NEWS ON 12/07 1. LAO STUDENTS TRAIN TO BE RAILWAY ENGINEERS IN SHANGHAI 学成归来,老挝在沪留学生投身中老铁路建设 2. CITY BEGINS '15-MINUTE COMMUNITY LIFE CIRCLE' PROJECTS 缩短生活距离,“15分钟生活圈**”打造便民社区 3. NATIONAL INDOOR STADIUM ON TRACK FOR BEIJING OLYMPICS 改造完成!迎接冬奥,国家体育馆已就位 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. LAO STUDENTS TRAIN TO BE RAILWAY ENGINEERS IN SHANGHAI 学成归来,老挝在沪留学生投身中老铁路建设 The China-Laos Railway is a landmark project under the Belt and Road Initiative. Nine Lao people graduated from a Shanghai university and will now be involved in the railway's operation. Zhang Hong has more on the exchange program. 中老铁路是“一带一路”倡议下的里程碑式的工程。9位老挝人从上海的大学毕业,如今将参与这条铁路的运营工作。 They are Laos' first railway technicians with a bachelor【学士】** degree. 23-year-old Sou XONG is one of them and he's thrilled about the railway's launch. 他们是老挝首批拥有学士学位的铁路技术工人。23岁的苏宋是其中之一,他对铁路的开通感到激动。 Sou XONG Lao Student 苏宋,老挝学生 We expect Laos to develop as rapidly as China and the people to live better and better after the launch of the railway. 我们期待中老铁路通车后,老挝也能像中国那样飞速发展,老百姓生活越来越好。 In 2018, the Shanghai Institute of Technology teamed up with Souphanouvong University on an exchange program. The program was created to train technical talents for the localization of the China-Laos Railway. 2018年,上海应用技术大学与老挝的苏发努冯大学合作开展了交流项目。这一项目旨在位中老铁路的本土化培训技术人才。 The first nine Lao students arrived in Shanghai for their undergraduate course in 2018. One year later they returned home and were assigned to the China-Laos railway construction site for probation. A total of 31 Lao students have been selected for the program with 22 still studying in Shanghai. 首批9名老挝学生于2018年抵达上海学习。一年后,他们返回家乡,被派往中老铁路建设现场实习。总共有31名老挝学生被选入该项目,目前22人仍在上海学习。 Fueya THORTOU Lao Student 老挝学生 I came to Shanghai on September 13, 2019. I want to become an engineer who maintains the Laos-China railway after graduation. I will share what I have learned about railways in China with Lao people so that they understand it better since we don't have a railway in Laos. 我们是2019年9月13日来到上海,毕业后要成为中老两国的维护铁路的工程师。因为老挝没有铁路,所以在中国学习见过的东西,(我要)分享给我们老挝人民,希望他们以后能更了解中老铁路的知识,更懂中国文化。 Ke Qinfei President, Shanghai Institute of Technology 柯勤飞,上海应用技术大学校长 The university promotes the railway project by training international talents. This is a great way for Chinese students to develop an international perspective【观点,视野】. They learn about the world and the national strategy through communication with Lao students. 上应大通过培养国际人才来推进铁路项目。从学校来讲,国际化如何通过人才培养达到这样的效果。这对于我们学生的国际视野的培养,对于轨道交通这样的专业的学生(很有帮助),在跟老挝的学生的交流当中,了解世界,也了解了国家的战略。 This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Laos. The opening of the railway is expected to boost the economy of Laos, which is landlocked. 今年是中老建交60周年。中老铁路的开通,有望促进“陆锁国”老挝的经济增长。 Huang Renwei Vice President, Fudan Institute of Belt and Road and Global Governance 黄仁伟,复旦大学一带一路及全球治理研究院常务副院长 The railway is also part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' Trans-Asian Railway, which will pass through Malaysia, Thailand and finally Singapore. China and ASEAN will be connected in the future. 铁路也是东盟的泛亚铁路的一部分,泛亚铁路将来要经过马来西亚,泰国和新加坡,中国和东盟将联成一体。 Jing Ying Vice President, SH People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 景莹,上海市人民对外友好协会副会长 The railway is a hardware connection, but the people-to-people connection is the real connection. I hope that Shanghai will continue its efforts in making friends in Laos, and widening our diplomatic circle of friends. 铁路通了,是硬件通了,但人心相通是真正的相通。上海友协在为国交友,我们要积极地努力,为国家服务,为上海的朋友圈服务,把我们的朋友圈做得大大的。 China is also launching a partnership with Laos on technological research. The Shanghai Institute of Technology unveiled an international joint laboratory on the China-Laos railway project that will cover technical issues. 中国与老挝在科研领域也展开了合作。服务于技术问题的“中老铁路工程国际联合实验室”已在上海应用技术大学正式揭牌。 2. CITY BEGINS '15-MINUTE COMMUNITY LIFE CIRCLE' PROJECTS 缩短生活距离,“15分钟生活圈**”打造便民社区 Shanghai initiated the idea to build "15-minute Community Life Circles" this year, aiming to make life easier for residents inside the neighbor-hoods. Zhang Yue brings us the details of how residents are responding to the plan. 今年,上海提出了建设“15分钟生活圈”的规划,目的在于使社区居民的生活更加便利。 Residents at this neighborhood on Wanhangdu Road in Jing'an District were pleased to see the reopening of a nearby store that was closed for renovations about 6 months ago. The shop sells grain and oil, and many residents have been coming to the store for pastries【油酥点心**】 and noodles for decades, the newly reopened shop has made some new additions. 静安区万航渡路一社区的居民很高兴看到附近的一家商店重新开业。六个月前,这家商店歇业装修。这家店售卖粮油,几十年来,很多居民来这家店购买点心和面条,翻新后的店铺增加了一些新的种类。 Zhou Rong Manager, No.6 Grain & Oil Food Company 周荣,第六粮油食品商店有限公司经理 Residents are now able to customized their own noodle, such as birthday noodles, and longevity noodles for seniors. In food preparation, creativity is as important as tradition. 居民现在可以定制自己的面条,比如生日吉祥面,给老人的长寿面。在食物准备方面,传统的东西要有,创新的东西也要有。 Zhou said a delivery service is now available for seniors living by themselves. 周荣说,独居老人的配送上门服务已经开通。 Outside of the city center, in suburban Minhang district, 26-year-old barista【咖啡师】 Chen Lei owns a coffee shop. The coffee shop, is located inside a community-operated workspace that was converted from a block of 30 spare apartments. 在市郊的闵行区,26岁的咖啡师陈磊经营着一家咖啡店,位于由30栋闲置民宅转化成的创客空间。 It's a place for people to meet, socialize, collaborate and start their own business, it has already become a home for several small companies. 这是一个供人们见面,社交,合作和创业的地方,已经成为一些小公司的家园。 Yang Niu Manager, Meike County 杨纽,魅客小镇负责人 This is not only a village, but also a community for young entrepreneurs. We want to see them to live and work here for the long term. This is why we need to provide a better '15-minute life circle'. 这边不光是一个乡村,同时它也是一个创新型社区。我们想让他们(青年创业者、优质企业家)长期生活在这边,创业在这边,所以就需要提供更好的“15分钟生活圈”。 The Shanghai government says the '15-minute Community Life Circle' project aims to help people meet their daily needs such as grocery shopping, eating, clothes shopping, and other services like health and medical, social security, and elderly care services, all within a 15-minute walk. 上海市政府表示,“15分钟生活圈”旨在使人们得日常生活需求在步行15分钟内得到满足,包括购买生活必需品、食品、衣服,以及其它服务如医疗健康、社会保障和养老服务。 3. NATIONAL INDOOR STADIUM ON TRACK FOR BEIJING OLYMPICS 改造完成!迎接冬奥,国家体育馆已就位 The National Indoor Stadium in Beijing is now ready for the Olympic Games after upgrades and the completion of test events. It will be the main venue for the ice hockey【曲棍球,冰球】 competition. Zhang Yue has the story. 位于北京的国家体育馆在完成改造和测试活动后,现在已经准备好迎接冬奥会。它将作为冰球比赛的主要场地。 After two years of renovation work, the National Indoor Stadium now covers around 98,000 square meters. Its ice making and dehumidification systems have been upgraded. It has two rinks that will be used for both games and practices. 经过了两年的改造,国家体育馆目前占地约9.8万平方米,主馆部分增加了除湿系统和制冰功能。国家体育馆内有两块冰球冰面用于比赛和训练。 Lei Ming Deputy Operation Director, National Indoor Stadium 雷鸣,国家体育馆场馆运行团队常务副主任 The ice will have a thickness of 4 centimeters and be kept at a temperature of minus 6 degrees Celsius. The ice will be 1 centimeter thicker for Paralympic athletes, as they will be sitting on sleighs. 在冬奥会期间冰面的厚度会达到3.5至4厘米,冰面的平均温度会达到-6℃。在冬残奥会的时候,由于运动员使用的是冰橇,厚度要达到接近5厘米。 Ice making will begin next month, and technicians will used far-infrared lasers the ensure the smoothness of the ice. 下月起,场馆将开始制冰,技术人员将使用远红外激光器来确保冰面平滑。 Facilities for disabled spectators have also been updated, including 36 stands near each entrance. 场馆内的无障碍设施也进行了升级,包括36个无障碍看台,分散于各个入口处。 Closets in the locker rooms can be assembled and moved if needed after the event. 赛后,每个更衣室单元可根据需要拆开和拼接使用。 Wang Yue Manager, Venue & Infrastructure Team, National Indoor Stadium 王越,国家体育馆场馆运行团队和基础设施经理 Some of the equipment and facilities will be kept as a legacy, while some will be recycled and reused. The recycling rate will reach over 95%. (国家体育馆的装备和设施)一部分我们作为奥运遗产保留,一部分进行回收再利用。它的回收利用率是在95%以上。 The venue will also be used for figure skating and short-track speed skating events. After the Beijing 2022 Games, the venue will be open to the public. In 2008, the stadium was used for gymnastics events at the Beijing Summer Olympics. 国家体育馆也将用于花样滑冰和短道速滑的比赛。北京2022冬奥会之后,场馆将对外开放。在2008年,该场馆曾用于北京奥运会得体操比赛。 #热词加油站 bachelor [ˈbætʃələ(r)]【学士】 perspective [pə(r)ˈspektɪv]【观点,视野】 pastry ['peɪstri]【油酥点心】 barista [bə'rɪstə]【咖啡师】 hockey [ˈhɒki]【曲棍球,冰球】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~