NEWS ON 11/24 1. PREMIER LI STRESSES BETTER BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 李克强在上海考察:要构建更为良好的营商环境 2. MAINLAND REITERATES OPPOSITION TO TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE ACTS 坚决遏制!国台办重申会不遗余力打击台独行径 3. BIDEN HAILS “LARGEST EVER” RELEASE FROM OIL RESERVE 油价疯涨 白宫宣布释放5000万桶战略石油储备 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. PREMIER LI STRESSES BETTER BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT **国务院总理李克强在上海考察:**强调要构建更为良好的营商环境 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed advancing reforms and optimizing【使最优化】 the business environment amid continuous efforts to unleash market vitality during an inspection tour in Shanghai. 国务院总理李克强在上海考察。他强调,要依靠改革开放,增强发展动力,打造有利于各类市场主体蓬勃发展的良好环境,促进经济平稳运行,推动高质量发展。 Touring the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Li acknowledged reforms made for investment, trade and finance. He encouraged zone officials to continue experimenting and gain new experiences. Li said Chinese companies should make good use of opportunities presented by a higher level of investment liberalization that will come with the upcoming implementation【执行】 of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. 在上海自贸试验区,李克强对这里通过改革开放,在投资、贸易、金融等方面形成一系列制度创新的成果予以肯定。他鼓励当地官员要继续先行先试、取得新经验,更好为全国作示范。同时,他还强调,中国企业要利用好即将生效的RCEP,要抓住更大程度贸易投资自由化、便利化的机遇,拓展合作共赢空间。 At an industrial park for smart manufacturing companies in Pudong, Li learned about RD processes for high-end industrial equipment, and exchanged ideas with executives from foreign firms. He said China will open its door wider to the world and strictly protect intellectual property rights so that more foreign companies can feel confident investing and doing business in China. 在浦东的一家智能制造企业园区,李克强了解到了尖端工业设备的研发制造过程,并且他还与园区内外企的管理人员进行了交谈。在谈话中他表示,中国对外开放的大门会越开越大,并且中国严格保护知识产权,使更多外资企业放心在华投资兴业。 And during his visit to a power plant in Waigaoqiao in Pudong, Li said efforts should be made to ensure people and factories have electricity. The premier reiterated the need to promote new technologies that will enable cleaner and more efficient use of coal. 李克强还考察了浦东外高桥的一家发电公司,他说,要采取措施千方百计保障民生和企业正常生产用电。同时,他重申道要继续探索提高能效的新兴技术,推动煤炭清洁高效利用。 At a local employment promotion center, Li asked about the difficulties small-and-micro businesses face, and said work will continue to introduce policies that address their concerns. 李克强还走进就业促进中心,询问在场中小微企业负责人有什么困难,并表示国家会继续采取相应措施帮助解决现有问题。 As he acknowledged Shanghai’s social and economic achievements, Li urged the city to continue to take the lead in reforms and expanding market access. 李克强充分肯定上海经济社会发展取得的成就,希望上海继续在改革开放、开拓创新上走在前列。 2. MAINLAND REITERATES OPPOSITION TO TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE ACTS) 坚决遏制!国台办重申会不遗余力打击台独行径 The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said today that diehard Taiwan independence separatists shall be punished in accordance with the law. 国台办今日(11月24日)表示,将依法对"台独"顽固分子采取必要措施予以严惩。 The mainland banned three separatists -- Su Tseng-chang, Yu Shyi-Kun and Joseph Wu -- and their family members from entering the mainland and the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. 在第一批"台独"顽固分子清单上,苏贞昌、游锡堃、吴钊燮三人赫然在列。他们与其家属将被禁止入境大陆以及港澳地区。 Zhu Fenglian Spokesman, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council 朱凤莲 国台办发言人 What is clear is that these three people are definitely not the only ones on the list of Taiwan independence diehards. We have also noticed that some separatists have claimed to regret not being included on the list. There is no hurry. There will be a time when they will really regret it. 可以明确的是,"台独"顽固分子清单上绝不止这3个人。我们也注意到,近期有个别"台独"分子跳得挺高,甚至声称对未被列入"台独"顽固分子清单感到"遗憾"。别着急,有他们真正遗憾的时候。 Beijing has fined Taiwan-based Far Eastern Group for a series of violations of laws and regulations ranging from environmental protection to product quality. 近期,有关执法部门发现台湾远东集团在当地投资时存在一系列违法违规行为,他们依照国家有关法律法规和程序,对涉事企业进行了处罚。 Zhu Fenglian Spokesman, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council 朱凤莲 国台办发言人 Fines and taxes of about 474 million yuan have been imposed【强制实行】. An undeveloped plot of land has also been taken back. The company is still being investigated.据初步了解,现已处以罚款及追缴税款约4.74亿元人民币(折合约7000万美元),并收回其中一家企业的闲置建设用地。查处工作仍在进行中。 Zhu stressed the mainland’s position of welcoming and supporting Taiwan-based companies to invest on the mainland. She added, however, that businesses will not be allowed to make money on the mainland while providing financial aid to diehard secessionists【分离主义者】. v 朱凤莲强调说,我们鼓励支持两岸正常经贸往来,但绝不允许任何人、任何企业一边在大陆赚钱,一边给"台独"顽固分子充当金主提供金援。 On Monday, Taiwan police said a man allegedly gunned down a person, then fled the island to Fujian Province. They said the suspect, Mr. Huang, is currently believed to be in quarantine at a hotel in Xiamen. Spokesperson Zhu said the situation was being investigated. 周一,台湾地区发生了一场枪击案,一男子涉嫌在枪击一人后乘飞机潜逃至福建。台湾警方表示,嫌疑人黄姓男子现在正在厦门的一家酒店中进行隔离。朱凤莲表示相关情况还在调查当中。 3. BIDEN HAILS “LARGEST EVER” RELEASE FROM OIL RESERVE 白宫宣布释放5000万桶战略石油储备 U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday ordered 50 million barrels【桶】 of oil released from America’s strategic reserves to help bring down energy costs in co-ordination with other nations, including India, the United Kingdom and Japan. 为了抑制疯涨的油价,美国总统拜登周二宣布,将从战略石油储备中释放5000万桶石油,并同时寻求与印度、英国、日本等国合作。 The US government will begin to move barrels into the market in mid-to-late December. Gasoline usually lags behind changes in oil prices, and administration officials suggested this is one of several steps toward ultimately bringing down costs. The U.S. Department of Energy will make the oil available from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in two ways; 32 million barrels will be released in the next few months and will return to the reserve in the years ahead. Another 18 million barrels will be part of a sale of oil that Congress authorized. 美国政府最早将于12月中下旬开始将5000万桶石油投放市场,但由于汽油通常滞后于石油价格的变化,因此,有关部门认为这只是实现油价降低过程中的一小步措施。美国能源部将以两种方式释放战略石油储备:在5000万桶石油中,3200万桶属于短期交换,待油价平稳后,约定于2022年至2024年归还战略石油储备,而另外1800万桶则将直接销售。 Joe Biden President, the United States of America 拜登 美国总统 It will take time, but before long you should see the price of gas drop where you fill up your tank. 这一措施将改变现状,这需要时间,但用不了多久,你们就会看到加油站的油价下降。 Shortly after the U.S. announcement, India said it would release 5 million barrels from its strategic reserves. And the British government confirmed it will release up to 1.5 million barrels from its stockpile. Japan and South Korea are also participating. Investors were anticipating the moves could bring a combined total of around 70 million barrels of oil onto global markets. 就在美国宣布释放石油储备后不久,印度政府宣布他们也将从其战略储备释放500万桶石油。同时,英国政府证实将从其库存中释放150万桶石油。而日本,韩国等国也表示将参与到释放石油储备中。投资者预测,多国联合释放的石油储备规模共计可达6500万至7000万桶。 According to the American Automobile Association, gasoline prices are at about 3.40 US dollars a gallon, 60% higher than a year ago. And high gas prices are chipping away at consumer budgets just as the busy holiday travel season is underway. 美国汽车协会的数据显示,目前,全美平均汽油价格超过每加仑3.4美元,这一数字比一年前高出了60%。随着美国旅游季的到来,持续攀升的油价使美国消费者叫苦不迭。 American citizens 美国民众 I haven’t been driving a lot recently, but I am making a long trip down south for the holidays, so not looking forward to paying a lot for the gas to fill my tank. 我最近已经不常开车了,但节假日我要开长途去南方,希望不要花费太多钱来加油。 Oil prices had dropped in the days ahead of the announced withdrawals. But during Tuesday morning trading, prices shot up nearly 2% instead of continuing their fall. 不久前,石油的价格曾下降过一段时间,但在周二开市时,石油价格突然上升了百分之二。 Americans used an average of 20.7 million barrels a day during September, according to the federal Energy Information Administration. That means that the release nearly equals about two-and-a-half days of additional supply. 根据美国能源情报署的数据,在整个九月份,美国民众平均每天使用2070万桶石油,也就是说,这次石油的释放量仅仅只能满足美国民众两天半的需求。 #热词加油站 optimize [ˈɑptɪˌmaɪz]【使最优化】 implementation [ˌɪmpləmənˈteɪʃ(ə)n]【执行】 impose [ɪmˈpoʊz]【强制实行】 secessionist [sɪˈsef(ə)nɪst]【分离主义者】 barrel [ˈberəl]【桶】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~