The Party Behind China’s Change Ep 1: What is the CPC? ****��Noor Ul Ain / Pakistan Q: What is the CPC? The CPC, or the Communist Party of China, was founded in Shanghai in 1921. The first National Congress of the CPC was held on July 23rdof the same year. There were over 50 members at the time, 13 delegates attended, including Mao Zedong. The site of the First CPC Congress is a typical Shanghai shikumen-style house. It is now one of the most visited tourist spots recommended by travel guides. ��Eric / United States Q: How many CPC members are there in China? And what are their professions? By the end of 2019, party membership numbered just under 92 million in China, accounting for 6.57% of China’s total population. More than 1/3 of the current CPC membership is under the age of 40. Women account for nearly 28% of the CPC. The CPC’s "Hammer and Sickle" emblem symbolizes the workers and farmers that make up the majority of the Party’s membership. ��Liliana / Brazil Q: Are people from China’s ethnic minority groups allowed to join the Party? No matter what ethnic group he/she belongs to, anyone with Chinese nationality over the age of 18 may apply for membership. ��Mahek / India Q: How to join the CPC? And how long does it take to become a member? Any Chinese national over the age of 18 is eligible to join the CPC. The first step is to write and submit an application letter and get the endorsement of two full Party members. The application must be accepted at a general membership meeting held by the Party branch the applicant is seeking to join. The Party branch will discuss whether the applicant is qualified. Once approved by the Party branch, the application will then go to the next higher Party organization. If approved, full membership will be granted after a one-year probationary period. The amount of time it takes for an application to be approved varies depending on the situation. Should they change their mind, any member is free to withdraw from the Party at any time. For more episodes: