bond in South Africa. And we will be working on issuing similar programs in India, in Brazil, and then also in the new member countries that have just joined the bank. 我行将把以成员国本币进行融资的比例提升到30%。在中国,这一比例已经远超30%。中国近50%的项目是以人民币计价的。5月29日,新开发银行在中国银行间债券市场成功发行85亿元人民币熊猫债。这是迄今为止全球开发银行发行的最大规模的熊猫债券。对此,我们很自豪。同时,我们也很骄傲,因为我行已大幅提升在中国的债券规模,目前已达400亿元人民币。此举就是为了在中国能以人民币利用这些募集资金。我们也将在其他成员国进行类似融资项目。六月,也就是下个月,我们计划在南非发债。我们也会在印度、巴西以及其它新加入的成员国进行类似融资项目。 Z: The past 3 years have been tough ones due to the COVID pandemic. And now that the world has really turned the page on that. What do you think are the major challenges for the global development currently? 过去三年新冠疫情为全球带来极大挑战。现在,疫情挑战已逐渐弱化。您认为目前,全球发展面临的重大挑战是什么? L: The world is going through multiple crisis today. One of the crisis is around the fiscal distress that many countries are suffering. Some countries... There is a large number of over 40 developing countries that are going through major debt challenges right now. What COVID has done is stretch the budgets of most of our member countries. And they are now in a recovery phase. One of the real benefits of a bank like the New Development Bank and other global institutions, like Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Bank and so on, is that we are very highly rated institutions. What that means is that we can provide funding much cheaper to our member countries than what they would be able to derive if they were to raise the money themselves. In future, we will do more co-financing where we will invite those banks to finance projects alongside us. Give you an example, we are building the metro in Mumbai together with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Asia Development Bank. So we want to co-finance so we can stretch our balance sheets by working with other institutions as well, both development banks as well as private financial institutions. 今天的世界仍面临诸多挑战。其中之一是很多国家财政吃紧。40多个发展中国家债务正面临严峻挑战。疫情期间,我行的大多数成员国都扩大了预算。如今,各成员国正处在经济复苏阶段。新开发银行和其他包括亚洲基础设施投资银行、亚洲开发银行和世界银行在内的全球金融机构的一大优点是,我们的信用评级较高。这意味着我们能够以较低利率向我们的成员国提供资金,如果各成员国自主筹集资金,可能享受不到这样的利率。未来,我们也会邀请上述银行与我行合作共同为成员国发展项目提供资金支持。举个例子,我行即将和亚洲基础设施投资银行、亚洲开发银行合作共同为孟买地铁项目提供资金支持。共同供资可以加强我行与其他金融机构,发展银行以及私营金融机构的融资合作。 Z: The New Development Bank was established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS countries in 2015. And since then, it has been expanded to include more member countries, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates and Egypt. Does that mean the New Development Bank is now working to include more developing countries? 新开发银行由由金砖五国——巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非于2015年共同成立。成立后,新开发银行不断扩员并吸纳孟加拉国、阿联酋和埃及为新成员国。这是不是意味着新开发银行将要吸纳更多发展中国家呢? L: We are very excited about the fact that in 2021, Egypt, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates joined the bank. And Uruguay is in the final stages of the of their joining. The process of membership expansion will now accelerate because also the new president Dilma Russeff, who has arrived a few months ago, have indicated that this will be one of the biggest strategic priorities of the bank. So this will inject further energy and momentum into our membership process. It's not going to be a quick acceleration of 10, 20, 50 countries. It will be done in a phased manner. 我们非常高兴,在2021年,埃及、孟加拉国、阿联酋加入了新开发银行。乌拉圭纳入我行相关工作也已接近尾声。我行扩原工作正在加速,因为前几个月刚到任的新行长迪尔玛·罗塞夫称扩员工作将成为新开发银行的战略重点之一。这也为我行的扩员工作注入了能量和动力。当然,扩员工作也不会进行得那么快,不会10个、20个、50个国家这么快。我们会循序渐进地实现这个目标。