cover of episode 11/24 TOP OF THE DAY 全国城镇新增就业1133万人/“羊脸系统”/中美混双组合亮相

11/24 TOP OF THE DAY 全国城镇新增就业1133万人/“羊脸系统”/中美混双组合亮相

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*1. 11.33 MLN NEW JOBS CREATED IN FIRTH 10 MONTHS 目标达成!全国城镇新增就业1133万人 2.FARM USES FACIAL RECOGNITION TO CHECK HEALTH OF ITS GOATS “羊脸识别系统上线,5G科技赋能农场养殖 3.CHINA-US PLAYERS PRACTICE TOGETHER FOR FIRST TIME 中美混双组合齐亮相,启动乒乓外交2.0” -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. 11.33 MLN NEW JOBS CREATED IN FIRTH 10 MONTHS 目标达成!全国城镇新增就业1133万人 China created 11.33 million new jobs in urban areas during the first 10 months of this year, achieving the target for the whole year in advance. The surveyed urban unemployment rate last month dropped 0.4 percent year-on-year. Zhang Hong brings us the details. 今年1至10月,中国城镇新增就业1133万人,提前完成全年目标任务。 10月份,全国城镇调查失业率同比下降0.4%。 The surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 4.9 percent last month, lower than the same period last year. Gross domestic product expanded 9.8 percent year on year in the first three quarters. An official said the resumption of the service sector and the growth in industry, investment and consumption resulted in more jobs.  10月份,全国城镇调查失业率为4.9%,低于上年同期。前三季度,国内生产总值同比增长9.8%。相关人士表示,就业岗位的增加得益于服务业总体保持的恢复态势、工业发展和投资及消费的回升。 Chen Yun Chinese Academy of Labour& Social Security 陈云中国劳动和社会保障科学研究院就业创业室* A large, multi-layered, diversified and flexible labor market has been formed. It enables a stable employment and allows further growth in jobs. 我国形成了大规模、多层次、多元化、弹性大的劳动力市场,这为就业形势的稳定提供了抵抗冲击的能力,也提供了就业增长的巨大空间。 This year, the government has offered assistance for unemployed college graduates. People in the countryside are offered more job options in urban areas or nearby regions. Companies are encouraged to work with vocational 【职业的】*schools to offer training for new employees.  今年,国家大力扶持未就业毕业生,拓宽农村劳动力外出务工和就近就业渠道。同时,国家鼓励企业与职业技术学院开展合作,为新进人员提供职业技能培训。 Xu Keli Ministry of Human Resources& Social Sercurity 徐可立*人社部就业促进司就业信息处处长* The employment policies are becoming more comprehensive. They enable people to find a job or help them with job transfer. They create more jobs and also encourage entrepreneurship. 我国就业政策的系统性更加突出:既引导劳动者自主就业,更注重促进转岗就业;既鼓励企业发展吸纳就业,也支持重点群体就业创业。 18 new occupations related to the digital economy have been recognized. An estimated 1.5 million cloud-computing engineers, 5 million internet of things installation workers, 5 million AI personnel, 1.25 million industrial robotic system operators and another 1.25 million system maintenance workers will be needed across the country. 今年以来,国家发布了18个数字经济领域的新职业。未来5年,我国预计需要云计算工程技术人员近150万、物联网安装调试员和人工智能人才分别500万、工业机器人系统操作员和运维员分别125万。 2.FARM USES FACIAL RECOGNITION TO CHECK HEALTH OF ITS GOATS **“羊脸识别*系统上线,5G科技赋能农场养殖* A goat farm in Chongming is now using a facial recognition system to monitor【监控】 the vital signs of its goats. Zhang Hong tells us more about the system. 位于上海崇明区的一山羊养殖场正在使用脸部识别技术来监控山羊的生命体征。请听记者带来的详细报道。 At a goat farm in Zhongxing Town on Chongming Island, high-definition cameras are used to collect real-time facial data of 1,500 goats. Common eye diseases and aptha can be detected 【发现】by the cameras. Infrared cameras monitor the body temperature of each goat. The system also calculates the weight of each one so workers can determine the right time to sell the animals. 在崇明中心镇的这个白山羊养殖场里,高清摄像头实时采集着场内的1500头羊的脸部数据:眼疾、口疮等羊群常见的疾病能被及时发现;红外热成像探头实时监测每头羊的体温。该系统同时能监测羊的重量,以帮助养殖人员判断合适的售卖时间。 Fan Jun Vert Chongming White Goat Farm 范俊 万禾崇明白山羊扩繁场 场长 The system basically helps us monitor their overall condition. When nobody is patrolling the yard, the system can notify a vet when a goat will give birth. (该系统)不仅仅局限于脸部,包括它整个身体体形的(监测)。在母羊生产但没有人巡棚的情况下可以预警,兽医就能及时过来接生。 The farm has 3,000 white goats and about 20 staff members. That’s expected to increase to more than 10,000 next year. Only 6 employees will be needed once the facial recognition system is in place for all animals. 目前羊场共有存栏白山羊3000头,管理人员近20名,明年存栏将突破一万头,而凭借"羊脸识别"系统,只需要6名工作人员就能实现智慧管理。 Huang Zhen, Chairman SH Vert Organic Agricultural Technology Dvpt. Co. 黄震 上海万禾科技发展有限公司党支部书记、董事长 We have collected over 100,000 pieces of graphic data, which allows us to analyze a goat’s health. Our work efficiency will improve. 我们目前已经收集了10万多条图形数据,基本能分析出这个羊的生老病死的数据,也是更好地能够配合好把我们这个羊的生产效能提升上去。 The company says the system is the first of its kind to be used in the country. Managers also said the facial recognition system will be used for all goats on the farm next year. 该公司表示此“羊脸识别”技术乃全国首例。管理人员表示此项技术将在明年应用于养殖场的所有羊群。 3.CHINA-US PLAYERS PRACTICE TOGETHER FOR FIRST TIME 中美混双组合齐亮相,启动乒乓外交2.0****”** The Chinese and American players that will play mixed doubles together at the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships Finals paired up for their first training session yesterday, one day before the tournament begins. Zhang Yue brings us more. 2021年休斯敦世乒赛拉开帷幕,中美两国运动员组队参加混双比赛。昨天(11月22日),也就是赛前最后一天,两对中美跨国混双组合举行了首次合练。 Lin Gaoyuan will partner with Lily Zhang, while Wang Manyu will play with Kanak Jha. The two pairs trained together for the first time before the competition. 中国选手林高远将搭档美国选手张安,中国选手王曼昱搭档美国选手卡纳克。两对组合互为对手,开始了赛前的第一次合练。 Wang Manyu Chinese Table Tennis Player 王曼昱****中国乒乓球运动员 I am very excited to partner with Kanak. I have found many of his strengths in training. For example, he played quite aggressively both on the forehand and backhand. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s match. 我也是挺兴奋的,挺高兴的,能够第一次和卡纳克去配合。然后也在训练当中发现了他很多优点。比如他的正手和反手还是有很高的攻击性,期待明天的比赛。 Lily Zhang American Table Tennis Player 张安****美国乒乓球运动员 It’s good to partner with Lin Gaoyuan. He can hit the ball back, which I think is very hard to do. 我感觉就是跟林高远配合地很好,很多球我都以为过不去,但他一下子就能回击。 Chinese Table Tennis Association President Liu Guoliang gave instructions to both teams. 中国乒协主席刘国梁在一旁指点两对组合。 Liu Guoliang, President Chinese Table Tennis Association 刘国梁****中国乒协主席 By pairing up Chinese and American players, we hope to demonstrate to the world that the China-US relationship continues to improve through "Ping-Pang Diplomacy"【外交】. We also hope the players do well and attract more fans in both countries to cheer them on. 我们就想通过这次比赛,希望中美配出两对混双,能够展示给世界中美"乒乓外交"的这种延续,也希望球员用他们精湛的表现和球技吸引两国更多的球迷、"粉丝"、观众来共同加油鼓掌。 In the first round, Kanak and Wang face a Russian pair, while Lin and Zhang will battle Portuguese team. 在世乒赛混双首轮比赛中,卡纳克与王曼昱将率先对阵俄罗斯队,林高远与张安随后迎战葡萄牙队。 #热词加油站 vocational [voʊˈkeɪʃənl]【职业的】 monitor [ˈmɑːnɪtər]【监控】 detected [dɪˈtekt]**【发现】**diplomacy [dɪˈploʊməsi] 【外交】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~