NEWS ON 12/13 1. NEW GROUP OF SATELLITES LAUNCHED INTO ORBIT 目标是星辰大海!长征系列运载火箭完成第400次发射 2. DOMESTIC CRUISE SHIP RECEIVES INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION 国内首次!自主设计研发大型邮轮获得国际认可 3. UNSG ACCEPTS INVITATION TO BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 联合国秘书长接受邀请将出席北京冬奥会,“支持中国”之声响彻国际 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. NEW GROUP OF SATELLITES LAUNCHED INTO ORBIT 目标是星辰大海!长征系列运载火箭完成第400次发射 Two satellites were launched into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center today in Gansu Province. 今日(12月10日),中国的两颗卫星成功在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空。 The Shijian 6-05 satellites were launched on a Long March-4B rocket at 8:11am and have entered their planned orbit. They will be used for geographic surveys and new technology demonstrations. 上午8时11分,长征四号乙运载火箭将实践六号05组卫星送入太空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道。实践六号卫星主要用于开展空间环境探测和新技术试验验证。 The launch marked the 400th mission in the Long March series of carrier rockets. So far, Long March rockets have completed over 92 percent of the nation’s total launch missions, deploying more than 700 spacecraft in orbit. The overall success rate of the Long March fleet is 96.25 percent, according to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. 这是长征系列运载火箭的第400次发射。迄今为止,长征系列运载火箭实施了中国超过92%的航天发射任务,先后将700余个航天器送入轨道。根据中国航天科技集团有限公司的数据,长征火箭发射成功率高达96.25%。 2. DOMESTIC CRUISE SHIP RECEIVES INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION 中国制造!首艘国产大邮轮获得国际认可 A 150,000-gross-ton cruise ship became the country’s first domestically designed large passenger ship to receive approval-in-principle certification from a leading ship society, marking a breakaway from a reliance【依赖】 on overseas ship designers. Sun Siqi tells us more about elements in place specifically for Chinese vacationers. 中国自主研发设计的15万总吨级大型邮轮获得了国际船级社的原则性认可证书,这是中国历史首次,开启了该领域自主设计的新时代。让我们跟随ICS记者“走进”这艘为中国乘客专门设计的巨轮,看看其中有哪些设计亮点吧。 The 329-meter-long behemoth of a ship was certified by leading Italian ship classification society RINA, with its space-per-passenger, passenger-crew ratio and cruising speed all top tier for similar vessels in the world. 这艘329米长的巨轮获得了意大利船级社(RINA)的认证,其乘客空间比、乘客船员比以及航速等技术指标均达到国际同类主流船型的先进水平。 Ma Wangkou, Deputy R&D Director China Cruise Technology Development 马网扣/中船邮轮科技发展有限公司研究开发部副主任 Notice the bulbous bow【球鼻艏】 design, it cuts resistance and saves fuel. 我们这个船,采用了球鼻艏的设计,能够以更少的燃油和更少的阻击,达到更好的航速。 Cabin and deck designs were tailored for Chinese passengers, including a larger buffet【自助餐】 area and a greater proportion of family suites. 该船的舱室和公共区域规划也特别考虑了中国邮轮乘客的特色需求,比如增大自助餐厅面积、增加家庭房比例等。 Fang Quan, Deputy GM China Cruise Technology Development 房泉/中船邮轮科技发展有限公司副总经理 Considering the increasing number of seniors in society, we’ve added more public areas and accessible passageways for them. Pandemic control facilities are in place, with enhanced ventilation and a greater amount of medical facilities. 考虑了现在中国人口老龄化的趋势,所以上面有很多适合于老年人的公共区域设计和无障碍通道设计。也特别考虑了现在防疫的安排,包括医疗设施的扩充和空调通风次数的增加。 The shipbuilder said designing a cruise ship involves careful considerations in terms of cabin layouts and interior design, and even greater complexity in bringing the designs to fruition. Until today, cruise ships have only been designed by a handful of European companies. China Cruise Technology Development executives【经理,高管】 hope having a domestically designed vessel will spur downstream growth. 中船邮轮公司表示,大型邮轮的设计研发涉及舱室布局、高端内装等关键技术,其总装建造过程甚至更为复杂,因此直到今天为止还是由少数几个欧洲设计公司垄断的。中船邮轮公司的高管们希望,一艘国产大邮轮的下水能够起到对产业链下游的带动作用。 3. UNSG ACCEPTS INVITATION TO BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 联合国秘书长接受邀请将出席北京冬奥会,“支持中国”之声响彻国际 United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has accepted an invitation yesterday, to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022. Some countries including France and Argentina have also expressed support for the event. Sun Siqi has more. 昨日(12月9日)联合国秘书长古特雷斯收到了参加2022年北京冬奥会的邀请,并决定接受邀请出席开幕式。法国、阿根廷等国也表态支持北京冬奥会。 A spokesperson for Guterres noted that the Secretary General’s two predecessors attended almost every Olympic Games since at least 2002 when former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan went to Salt Lake City. On the same day, French President Emmanuel Macron said that France will send a delegation including its minister in charge of Sports, and Secretary of State in charge of People with Disabilities for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games. 古特雷斯的发言人指出,自从2002年联合国前秘书长科菲·安南前往美国盐湖城出席冬奥会以来,历任联合国秘书长几乎出席了所有奥运会。同一天,法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙表示,法国计划派负责体育事务和残疾人事务的代表出席北京冬奥会和冬残奥会。 Emmanuel Macron French President 埃马纽埃尔·马克龙/法国总统 I think this issue must not be politicized, especially such small, symbolic measures. 这个问题不应该被政治化,尤其他们仅仅是为了摆个姿态。 Argentina’s foreign ministry also made a statement yesterday saying that the country supports the Beijing Winter Olympics. And Russia’s Olympic Committee chief reiterated【重申】 that the Olympic movement is not the place for political statements. 阿根廷外交部昨日(12月9日)也发表声明,称阿根廷大力支持北京冬奥会。俄罗斯奥委会主席重申,奥林匹克运动与政治言论应划清界限。 Stanislav Pozdnyakov, President Russian Olympic Committee 斯坦尼斯拉夫·波兹尼亚科夫/俄罗斯奥委会主席 As our head of state already said, he will be present, and this will be an additional motivating factor for all the members of the Russian Olympic Committee team. 我们的国家元首(普京)已经说过,他会出席北京冬奥会,这将是对俄奥委会代表队的额外激励。 The Russian Olympic delegation for the Winter Games will include about 450 people including 216 athletes. 俄罗斯的冬奥会参赛代表团由450名成员组成,其中包括216名运动员。 #热词加油站 reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns]【依赖】 bulbous bow [ˈbʌlbəs baʊ]【球鼻艏】 buffet [ˈbʌfɪt]【自助餐】 executive [ɪɡˈzekjətɪv]【经理,高管】 reiterate [riˈɪtəreɪt]【重申】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~