cover of episode 12/14 TOP OF THE DAY 南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日/上海蔬菜银行/韩澳领导人会晤

12/14 TOP OF THE DAY 南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日/上海蔬菜银行/韩澳领导人会晤

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*NEWS ON 12/141. NATIONAL MEMORIAL CEREMONY HELD FOR NANJING MASSACRE VICTIMS不忘国耻!南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭仪式举行2. SUBSIDIZED VENDORS DONATES UNSOLD VEGETABLES上海开了家“蔬菜银行”,为余量菜“牵线搭桥”3. S.KOREAN PRESIDENT MOON JAE-IN MEETS AUSTRALIAN PM SCOTT MORRISON韩澳领导人举行会晤,双边关系或将升级**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. NATIONAL MEMORIAL CEREMONY HELD FOR NANJING MASSACRE VICTIMS不忘国耻!南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭仪式举行**The Chinese national flag was lowered to half mast during the 8th National Memorial Day ceremony for the 300,000 people killed in the Nanjing Massacre. Another 11 survivors died this year. Sun Siqi has more on what was said at the ceremony. 今天(12月13日)是第8个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日。在公祭仪式上,国旗降半旗,以向在南京大屠杀中遇难的30万人哀悼。而在今年一年,又有11位南京大屠杀幸存者离开了人世。孙思奇将为我们带来仪式现场的情况介绍。Despite the winter chill【寒冷】, thousands of people attended the ceremony in Nanjing. They wore white flowers on their lapels to convey their condolences. Three guards of honor raised the national flag to the top of the flagpole. After a few seconds, it descended to half mast, marking the start of the Memorial Day.尽管南京的冬日寒风刺骨,依旧有成千人来到了现场参加仪式,他们的衣领上都佩戴着白花,来向逝者致以哀悼之情。三名三军仪仗队的礼兵将国旗升至旗杆顶端,数秒后,他们将国旗缓缓下降至半旗的位置,标志着公祭仪式的正式开始。At 10:01am, sirens blared and the city came to a halt in remembrance【追忆】. Teenagers read a declaration of peace while others struck the Bell of Peace.上午10点01分,警报声在南京城内响起,整个城市都停止了下来,向遇难同胞表达哀思。青少年代表们朗诵和平宣言,来自社会各界的代表撞响和平大钟。Some left messages for peace on wishing walls in a few subway stations in Nanjing.南京的部分地铁站内还设置了和平许愿墙,路过或自发前来的群众纷纷留言。Xi YuelinSchool Counselor, School of Architecture, Southeast University奚月林 东南大学建筑学院辅导员It was a trauma for the entire Chinese nation. I hope my students remember history, study hard and make achievements in their chosen fields, and contribute what they can to China.回顾那段苦难的历史,我想这是整个中华民族的灾难。在今天,希望所有的同学们能够铭记历史,努力学习,在自己的专业领域有所突破,报效祖国。Only 61 known survivors remain after 11 died this year. They were interviewed before they died earlier 2021.截至目前,随着11位南京大屠杀幸存者陆续离世,登记在册的在世幸存者仅剩下61人。Yang CuiyingSurvivor of Nanjing Massacre杨翠英 南京大屠杀幸存者I handed my baby brother to my dad. I begged the Japanese soldiers on my knees. I said, please, he’s just a child. They grabbed him, and stepped on him until he died. My dad, uncle and great-uncle were then stabbed to death. 我就把小弟弟给我爸爸抱着,递给他(爸爸),向日本人跪倒求他(日军),就讲他是小弟弟,是小孩,不要杀我爸爸。他从我爸爸身上把小孩抢下来,摔到地下拿脚踩死,用脚踩死的,三个大人(爸爸 舅舅 堂爷爷),都是用刺刀戳死的。Chen WenyingSurvivor of Nanjing Massacre陈文英 南京大屠杀幸存者My sister was a wonderful girl. They raped her. They didn’t even put a shirt on her after she died. Not even a pair of shoes. She just died like that. (三姐)多漂亮的姑娘,多好的姑娘,就被他(日军)糟蹋了,连一件布衫都不给她穿,(死的时候)连鞋子都没有,可怜死了。Ma YaowuSurvivor of Nanjing Massacre马继武 南京大屠杀幸存者I came to the bridge. Bodies were piled 1 to 2 meters high. They were all dead.我到了桥面前,那死尸堆着,有一两米高,全是死尸。The Nanjing Massacre took place when Japanese soldiers captured the city on December 13th, 1937. Over six weeks, they killed more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers in one of the most barbaric episodes of World War II.1937年12月13日,日本军队在占领南京后,开始了惨无人道的南京大屠杀。短短六周内,他们杀害了30多万手无寸铁的中国平民与士兵,而这也被称为是二战时期中最为残酷野蛮的行径之一。2. SUBSIDIZED VENDORS DONATES UNSOLD VEGETABLES上海开了家“蔬菜银行”,为余量菜“牵线搭桥”*What happens to unsold food at a wet market at the end of the day? At a market in Yangpu District, one of the vendors【小贩,摊主】donates unsold but still fresh vegetables to a food bank for people in need. Sun Siqi takes a look.如果一天结束时,菜市场内还有尚未售出的食物该怎么办呢?在杨浦的一家菜场,有商户将自己还未售出但是仍然新鲜的蔬菜捐给了一个蔬菜银行,去帮助有需要的人。Every morning at a government subsidized fresh produce stand in the Dunhua Road Wet Market, unsold vegetables from the previous day are given to the market chief. Volunteers then come to take them to seniors who live alone. For the past 2 and a half months, Mr. Wang has been getting a few bags of vegetables every day. 在敦化路菜场中,每天早上,我们都能看见在一家政府帮扶的新鲜农产品摊位里,前一天未售出的蔬菜被转交给了菜场负责人。接着,再由志愿者们将这些菜带到那些独居老人的家中。在过去的两个半月中,王老伯每天都能拿到几包蔬菜,*Shanghai Citizen 上海市民This is very helpful for me. There’s a great variety of vegetables, it’s great. 实惠得不得了,支出又少了,东西又新鲜,花式品种又多。真的很好。**Shanghai Citizen 上海市民I can’t hear very well, this letter has everything I wanted to say in thanks. 我耳朵不太好,该说的话都在(感谢信)里面。Produce prices at this stand are up to 50 percent lower than normal. Workers say they like to give away the unsold produce considering they already receive a subsidy【补贴】from the government.在这个摊位上,蔬菜等产品的价格都比市场售价低上一半不止。这里的工作人员表示,他们愿意去捐赠还没有售出的产品,一部分原因是考虑到他们自己已经获得了政府的补贴帮助。*Zhangli***Director, Yangpu Dunhua Wet Market张励 阳普敦化菜市场场长*This stand has a greater customer flow and a larger stock of produce, and more vegetables are left over at the end of the night.平时客流量也比较大、进货量也比较大,到了晚上相应的多余菜也比较多。Gong LingCadre, Yanji Sicun Committee, Yanji Xincun Subdistrict, Yangpu District, Shanghai**龚凌 上海市杨浦区延吉新村街道延吉四村居委干部*We have many seniors who live alone in our community, some of them are really advanced in age, we wanted to do something that would really help them.社区里面有些空巢老人,或者说是独居老人,有的年龄比较大,我们正好想把关爱老人这方面做到实处。The market says just one stand is not enough to cover all the families in need, so they’d like to seek support from more vendors.市场的管理人员表示,仅仅一个摊位是无法满足所有有需要的家庭的,因此,他们希望能有更多的商户愿意一同参与到其中去。3. S.KOREAN PRESIDENT MOON JAE-IN MEETS AUSTRALIAN PM SCOTT MORRISON韩澳领导人举行会晤,双边关系或将升级South Korean President Moon Jae-in arrived in Canberra today to meet with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Moon Jae-in is the first foreign leader to visit Australia since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Zhang Hong tells us more. 韩国总统文在寅今天(12月13日)在堪培拉与澳大利亚总理莫里森进行了会晤,他是新冠疫情爆发后首位访问澳大利亚的外国领导人。This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between South Korea and Australia. The two leaders are expected to sign agreements to work more closely in the region.今年是韩澳两国建交60周年,文在寅此访令双边关系再上台阶。*Morrison**Australian Prime Minister莫里森 澳大利亚总理*I’m so pleased to be able to host you, and to formally elevate our relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. 我很高兴能在此招待您,并正式将我们的双边关系升级为全面战略伙伴关系。Australia and South Korea signed a 720 million US dollar defense deal. The deal will see South Korean defense company Hanwha provide Australia with 30 self-propelled howitzer artillery weapons, 15 ammunition【弹药】supply vehicles and radar systems to detect enemy artillery. 双方签署了一份价值7.2亿美元的军购合同。根据协议,韩方将向澳军出口30门自行火炮、15辆导弹运输车、以及侦察敌方炮兵部署的雷达系统。Both countries also signed a deal to commit to a net zero emissions future by agreeing on work plans for clean energy technology and critical minerals. 并且,两国还在零排放方面签订了相关协议,同意将一同致力于新清洁能源的发展与重要矿物的开发。Moon Jae-in also reiterated South Korea’s stance on its participance in the Winter Olympic Games.同时,文在寅还重申了韩方将出席北京冬奥会的立场。Moon Jae-inSouth Korean President*文在寅 韩国总统We have not received a request from any other country including the United States. South Korea will not follow countries that have decided to not send officials to the Winter Olympics. 美国和其他国家都没有向韩方给出建议,韩国也没有考虑不派遣官员出席北京冬奥会。Moon Jae-in also said the visit will not affect its relationship with China, adding that South Korea needs the constructive efforts of China to enable the denuclearization of the DPRK.文在寅指出,此访不会影响韩中关系。此外,为实现朝鲜无核化,也需要中方发挥建设性作用。#热词加油站chill [tʃɪl]【寒冷】remembrance [rɪˈmembrəns]【追忆】vendor [ˈvɛndə(r)]【小贩】subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi]【补贴】ammunition [ˌæmjəˈnɪʃ(ə)n]【弹药】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~