cover of episode 补冬不如补霜降?Frost’s Descent

补冬不如补霜降?Frost’s Descent

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GETTING TO KNOW THE CHINESE CALENDAR Like!中国节 | 举个栗子!霜降必吃美食 大家好,今天是霜降。 Frost’s Descent marks the transition from autumn to winter.  霜降,是秋天的最后一个节气,也意味着冬天的开始。 This is a wonderful time to enjoy maple leaves as they turn yellow, orange or red. Nearly all the tourist websites list the best sites to see maple leaves during this time. 霜降是赏枫的好时节,此时的枫叶经霜打之后染上了黄色、橙色和红色,美不胜收。几乎各大旅游网站都会发布最佳赏枫地的榜单。 In ancient times Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu wrote about mountainous scenery: I stopped the coach as charmed by the maple woods; Frosted autumn leaves outshine February flowers in redness. 唐代诗人杜牧曾写诗描绘山间秋色,“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花” 。 If you think there isn’t anywhere in Shanghai to enjoy the beauty of red maple leaves, think again!In Langxia Town of Jinshan District, Maple Island covers an area of 200,000 square meters and is an ideal maple-viewing spot. Qiuxia Garden in Shanghai’s Jiading District was built in the Ming Dynasty and is one of 5 famous classical gardens in the city. In autumn, the leaves of its maple trees turn red, attracting visitors to take photos. 如果你认为上海没有什么地方可以观赏枫林尽染的美景,那你就错了!金山区廊下镇占地20万平方米的枫叶岛就是个赏枫的好去处。位于上海市嘉定区的明代园林秋霞圃,是上海五大古典园林之一。每当秋霞圃里的枫叶转红时,许许多多的游客都会来此拍照。 During Frost’s Descent, the day and night temperature gap widen to more than 10 degrees Celsius. Just remember to stay warm, and pay attention to weather changes, because…魔都的天气,你懂的!霜降节气,昼夜温差加大,有时甚至会在10摄氏度以上。大家记得要做好保暖工作,注意气候变化,因为……魔都的天气,你懂的! The transition between seasons means you have to carefully look after your health. A saying goes like “补冬不如补霜降”,so here is a great suggestion. 季节交替时,养生很重要。正如民间谚语说的,“补冬不如补霜降”。 Chestnuts during Frost's Descent are considered beneficial to one's health. Chestnuts have a warm nature and sweet flavor, and are good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, invigorating the circulation of blood and relieving coughs, according to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. 霜降进补宜吃栗子。中医认为,栗子性温味甘,能滋养脾胃、活血止咳。 Though chestnuts are not a Shanghai specialty, people here do love them. There are many shops and stands selling sugar-roasted chestnuts at this time of year. The chestnuts in Shanghai are the smaller variety with thin shells, making peeling them with the fingers quite easy. 栗子不是上海特产,但上海人却有栗子情结。这个时节,上海许多店铺都会卖起糖炒栗子。上海的栗子个头较小且皮薄,可以用手轻轻松松剥开。 Chestnut cake was in fact created in Shanghai. An authentic chestnut cake should contain only chestnut paste with no flour at all. At the same time, there is a signature dish of Shanghai cuisine, braised pork with chestnuts. All of these are absolutely yummy, but don’t be greedy and overdo it. 栗子蛋糕可以说是一种老上海味道。正宗的栗子蛋糕没有一点面粉,全部由栗子泥堆成。上海还有一道招牌菜——栗子红烧肉。虽然栗子做的美食十分诱人,但不要贪嘴多吃哦。 寒霜轻轻降,冬阳徐徐近。愿霜降安康,无忧无愁。