NEWS ON 11/26 1. MATERNITY LEAVE BUMPED TO 5 MONTHS 上海生育假延长至60天,女职工生育可享158天假期 2. CHINESE E-COMMERCE RETAILERS GEAR UP FOR“BLACK FRIDAY” 黑五”购物季将至,跨境电商迎来“大考” 3. CHINA PROTESTS U.S. SANCTIONS ON 12 CHINESE ENTERPRISES 美国“拉黑”12家中国企业,商务部火速回应挑衅 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. MATERNITY LEAVE BUMPED TO 5 MONTHS 上海生育假延长至60天,女职工生育可享158天假期 Now the Standing Committee of the Shanghai People’s Congress today passed a revised regulation on planned parenthood that entitles【赋予权利,使享有权利】 a woman to over five months of maternity leave. Sun Siqi explains. 今日(11月25日),上海市十五届人大常委会审议并表决通过了《关于修改〈上海市人口与计划生育条例〉的决定》,规定女职工在生育期间可以享有超过5个月的假期。 The regulation endorses the 98 days of national maternity【怀孕,产妇的】 leave, and changes city-level maternity leave from 30 to 60 days. Combine the two and women in Shanghai can now have 158 days of maternity leave. In addition, a husband and a wife can each have 5 days of family leave per year for each child until the child is three years old. 新修订的条例将生育假由30天延长到60天,此外根据相关法律,女职工生育享受98天产假。这也就意味着,上海女职工的产假与生育假相加,生育期间可有158天假期。条例还明确,符合法律法规规定生育的夫妻,在其子女年满三周岁之前,双方每年可以享受育儿假各5天。 Zhang Meixing, Level I Inspector Shanghai Health Commission 张梅兴,上海市卫健委一级巡视员 If a couple has two children, the husband and wife can each have 10 days of family leave a year. 一个子女(夫妻双方)各5天(育儿假),两个子女就各10天。 Other policies are coming to provide more support and encourage couples to have more than one child. 条例还完善了一系列"积极生育的支持政策",鼓励生育多个子女。 Yan Rui, Legal Work Director SPC Standing Committee 阎锐,上海市人大常委会法工委主任 The regulation authorizes municipal and district governments to ease child bearing, rearing and education burdens through financial, educational and insurance support. The government will support and guide the private sector to open nurseries, and support pre-schools, companies and communities to provide nursery care for children under the age of 3. 授权市区人民政府综合采取财政、教育、保险等支持措施,减轻家庭生育、养育、教育负担。鼓励和引导社会力量举办托育机构,支持幼儿园和机关企事业单位、社区为三周岁以下儿童提供托育服务。 Parents of one child will still have the same benefits as before. Shanghai has 3.8 million families with only one child. 条例规定独生子女父母仍将继续享受相关奖励扶助。目前上海约有380万个独生子女家庭。 2. CHINESE E-COMMERCE RETAILERS GEAR UP FOR“BLACK FRIDAY” 黑五”购物季将至,跨境电商迎来“大考” Many Chinese e-commerce retailers【零售商】 are now taking part in the Black Friday shopping festival, the start of the holiday shopping season in the U.S. and some European countries. Zhang Hong tells us more. 欧美传统的"黑色星期五"购物季即将开始,许多中国跨境电商企业正通过这样的契机,步入发展的快车道。 At 9pm last night, employees of one company that provides logistics services for cross-border e-commerce retailers, were hard at work in the warehouse. They’ve been handling 80,000 to 100,000 packages each day because of Black Friday, more than twice as much as they usually deal with. 昨晚(11月24日晚)9点,作为一家专做跨境电商业务的物流企业,上海义达国际物流有限公司的仓库里灯火通明。随着"黑五"的临近,这里正以每天8到10万件的速度进行分拣,数量是平时的2倍多。 Cai Yebin, Deputy General Manager Shanghai Ideal International Logistics Co. 蔡烨彬 上海义达国际物流有限公司副总经理 We pick up packages during daytime and come back to the warehouse at night. There are people on duty 24-7. 我们主要是白天揽收、晚上回仓,一般24小时工作。 The packages were then sent to various ports. At Pudong International Airport, goods for Black Friday orders are being packed onto planes. 跨境电商商品在分拣完毕后,被送往各个口岸。在浦东国际机场,今年"黑五"的货物正准备登机。 Wang Wenjiang, General Manager Shanghai Ideal International Logistics Co. 王文江,上海义达国际物流有限公司总经理 We are going to send 30 to 40 tons of goods today to Japan, Europe and the United States. 今天这批是30多吨,不到40吨的货物,这些货物是销售去往日本、欧洲和美国。 Shanghai’s ports has seen an increase of exported products from e-commerce sellers since last month, with a monthly increase of over 30% in October. Shanghai customs has been making efforts to enhance customs clearance efficiency. 上海口岸的跨境电商出口量从上个月(10月)起就呈现上涨趋势,10月份环比增加3成以上。上海海关也一直致力于提高通关效率。 Xu Huihua Pudong International Airport Customs House 徐慧华,浦东机场海关快件监管一处副科长 We’ve made the whole process paper-less. It used to take 1 hour to wait for an approval before the goods are allowed to leave the border, and now the approval is granted in about 1 second. 目前全程实行了电子化,相关的无纸化,就是原先放行交货时间由原先的1小时压缩到了“秒放”。 Some other e-commerce sellers have set up warehouses overseas. Take Amazon for example, popular products were shipped overseas in advance so that they can be delivered to overseas buyers in about a week. 跨境电商企业也在大力发展海外前置仓。以亚马逊为例,爆款商品将提前出口到海外的前置仓静候“黑五秒杀”,这样快递包裹基本一周左右就能交付给海外买家。 Li Zhongxin, Director TUC Research Institute 李忠心,运联研究院执行院长 In the past when there were no warehouses overseas, it could take 20 to 30 days to receive a delivery. 原来的时候 我们的跨境电商的物流企业其实没有海外仓的,交付时间可能是20到30天。 Chinese buyers are also taking advantage of Black Friday deals as more companies now specialize in transporting imported products for global e-commerce retailers. 进口方面,随着市场上涌现出大批跨境电商进口企业,形成跨境物流生态圈,国内的消费者参与“黑五”“海淘”的热情也开始高涨。 3. CHINA PROTESTS U.S. SANCTIONS ON 12 CHINESE ENTERPRISES 美国“拉黑”12家中国企业,商务部火速回应挑衅 China strongly protests the new U.S. sanctions【制裁】 placed on 12 Chinese enterprises. according to a statement made at a press conference today by a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. 美国宣布对12家中国企业出台制裁措施,中国商务部新闻发言人在例行新闻发布会上应询表示,中方对此强烈抗议。 The comment came in response to the U.S. Department of Commerce adding 12 Chinese companies to its entity【实体】 list yesterday, citing national security and foreign policy concerns. The spokesperson said the U.S. has generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, and disregarded facts. And that the sanctions against these Chinese companies are harmful to the security of the global supply chain and global economic recovery. 美国商务部昨日(11月24日)称,12家中国企业因为不符合美国国家安全利益或外交政策,被列入“实体清单”。对此,中国商务部新闻发言人表示,美方泛化国家安全概念,随意出台制裁措施,严重缺乏事实依据。美方此举不利于全球产业链供应链安全和世界经济复苏。 #热词加油站 entitle [ɪnˈtaɪtl]【赋予权利,使享有权利】 maternity [məˈtɜːrnəti]【怀孕,产妇的】 retailer [ˈriːteɪlər]【零售商】 sanction [ˈsæŋkʃn]【制裁】 entity [ˈentəti]【实体】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~