cover of episode 11/18 TOP OF THE DAY 新冠疫苗“混合加强针”/上海乐高乐园开工/波士顿华裔女市长

11/18 TOP OF THE DAY 新冠疫苗“混合加强针”/上海乐高乐园开工/波士顿华裔女市长

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NEWS ON 11/17 1. CHINA WILL ALLOW VACCINE-MIXING FOR BOOSTER SHOTS 混合加强针来了!中国将新冠疫苗加强针“混打”提上议程 2. CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ON LEGOLAND IN SHANGHAI 正式开工!上海乐高乐园落户金山 3. MICHELLE WU SWORN IN AS BOSTON'S FIRST WOMAN AND ASIAN MAYOR 吴弭宣誓成为波士顿首位华裔女市长 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA WILL ALLOW VACCINE-MIXING FOR BOOSTER SHOTS 混合加强针来了!中国将新冠疫苗加强针“混打”提上议程 China has administered more than 2.4 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines. Work is now being done to determine a combination of vaccines to allow for mixing and matching with booster shots. 全国新冠疫苗接种数量已经超过24亿剂次,目前,科研人员正在针对疫苗组合注射进行研究,以便推出不同技术路线的加强免疫组合。 The inactivated coronavirus booster shot increases the level of anti-bodies in a person’s system and is effective against coronavirus variants. Based on studies through August 2nd, individuals should receive the same type of vaccine when getting a booster shot. For example, if your first two doses were different inactivated vaccine brands, the booster shot needs to be the same brand as the second jab. Both Sinovac and Sinopharm produce inactivated vaccines. CanSino produces an adenovirus one-dose vaccine. National Health Commission official Zheng Zhongwei says all booster shots will raise the level of antibodies in a person’s system. He also says mixing and matching vaccines is safe. 在注射灭活疫苗第三剂加强免疫后,人体内不仅抗体水平大幅提高,对各种变异株的防控能力也更加强大。基于8月2号时的研究结果,我国现阶段采用与原接种相同的疫苗进行加强针的注射。例如,如果你在注射前两针疫苗时接种了不同的灭活疫苗,当进行加强针的注射时,疫苗需要与第二针所注射的疫苗相同。现在,北京科兴与国药集团都在进行灭活疫苗的研制生产工作,而康希诺则专攻于腺病毒疫苗的生产。国家卫健委官员郑忠伟指出,所有加强针的注射都将提高人体内抗体的水平。并且他表示,不同技术路线的疫苗注射在安全性方面是有保障的。 Zheng Zhongwei Head of China's coronavirus vaccine development task force 郑忠伟 国务院联防联控机制科研攻关组疫苗研发专班工作组组长  Using the same type of booster shot as the original is safer. While a mix-and-match booster shot increases levels of neutralizing antibodies even more, the chance of an adverse reaction is higher. But still, the adverse【负面的】reaction can be tolerated. 同技术路线的加强,相对来讲就是说安全(性)更好,那么不同技术路线那么接种以后,那么他的抗体水平会有更多的提高,可能他的一些就是这个异常反应、这个不良反应相对会高一点,但是这个不良反应他是能承受的。 Zheng says an optimal combination will be introduced soon based on clinical【临床的】studies and discussions. 郑忠伟还提到说,下一步他们将结合临床研究结果,组织专家论证,推出最优加强免疫组合。 2. CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ON LEGOLAND IN SHANGHAI 正式开工!上海乐高乐园落户金山 Construction began today on Legoland Resort in suburban Jinshan District. It will include a themed hotel and is expected to open in 2024. 位于金山区郊区的乐高乐园今日起正式开始施工,计划中,乐园还将配套一座主题酒店。乐园整体预计将于2024年正式开业运营。 Located in Fengjing Town of Jinshan, Legoland will be built brick by brick, covering more than 300,000 square meters and cost around 3.6 billion yuan. It will be the world’s largest Legoland upon completion. The theme park is also expected to take inspiration from its host city. 据悉,上海乐高乐园度假区定址金山区枫泾镇东部,将采用铺叠砖块的形式建成,预计总工程占地面积超30万平方米,预算达36亿人民币。建成后,上海乐高乐园将成为世界上最大的乐高乐园。在建造设计上,上海乐高乐园度假区还将进一步凸显上海特色和江南元素 Chen Jie General Manager, LEGOLAND Shanghai Resort 陈洁 上海乐高乐园有限公司总经理 “Lego bricks will be used to build a replica【复制品】 of the historical buildings on the Bund, People’s Square, as well as Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Some replicas of shikumen life and local lanes will also be displayed at the resort.”这里不仅有用乐高拼搭的外滩万国建筑、人民广场、东方明珠等海派文化建筑群。我们还把石库门、弄堂等生活生活场景用非常有趣的方式呈现出来。 Visitors will be able to explore eight sections, including the world’s first themed area for the cartoon series "Monkie Kid".  乐园建成后,游客们将有机会探索乐园中的八大片区,其中就包括有世界首个以“悟空小侠”为主题的娱乐区。 The Jinshan government said Legoland will help accelerate development in the 15-square-kilometer area around the resort. 金山区政府表示,乐高乐园还将帮助周围15公里以内的区域加快发展建设的进行。 Liu Jian Secretary, Jinshan District 刘健 金山区委书记 “The construction of the resort will greatly improve transportation infrastructure【基础设施】in the northern part of Jinshan. It will also help accelerate the building of a cultural corridor that incorporates century-old towns, farms and the thousand-acre sea of flowers along the 320 National Highway.”(园区的建成)特别对于金山北部地区的道路交通等基础设施将会大幅度的提升,也将加快打造沿320国道融千年古镇、千年古刹、千亩农庄、千亩花海于一体的文旅连廊。 There are eight Legoland resorts worldwide. China’s first Legoland is expected to open in Sichuan in 2023, followed by the one in Shanghai and another in Shenzhen the following year. 到目前为止,全世界共有八个乐高乐园度假区。中国的第一个乐高乐园将于2023年在四川开业,上海和深圳的乐高乐园也将在2024年开园营业。 3. MICHELLE WU SWORN IN AS BOSTON'S FIRST WOMAN AND ASIAN MAYOR 吴弭宣誓成为波士顿首位华裔女市长 Michelle Wu was sworn in yesterday as Boston’s first woman and first Asian American mayor in the city’s 200-year history, breaking its streak of only electing white men for the job. 36-year-old Wu grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and graduated from Harvard University. Starting in 2010, Wu began to work for former Mayor Thomas Me-nino at Boston City Hall. Wu became a member of the Boston City Council【地方议会】in January 2013, and was re-elected multiple times. She was elected mayor on November 2nd. Some US media are calling her election a turning point in the city’s history. 昨天(11月16日),36岁的华裔女性吴弭正式宣誓就任美国波士顿市长,成为该市史上首位亚裔女市长,也终结了波士顿200年来由白人男性担任市长的局面。吴弭出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,毕业于哈佛大学,2010年进入波士顿市政府工作。2013年她首次参与波士顿市议会选举并当选议员,之后三次议会选举获得成功。本月2号,她在市长选举中胜出,成功当选。美媒评论称,她的当选标志着波士顿历史上的一个"转折点"。 #热词加油站 adverse [ædˈvɜrs]【负面的】 clinical [ˈklɪnɪk(ə)l]【临床的】 replica [ˈreplɪkə]【复制品】 infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌktʃər]【基础设施】 Council [ˈkaʊns(ə)l]【地方议会】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~