cover of episode 11/19 TOP OF THE DAY 冬奥5G全覆盖/国家反垄断局挂牌/11位上海学者入选两院院士

11/19 TOP OF THE DAY 冬奥5G全覆盖/国家反垄断局挂牌/11位上海学者入选两院院士

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NEWS ON 11/19 1.5G WILL FULLY COVER BEIJING OLYMPIC VENUES 5G全覆盖!北京冬奥会再现“中国速度”** 2.NATIONAL ANTI-MONOPOLY BUREAU INAUGURATED IN BEIJING 国家反垄断局正式挂牌 3. SHANGHAI SCHOLARS IN MATH, ENGINEERING ELECTED ACADEMICIANS 2021增选两院院士,上海11位学者当选****�� -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. 5G WILL FULLY COVER BEIJING OLYMPIC VENUES 5G全覆盖!北京冬奥会再现“中国速度”** As a series of test events continue ahead of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, 5G stations are being installed in venues to provide participants, spectators**【观众】, officials and staff members the best possible experience during the Games. Zhang Yue tells us more. 2022北京冬季奥运会即将来临,一系列会前测试项目持续进行中。目前,场馆内正在搭建5G基站,力求在冬奥会期间为运动员、观众、裁判以及其他工作人员提供更好的“冲浪”体验。 The Beijing Games will be the first winter Olympics to be fully covered by 5G. Beijing’s National Aquatics Center, better known as the "Ice Cube," has provided 5G signals for test events. 此次冬奥会将首次实现5G全覆盖。变身“冰立方”的北京国家游泳中心”,已经进入5G信号测试阶段。 Yu Hong,Technology Dept. Director Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee 喻红 北京冬奥组委技术部部长 All venues for the Winter Olympics will have 5G, as will the streets and roads connecting venues. This allows for ultra-high definition video and various smart services. 5G信号覆盖了冬奥会的所有场馆以及连接场馆的道路,这就为超高清视频、各项智能服务等新的应用场景提供了必要的网络连接。 The committee is also testing faster ways to test for the coronavirus. Disinfection work is expected to be more efficient with the use of ultraviolet light and gas plasma to sterilize**【消毒】 surfaces. 北京冬奥组委会还在尝试更高效的新型冠状病毒检测方法,比如采用紫外线消毒和等离子消毒等方法对物体表面进行消毒。 Yu Hong,Technology Dept. Director Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee 喻红 北京冬奥组委技术部部长 We will use these methods to disinfect cooling water, the air and surfaces. Health officials will make sure they are safe to use. 这些消毒措施,将分别应用于循环冷却水和水处理系统消毒、空气消毒以及物体表面消毒。而在这些消毒技术手段被正式应用之前,都需要经过防疫部门检测,认可其符合相应的安全规范。 There are also low-speed wind tunnels that are used to measure the aerodynamic drag of athletes and provide wind resistance training. 北京冬奥会场馆还将提供低速风洞(体育综合训练风洞),用于测量运动员的气动阻力,并提供风阻力训练。 2.NATIONAL ANTI-MONOPOLY BUREAU INAUGURATED IN BEIJING 国家反垄断局正式挂牌 China’s new National Anti-MonopolyBureau was inaugurated today in Beijing in the same building as the State Administration of Market Regulation. The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced the decision, the appointment of Gan Lin, deputy director of SAMR, as head of the new bureau on Monday. The establishment of the bureau followed China’s vow to strengthen anti-monopoly【垄断】 regulation and supervision, aiming to enrich regulatory power and offer a better environment of competition for the market. 备受市场关注的国家反垄断局今天上午在国家市场监管总局办公大楼正式挂牌。这是继国家乡村振兴局、国家疾病控制局之后,今年国务院新组建的第三个副部级国家局。本周一,国务院已经任命甘霖为国家反垄断局局长。国家反垄断局的成立,将充实反垄断监管力量,切实规范市场竞争行为,为各类市场主体投资兴业、规范健康发展营造公平、透明、可预期的良好竞争环境。 3. SHANGHAI SCHOLARS IN MATH, ENGINEERING ELECTED ACADEMICIANS 2021****两院院士授衔!上海11位学者入选�� 194 scholars were today given the title of academician, the country’s highest scholastic title. They include 11 from Shanghai in the areas of mathematics, biochemistry, civil engineering and medicine. Sun Siqi takes a look at their achievements. 今天(11月18日),194位学者入选两院院士,这也是我国最高学术头衔。这些增选的院士中,中有11名来自上海,其专业涉及数学、生物化学、土木工程和医学领域。 Among the 11, five became new academicians at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Mathematician Li Jun from Fudan University, a specialist in algebra, was honored for solving basic questions in theories relating to the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, an important branch of number theory and mathematical physics. 来自上海的11位科学家中,有5位是中国科学院的新院士。来自复旦大学的数学家李骏,是代数领域的杰出专家,因解决了代数曲面上向量丛模空间理论的一系列基本问题而当选院士,这是数论和数学物理的一个重要分支。 Li Jun, Fudan University Academician at Chinese Academy of Sciences 李骏 中国科学院院士 复旦大学教授 At my age, my greatest wish is to have more students that come out on top. People asked me why I retired from Stanford University. I said I wanted to go back to China because I can do something for the young ones. 到我这个年龄,我最大的愿望,还能做的事情,就是培养下一代。当时大家问我,你为什么要从斯坦福这么好的地方退休。我说我要回去,那么多年轻人都盼望着我回去,而且我回去真的能给他们带来一些好的影响。 Li Jie from Tongji University was elected Chinese Academy of Sciences academician for notable structural innovations【创新】 in civil engineering that contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation. 来自同济大学的李杰,因在土木工程防灾减灾方面做出了卓越的结构性创新而当选为中国科学院院士。 Li Jie**,**Tongji University Academician at Chinese Academy of Sciences 李杰 中国科学院院士 同济大学教授 How safe a building can be in face of a disaster is a very important aspect in the development of a modern city. I’m glad I made academician. This could give a great boost to engineering safety and disaster prevention, which is my area of expertise. 工程防灾,尤其是现代城市的防灾,是一个现代城市发展非常重要的侧面,这一次上海能有这方面的院士增补,我觉得对上海的城市安全、城市防灾工作是一个很大的促进。 Also from Tongji, Zhu Hehua and Jiang Changjun became academicians at the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Zhu specializes in underground space construction and digitalizing engineering projects, and Jiang is an expert in cybersecurity. 同样来自同济大学的朱合华和蒋昌俊当选为中国工程院院士。朱合华专攻地下空间建设和数字化工程项目,蒋昌俊则是网络安全专家。 #热词加油站 spectator [spekˈteɪtə(r)]  n. (尤指体育比赛的)观看者,观众 sterilize [ˈsterəlaɪz]  vt. 消毒,杀菌 monopoly [məˈnɒpəli]  n. 垄断,垄断权 innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn]  n. 新事物,新方法;革新,创新 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~