cover of episode 12/02 TOP OF THE DAY 上海落户新政/会繁殖的活体机器人/残障人士专场音乐会

12/02 TOP OF THE DAY 上海落户新政/会繁殖的活体机器人/残障人士专场音乐会

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NEWS ON 12/01 1. GRADUATES INTERESTED IN NEW HUKOU POLICY 落户新政来啦!应届毕业生将有机会直接落户上海 2. DISABLED SPECTATORS INVITED TO SYMPHONY CONCERT 被音乐拥抱 两百多位残障人士被邀请进入交响乐厅 3. WORLD’S FIRST BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS CAN NOW REPRODUCE 全球首个活体机器人,会自我繁衍了! **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. GRADUATES INTERESTED IN NEW HUKOU POLICY 落户新政来啦!应届毕业生将有机会直接落户上海 Master’s degree students from outside Shanghai who graduated from a university in the city this year can apply for a hukou if they work in one of five new cities or free trade zone. 现在,对于非上海户籍的研究生应届毕业生们来说,如果他们未来选择在五大新城或是自贸区就业,将有机会在上海直接落户。 The Shanghai Center for Student Affairs today started accepting hukou applications from graduates. Some said they wanted to find out more details. 从今日开始(12月1日),上海市学生事务中心开始接收来自毕业生们的落户申请。同时,有同学表示自己还想了解更多相关的具体信息。 Ms. Wang Fresh Master Degree Graduate of Shanghai University 王同学 上海大学应届硕士毕业生 I want to know whether I will be eligible【有资格的】for a hukou if I quit the job I started after graduation and take another job at a different company in one of the five new cities. 就想知道如果一家公司,我在毕业之后找了一家公司,但是我辞职了,然后我在12月份入职一家五个新城的公司,能不能符合落户条件。 Ms. Li said she wanted to find a job in one of the five new cities because of the policy. 无独有偶,因为新政落地,李同学也打算将求职企业所在地转向"五大新城"区域。 Ms. Li Fresh Master Degree Graduate of Shanghai University 李同学 上海大学应届硕士毕业生 I was not eligible for permanent residence in Shanghai, so I wasn’t thinking about applying at all. But now with the new policy, I want to find a job here. 本来我们是不满足条件落户的,也没想着去落户,突然这个政策出来了,觉得可以试一下,看看如果那边有合适工作的话,就可以趁这个政策,申请一下。 In June, the government issued basic requirements for these graduates applying for a Shanghai hukou. One of them stipulates【规定】that the company the graduate works for should have registered capital of at least 1 million yuan. 今年六月份,政府颁布了应届毕业生在上海落户的基本条件,其中有一条规定,应届毕业生工作的企业注册资金额度需要超过一百万元。 Ms. Yuan Fresh Master Degree Graduates of Shanghai Normal University 袁同学 上海师范大学应届硕士毕业生 I work for a small law firm with only a few employees. It doesn’t have registered capital of 1 million yuan. I don’t know if the previous requirements will still be applied to the new rules. 我们是一个律师事务所,只有几个人,其实根本就不用注册资金的。这里规定100万,没有那么多的硬性支出,所以这个就不太符合。我也不太清楚,是因为没有出新的政策还是沿用之前的。 Applications should be submitted to the Shanghai Center for Student Affairs by the end of this month. The policy was introduced to attract high-quality individuals to the five new cities in Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang and Fengxian, as well as Nanhui of Pudong New Area. In the past, students from elsewhere on the mainland who wished to settle in the city needed to accumulate 72 credit points. They were awarded based on factors such as education and chosen industry. 应届毕业生的落户申请必须于本月底之前提交至上海市学生事务中心。落户新政的实施将对嘉定、青浦、松江、奉贤、以及南汇等五大新城提高对高端人才的吸引力提供帮助。在这之前,非上海户籍的学生想要落户上海,必须要积72分,而这72分的获取则取决于个人的教育背景以及毕业后所选择的职业方向等。 2. DISABLED SPECTATORS INVITED TO SYMPHONY CONCERT 被音乐拥抱 两百多位残障人士被邀请进入交响乐厅 More than 200 disabled people were invited to attend a concert last night as guests of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Xuhui District Disabled Person’s Federation. 在上海交响乐团和徐汇残联的共同邀请下,200多位残疾人来到了上交音乐厅观赏音乐。 71-year-old Mr. Shi went to a concert for the first time in his life with the help of volunteers. 对于71岁的施老伯来说,得益于志愿者们的帮助,他第一次来到了音乐厅现场观看音乐会。 Mr. Shi 施老伯 I have trouble walking, but they had people to help me. It was the first time I enjoyed a performance at a concert hall. 市民解决我们的困难,我们最大的困难就是行走不方便,都照顾到了,面面俱到了。 The volunteer team, which was set up by the orchestra in November, helped Shi and the others with their health code, real-name authentication and tickets. The symphony hall was designed with disabled groups in mind as it features gentle slopes【坡】, elevators and areas set aside for wheelchairs. 上交志愿者团队于今年十一月份首次组建。在这次特别为残障人士举办的音乐会上,他们在很多方面都为残障人士提供了帮助,如健康码的打开展示,实名认证的进行以及票件的获取等。同时,为了方便残障人士在室内的移动,交响乐厅还专门进行了改造,加装了缓坡,电梯以及轮椅放置区等无障碍设施。 Zhou Ping President, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 周平 上海交响乐团团长 We haven’t made such big use of the accessibility facilities like today since the symphony hall opened in 2014. This event helped us evaluate our services, and learn what spectators experience here. As a cultural metropolis, Shanghai should provide more services for special groups to enjoy cultural events. 我们在新厅建完以后还没有这么大规模使用过(无障碍设施),不管是设施还是服务意识,包括观众的意识都应该有一次这样的检验。同时我们也是想说上海这样的文化大都市,应该让更多人共同来分享这样的文化设施。 The intermission was extended from 15 to 20 minutes last night out of consideration for the disabled spectators. The event was also used to mark the International Day of Disabled Persons, which falls on Friday. There were about 600,000 disabled people in the city at the end of 2020. 在昨晚(11月30日)的演出中,因考虑到残障人士们的需要,幕间休息被延长至20分钟,同时,此项演出还纪念了周五的国际残疾人日。截至2020年底,全上海共有残障人士达60万人。 3. WORLD’S FIRST BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS CAN NOW REPRODUCE 全球首个活体机器人,会自我繁衍了! The U.S. scientists who created the world’s first computer-designed biological robots said yesterday that the life forms, known as "xenobots" can now reproduce【繁殖】. 昨天(11月30日),创造了世界上第一个由计算机设计的活体机器人的美国科学家们表示,这种被称为 "异种机器人 "的生命形态现在可以进行自我复制。 Formed from the stem cells of the African clawed frog, xenobots are less than one millimeter wide. The tiny robots were first unveiled last year after experiments showed that they could move, work together in groups and heal themselves. 这些异形机器人们于去年正式亮相,它们脱胎于非洲爪蛙的干细胞,直径不足1毫米,具有移动、合作、以及自我修复的能力。 Bongard Researcher, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont 邦加德 项目研究员、美国佛蒙特大学机器人学教授 The cells in the pile will adhere and stick to one another. And over about five days, if the pile is big enough, it will also sprout these small hairs, these small cilia, and the pile itself will start moving. And that’s a quote unquote "child Xenobot". 成堆的干细胞会相互吸附粘连,大约五天后,如果细胞堆足够大,它们会和母体一样长出纤毛“脚”,变成异形机器人“宝宝”。 The scientists that developed them at the US University of Vermont, Tufts University and Harvard University said they have discovered an entirely new form of biological reproduction different from any animal or plant. 来自美国佛蒙特大学、塔夫茨大学和哈佛大学的研究人员们表示,他们已经发现了一种全新的,异于任何一种动物或植物的繁殖方式。 Bongard Researcher, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont 邦加德 项目研究员、美国佛蒙特大学机器人学教授 They can get into places that more traditional robots couldn’t get into. They’re biodegradable. They’re genetically unmodified and they are also biocompatible. So it may be in the long term, we’re able to create biobots from human cells. 异种机器人可进入传统机器人无法进入的地方,它们是生物可降解的,(繁殖后)在基因上没有突变,具有生物相容性。因此从长远看,我们可以从人类细胞中造出活体机器人。 To make the xenobots, scientists scraped stem cells from frog embryos and left them to incubate【孵化】. They found the sphere-shaped xenobots made from around 3,000 cells could replicate but it happened rarely. With the help of artificial intelligence, scientists tested billions of body shapes to make the xenobots more effective at this type of replication. The supercomputer came up with a C-shape that resembled Pac-Man, from the 1980s video game. They found it was able to find tiny stem cells in a petri dish, gather hundreds of them inside its mouth, after a few days the bundle of cells became new xenobots. In the future, uses for xenobots could include collecting microplastics in the oceans, inspecting root systems for plants and trees and regenerative medicine. 为了制造异型机器人,科学家们从爪蛙胚胎中刮出干细胞,并让它们进行孵化。他们发现这些球状异型机器人大约由3000个细胞组成,并能够进行自我复制,尽管这种情况很少发生。在人工智能的帮助下,科学家们为这种异形机器人测试了数十亿种形态,以求使异型机器人在自我复制中做到效率最大化。最终,超级计算机发现了一种类似于80年代视频游戏中的"吃豆人 "的C字形态。这样形态的细胞能够在培养皿中寻找微小的干细胞,并将数百个干细胞聚集在它的嘴里,几天后,这些细胞束就将成为新的异型机器人。在未来,异型机器人有希望在收集海洋中的微塑料,检查植物和树木的根部系统,以及再生医学等领域发挥作用。 #热词加油站 eligible [ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]【有资格的】 stipulate [ˈstɪpjəˌleɪt]【规定】 slope [sloʊp]【坡】 reproduce [ˌriprəˈdus]【繁殖】 incubate [ˈɪŋkjəˌbeɪt]【孵化】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~