你的爱豆被豁免了吗S.KOREA PASSES LAW TO ALLOW K-POP STARS TO POSTPONE MILITARY SERVICENEWS ON 12/02South Korea's parliament passed a bill [法案] yesterday that will allow a pop star who was recommended by the country's minister of culture, sports and tourism to postpone[推迟] his military service until the age 30. Chen Xuan tells us some details.爱新觉罗·贝 / ICS新闻主播:韩国国会12月1日在全体会议上审议通过《兵役法》修订案。根据该法案,包括“韩流”男子演艺团体成员在内“大众文化艺术领域优秀人员”在获得文化体育观光部长官推荐后,允许推迟到30岁再服兵役。下面由陈璇为大家带来详细报道。�Chen Xuan: All right, Bei. 陈璇 / ICS新闻主播:好的,贝。�South Korea requires all able-bodied[体格健全的] South Korean men aged between 18 and 28 to serve in the military for about two years. But the country allows eligible [符合条件的] students to defer their duties up to the age of 28 and has granted exemptions[法律上准许豁免] for high-profile classical musicians and athletes who won Olympic medals or a gold at the Asian Games. Such as the Tottenham Hotspur forward Son Heung-min. 在韩国,18岁到28岁的适龄健康韩国籍男子都必须到部队服役两年左右。但凡事都有例外——符合一定条件的学生,可推迟服役至28岁,而一些国宝级的音乐家还有奥林匹克奖牌或亚运会金牌得主,则不在强制服役之列。比如效力于英超托特纳姆热刺足球俱乐部的韩国知名足球运动员——孙兴慜就被免除了兵役。So far no K-pop star has ever received an exemptions. For example, South Korean Actor Hyun Bin enlisted in the army in 2011, receiving training with other normal soldiers. Last year, boy band Big Bang's G-Dragon was discharged from the army.不过,目前还没有哪位韩流明星获此殊荣。举个轰动一时的�:被称为韩国“四大公共财产”之一的顶流——玄彬就在2011年入伍,当了一名普通士兵。而乐队男团 Big Bang成员权志龙也在去年正式退伍。However, some pop stars could miss out on their golden years of their career while serving.但对一些明星来说,入伍就意味着错过演艺生涯的黄金时间。�Many argued that the amendment [修订案] to the Military Service Act was designed to provide exceptions for K-pop megastars [巨星] who improve the country's cultural status and boost the economy. 那么,通过这份修订案,是为了给韩流明星们打开方便之门吗?毕竟他们提升了国家文化地位,刺激了经济发展。这也是《兵役法》修订案的主要争议之所在。A poll released last month by local news showed 53% of respondents supported special treatment for BTS, while 47% opposed it. Supporters say entertainment icons and internationally recognized athletes can improve South Korea's image, while opponents say the achievements of K-pop stars can't put on a par with [相提并论] Olympic medal winners.韩国某新闻媒体上个月所做的民意调查显示,大约有53%的受访者支持“男团”推迟入伍,47%的受访者表示反对。支持者认为娱乐明星和拥有国际知名度的运动员都可以提升韩国国家形象,而反对者则认为韩流明星的成就和奥运奖牌获得者无法相提并论。