The Coolest Game—The Adventurer‘s Ice Game: Bobsleigh 冬奥小百科——冰上勇者的项目:雪车 Welcome back to the Coolest Games, in this series we tell you everything you need to know about a Winter Olympics sport in each episode. Today, we’re talking about Bobsleigh. 欢迎回到冬奥小百科!在每一期的节目里,我们会与你分享一个你需要了解的冬奥项目。今天,我们来说说雪车。 Bobsleigh is an iconic part of the games. It is one of the 3 sliding sports in the Winter Olympics, alongside the skeleton and luge. 雪车是冬奥会的标志性项目,也是冬奥会三项滑行运动之一。其余两项是钢架雪车和雪橇。 Let’s make it clearer the difference among the 3 sliding sports. 让我们一起来了解下这三种滑行运动有何区别。 Luge is called “雪橇” in Chinese. For this sport, the athletes position themselves in a “supine” position on the sleds, lying down on their backs with their feet, they then race down the track feet first. The object of Luge is to reach the end of the track in the fastest time possible. “Luge”中文译为“雪橇”。在此项运动中,运动员需要仰卧,背部倚靠在雪橇上,然后通过脚部发力,推动雪橇沿滑道滑行。雪橇运动的目标是以最快的速度到达终点。 Skeleton means “钢架雪车” in Chinese. Although similar to luge, athletes begin with a 15-meter running start and ride head first down the mountain on their stomachs. Skeleton is a bit slower than luge as the athletes’ body position is less aerodynamic when going head first, but they can still reach incredibly fast speeds. “Skeleton”中文译为“钢架雪车”。它和雪橇有些相似,但是钢架雪车有15米的助跑路程。运动员需要腹部朝下、头部朝前,沿着滑道滑行。钢架雪车速度比雪橇要慢一些,因为运动员保持头部在前的姿势时,空气阻力相对较大,不过钢架雪车依旧能保持极高的速度滑行。 Bobsleigh refers to “雪车”in Chinese. The Bobsleigh is a fascinating winter sport that makes use of gravity to move a sleigh through the race course, twisting and turning through a narrow, banked ice track. The time taken to complete the race is used to calculate the final score. The game is often referred to as Bobsled, Bob or King’s Class. The first bobsleighs date back to the late 19th century. The name Bobsleigh originates from the way early participants would move back and forth inside their sleds, a motion they called “bobbing”, in an attempt to make the sled go faster. Athletes rely on gravity to move at the fastest possible pace, and they pull on rings to steer the sleds and improve their track position. “Bobsleigh”中文译为“雪车”。这项运动非常有趣:运动员利用重力,推动雪橇在滑道上移动,在狭窄而倾斜的跑道上转弯。运动员完成滑行的时间将纳入总成绩的评定。而雪车又被称为“bobsled” “Bob or King’s Class”。历史上第一次雪车比赛可以追溯到十九世纪晚期,当时参与者通过前后摆动雪橇来达到更快的速度,而“雪车”一名就由此诞生。运动员依靠重力,以最快的速度行驶,并通过拉动把手来操控雪车,调整他们在滑行轨道上的位置。 The bobsleigh itself is the main piece of equipment. The sleighs are far more advanced today than they once were. Designs are improved to make them more aerodynamic, with various forms of light metal and steel used as materials. 雪车本身是主要部件,而现在的雪车已经比过去高级了许多,结构设计更加符合空气动力学的原理,并且采用了各种形式的轻金属和钢铁作为材料。 There are 12 medals available in the bobsleigh competition at the Games. The competition at the Winter Olympics features four events: Two-Man, Two-Woman, Four-Man, making its debut at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, -the Women’s Monobob. 冬奥会雪车比赛中一共会诞生12块奖牌,包括4种比赛形式,分别是:男子双人,女子双人,男子四人,以及北京2022冬奥会首次亮相的女子单人。 Bobsleigh is traditionally a team event with two or four participants riding in the sleigh. Every person in a bobsleigh team has a specific role to play, be it a pilot, a brakeman or a pusher. But for the Women’s Monobob, each athlete is responsible for pushing their single-person sled, and piloting it through the course. 传统的雪车运动一般由2-4名参与者在赛道上滑行,团队中的每个人都扮演着不同的角色,来控制方向、刹车以及前进。但在女子单人赛事中,每个运动员需要全程自己推动雪橇,并操控雪车滑行。 Beijing 2022 boasts the highest number of women’s events ever, with the addition of two women’s events and four mixed-team events. Women’s monobob is one of them. 算上女子双人和四人运动(自由性别),北京2022冬奥会的女子赛事数量创历史新高。女子单人雪车项目便是其中一项。 The bobsleigh competition will take place from February 13th to February 20th. 雪车比赛将于2月13日至2月20日举办。 All of the sliding events for Beijing 2022 will take place at the Yanqing National Sliding Centre, located in the Xiaohaituo mountain area in Yanqing. 北京2022冬奥会滑行运动项目地点都在位于延庆的小海坨山的延庆国家雪车雪橇中心。 The sliding facility that was built for the winter games has 16 turns, and is the first in the world to include a 360-degree turn. There’s a total of 1,615 meters of track, with a maximum gradient of 18 percent. 本次冬奥会运动项目修建的滑行赛道共有16个弯道,并拥有世界上首个360度的回旋弯道。赛道总长为1615米,垂直落差约为121米。 Are any of you brave enough to climb into a bobsleigh and race down the mountain? 试问,是否有人足够勇敢,坐进雪车,沿山上赛道一滑而下?