cover of episode 12/08 TOP OF THE DAY 上海国际艺术品交易月/发热门诊迎战疫情/美国抵制冬奥会

12/08 TOP OF THE DAY 上海国际艺术品交易月/发热门诊迎战疫情/美国抵制冬奥会

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NEWS ON 12/08 1. SH INT’L ARTWORK TRADE MONTH GENERATES $1.7 BLN IN SALES 艺博会联动进博会,上海国际艺术品交易月高光不断 2. FEVER CLINIC RUNS AS INTENDED IN FACE OF DANGER 上海迎战疫情,发热门诊构筑安全防线 3. CHINESE FM RESPONDS TO U.S. DIPLOMATIC BOYCOTT OF BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 美国“外交抵制”北京冬奥会,外交部发出严正声明 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. SH INT’L ARTWORK TRADE MONTH GENERATES $1.7 BLN IN SALES 艺博会联动进博会,上海国际艺术品交易月高光不断 The third Shanghai International Artwork Trade Month generated sales of 10.8 billion yuan. 第三届上海国际艺术品交易月落下帷幕,累积交易艺术品货值达108亿元。 More than 300 exhibitions, trade fairs and auctions were held. A section for art and antiquities【文物】 was set up for the first time at the CIIE, and it included masterpieces from overseas. West Bund Art and Design, and ART-21 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, two of the country’s biggest art fairs were also held last month, attracting a record number of participants. Leading domestic【本国的,国内的】 auction houses like Guangzhou Holly’s International Auction established an office in the city. 交易月期间,上海举办了300多场艺术博览会、展览展销活动和艺术品拍卖会。进博会也首次设立了文物艺术品板块,成为国际艺术精品的"入海口"。上个月(11月),中国影响力最高的两大艺术博览会——西岸艺术与设计博览会以及Art -21上海当代艺术博览会都如期举办,规模创下新高。国内知名拍卖行,如广州华艺国际拍卖有限公司也将业务布局到了沪上。 2. FEVER CLINIC RUNS AS INTENDED IN FACE OF DANGER 上海迎战疫情,发热门诊构筑安全防线 Two of Shanghai’s hospitals were shut down temporarily for the screening of personnel and environment samples for the corona-virus. Zhang Yue looks at how they coped with the emergency. 上海两家医院暂时实行了封闭管理以配合疫情排查。让我们跟随ICS记者,一起揭开医疗机构战"疫"背后的故事。 On December 1st, a mother and her daughter went to Renji Hospital’s Pudong Branch with a fever. The entrance of the fever clinic is isolated【隔离】 from other departments, a preventive measure to reduce the chance of infection if someone has COVID-19. 12月1日,一对母女因发热前往仁济医院浦东院区。这里发热门诊的入口与其他科室隔离,这是医院为减少感染的可能性而采取的预防措施。 Fu Xiaofang, Doctor Renji Hospital 傅小芳,仁济医院主任护师 The mother and daughter were tested for the virus around 9pm, and were immediately transferred to an isolation ward. This isolation ward was actually built back in 2003, and includes an independent restroom. 第一次(核酸阳性)是晚上9点多,我们把她转移到这边单间隔离病房。我们是03年就造了这个发热门诊,然后这是独立的卫生间。 Doctors checked the test result several times before reporting to the Pudong District Disease Control and Prevention Center for further analysis. Pudong health officials quickly confirmed they had COVID-19. 医生对检测结果进行了多次核酸复测,随后上报给了浦东新区疾病预防控制中心,由市级专家组进行最后复核,很快判定为确诊病例。 Zhang Jidong, Vice President Renji Hospital 张继东,仁济医院副院长 The mother and daughter were transferred to Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center at around 4am the next day. Doctors and nurses who had contact with the patients were also placed in quarantine. 第二天早上4点左右的时候,患者就被转移到公共卫生中心。我们医务人员再按照"高筛"(高危筛查对象)的管理,也送到相应的隔离点进行隔离。 The hospital reopened at 8am on December 3rd, after a temporary shutdown. All personnel and environment samples tested negative for the virus. The hospital said construction will be completed this month on a building designed to treat infectious diseases.  经过短暂的封闭管理,仁济医院在12月3日早上8点重新开放。所有相关人员和环境样本检测结果均为阴性。院方介绍,新建感染大楼即将于本月完工。 Shanghai No.4 People’s Hospital in Hongkou has also built a new building to treat infectious patients. The hospital said its coronavirus testing capacity has also improved. 新建感染大楼的,还有位于虹口区的上海市第四人民医院。院方表示其检测能力已明显提高。 Tan Lijiang, Deputy Party Secretary SH No.4 People’s Hospital 谭莉疆,上海市第四人民医院党委副书记 Our testing service is open 24 hours a day. We are capable of testing 10,000 people daily. 我们是区域内唯一24小时开设的核酸检测窗口。同时我们单日检测能力是在1万人次。 There are 127 fever clinics in Shanghai. Health officials remind residents to see a doctor immediately if they have a fever and cough, as respiratory infections are more common during winter and spring. 上海市目前有127家发热门诊,疾控工作人员提醒市民,冬春季节是呼吸道感染的高发期,如果出现发烧、咳嗽状况,应立即前往就医。 3. CHINESE FM RESPONDS TO U.S. DIPLOMATIC BOYCOTT OF BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 美国“外交抵制”北京冬奥会,外交部发出严正声明 Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said today that China has lodged stern representations to the United States over its diplomatic boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, adding that Beijing will take resolute countermeasures. Lei Shuran has the story. 中国外交部发言人赵立坚今日(12月7日)表示,中方已就美国对2022年北京冬奥会的外交抵制向其提出严正交涉,此外也将作出坚决反制。 Zhao made the remarks after the White House announced yesterday that the US government will not send an official delegation【代表(团)】 to the Winter Olympics over concerns about China’s human rights record in Xinjiang. 昨日(12月6日)白宫宣布,美国政府将不会派出任何外交或官方代表出席2022年北京冬奥会,理由是所谓"新疆人权问题"。赵立坚对此作出了回应。 Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson Chinese Foreign Ministry 赵立坚,中国外交部发言人 The US attempt to disturb the Olympics is based on ideological prejudice, lies and rumors. This move is a serious violation of the principle of political neutrality of sports enshrined in the Olympic Charter and also against the Olympic Motto of "togetherness". China has lodged stern representations with the US and will take resolute countermeasures. 美方基于意识形态偏见,基于谎言、谣言试图干扰北京冬奥会。美方做法严重违背奥林匹克宪章确立的体育运动政治中立原则,同更团结的奥林匹克格言背道而驰。中方对美方表态强烈不满、坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉,并将作出坚决反制。 Zhao noted that according to Olympic rules, a country’s Olympic Committee is responsible for inviting government officials of the country to attend Olympic Games. It is up to the Unites States to decide whether its government officials will attend the Beijing Winter Olympics.  赵立坚强调,根据奥运规则,各国官员出席奥运会应由本国奥委会邀请。美国政府官员是否出席北京冬奥会,是美方自己的事。 He urged the US to stop politicizing sports and stop comments and acts that are intended to disturb and sabotage【破坏】 the Beijing Olympics, warning that otherwise the two countries’ dialogue and cooperation in various fields and on international and regional issues would be harmed. 他敦促美方停止将体育运动政治化,停止干扰破坏北京冬奥会的言行,否则将损害两国在一系列重要领域和国际地区问题上的对话合作。 #热词加油站 antiquity [ænˈtɪkwəti]【文物】 domestic [dəˈmestɪk]【本国的,国内的】 isolate [ˈaɪsəleɪt]【隔离】 delegation [ˌdelɪˈɡeɪʃn]【代表(团)】 sabotage [ˈsæbətɑːʒ]【破坏】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~