cover of episode 11/16 TOP OF THE DAY 北交所开市/山东“核供暖”/迪拜国际航展

11/16 TOP OF THE DAY 北交所开市/山东“核供暖”/迪拜国际航展

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NEWS ON 11/16 1. BEIJING STOCK EXCHANGE OPENS FOR BUSINESS 钟声正式敲响!中国资本市场进入“北交所时间”! 2. HAIYANG CITY INTRODUCES CARBON-FREE HEATING 中国首个“零碳供暖”城市诞生,快来了解下核能"暖宝宝"! 3. ADVANCED CHINESE MILITARY AIRCRAFT AT DUBAI AIRSHOW 迪拜航展盛大开幕,中国教练机惊艳亮相! -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. BEIJING STOCK EXCHANGE OPENS FOR BUSINESS 钟声正式敲响!中国资本市场进入“北交所时间”! Trading started today on the Beijing Stock Exchange, which features 81 small and medium-sized companies in the tech sector. Sun Siqi takes a look at today’s action. 北京证券交易所今日(11月15日)正式开市交易,首批81家创新型中小企业集体亮相。让我们跟随ICS记者孙思奇一探究竟吧。 Shares in 10 of the 81 companies were being traded for the first time. Their IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) raised more than 1.5 billion yuan combined. The remaining 71 stocks had previously been listed the National Equities【股票】 Exchange and Quotations. The firms cover sectors like high-end manufacturing, services, new energy, new materials and bio-medicine. 北交所首批81只上市个股中10只为新股,它们的募集资金总额超过15亿元。其余的71只为精选层平移至北交所的股票,这71家公司涵盖高端制造业、服务业、新能源、新材料和生物医药等领域。 Li Yujian, General Manager Beijing Henghe Info. & Technology co. 李玉健,北京恒合信业技术股份有限公司总经理 We gained a massive amount of interest from investors and support from the government in areas like talent attraction. 登陆北交所之后,我们一方面会获得资本的支持,另一方面也是从政策的支持,包括我们人才引进方面,都获得巨大的助力。 Under Beijing Stock Exchange rules, there is no limit on price fluctuations【波动,涨跌】 on a stock’s first trading day, while a share price’s rise or fall is capped at 30 percent on the second trading day. This is believed to benefit SMEs as their stock has the potential for big first-day gains compared to its IPO price.  根据北交所的规定,新股上市首日不设涨跌幅限制,只有临时停牌机制,从第二个交易日起实行30%的价格涨跌幅限制。这样的规定对中小企业是有利的,因为相比新股发行价格,中小企业的股票首日涨幅可能会很大。 In Shanghai, retail investors crowded a brokerage about 30 minutes before the market opened. A handful had made 20,000 yuan minutes after trading began.  远隔千里,上海的散户们早已摩拳擦掌,在开盘前30分钟就挤满了一家营业部。有的股民在开盘后几分钟内就赚了2万元。 Investor 股民 I haven’t seen a surge like this in years. I’d like to invest 1 million yuan in the new stocks. 好久没见到这样的形势了。新股准备拿100万去打打。 The 10 stocks debuting were the story of the day as all 10 rallied. Shortly after opening, shares of all 10 had soared【激增,暴涨】 more than 100%, with Tongxin Transmission surging close to 600 percent at one point. It closed the day up 494 percent. 开盘后,10只新股全部大涨,涨幅均超过100%,登上了北交所开市当天的新闻。而同心传动的涨幅更是一度接近600%,收盘时达到494%。 2. HAIYANG CITY INTRODUCES CARBON-FREE HEATING 中国首个“零碳供暖”城市诞生,快来了解下核能"暖宝宝"! 200 thousand residents in Haiyang City, Shandong Province are receiving heat from a nuclear power plant. It is the country’s first commercial nuclear power project and makes Haiyang the first city to have carbon-free heating. Once again Zhang Hong has the story. 山东省海阳市的20万居民,首次用上了核能"暖宝宝"。这开启了国内商业供暖利用核能的先河,海阳市也由此成为首个"零碳"供暖城市。 It’s now 1 yuan cheaper per square meter to heat an apartment. 现在住宅取暖费每建筑平方米下调了1元。 Li Jianmin Haiyang Resident 李建敏,山东省海阳市凤凰国际乡村社区居民 It keeps the temperature in my home more constant than before. And it’s also cheaper. 它供暖比较平衡,它温度不像以前有的时候高了有时低了,第二个这个价钱它能够便宜。 First, non-radioactive steam is extracted from reactors at a nuclear power plant. Next, the steam is routed to a multistage【多级的】 heat exchanger and then channeled to a thermal power supply company, which pumps hot water to pipes in residents’ homes. 核能供暖,首先要从核电站反应堆中抽取非放射性的蒸汽作为热源。接下来,蒸汽经过换热器进行多级换热,然后输送给热力公司,最后热力公司通过供暖管道将热量传递给用户。 Zhao Shouxia, Senior Engineer Shandong Nuclear Power Company 赵守霞,山东核电有限公司高级工程师 There’s only energy exchange during the whole process without any kind of medium like water. It’s a safe and reliable way of generating heat. 这个过程中只有能量的这种交换,而没有像水这种介质的一种交换,是特别地安全可靠的。 Shandong Nuclear Power Company says Unit 1 of Haiyang Nuclear Plant is the world’s largest cogeneration unit. It has replaced 12 coal-fired boilers and can heat 4.5 million square meters of space. It is expected to cut raw coal by 100,000 tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 tons every heating season. The company says it is now working on a project that will heat an area of 30 million square meters. 山东核电有限公司称,海阳核电1号机组已经成为世界上最大的热电联产机组,取代了原先12台燃煤锅炉,供热范围覆盖450万平方米城区。预计每个供暖季节约原煤10万吨,减排二氧化碳18万吨。该公司还表示,目前正在研发单台机组能够供热3000万平方米的工程。 3. ADVANCED CHINESE MILITARY AIRCRAFT AT DUBAI AIRSHOW 迪拜航展盛大开幕,中国教练机惊艳亮相 Chinese aircraft manufacturers showcased a wide range of military aircraft at the 17th Dubai Airshow, including trainer jets, helicopters and other airborne weapons. Lei Shuran has more. 中国航空工业军贸产品亮相第17届迪拜国际航空展,教练机、直升机等各种先进武器悉数参展。 The Aviation Industry Corporation of China displayed a flight simulator for the L15 advanced jet trainer, giving visitors a fully immersive experience. An actual L15 jet and a range of compatible【可兼容的】 airborne weapons are on display in the airshow’s outdoor exhibition area. It is equipped with a very advanced radar, as well as fire control and weapon control systems. It can carry up to three tons of air-to-sea and air-to-ground ordinance, and can execute a variety of air-to-ground attack operations. 中国航空工业带来了L-15高级教练机的全任务飞行模拟器,为观展者提供了高沉浸感的飞行训练体验。而一台L-15高级教练机真机则同一系列兼容的机载武器一起在航展的室外静展区展出。它配备先进的雷达系统、火控和武器管理系统,可以搭载对空、对海和对地多达3吨的各类型武器,并且能够执行各种对地攻击任务。 Zhang Weizhen, Deputy Director Product Apartment, AVIC 张卫真,中国航空技术进出口总公司产品部副部长 We are in the lead in terms of overall performance compared with similar advanced trainers abroad, and we are pretty far advanced in some particular systems. 与国外的同类高级教练机相比,(L-15)整体上性能要处于领先,在个别的系统上还遥遥领先。 The business volume of the airshow yesterday reached 37 billion US dollars, with Airbus signing a single deal for 255 new aircraft worth 30 billion US dollars. The air show, which runs until November 18th, is the world’s largest aerospace trade event. 昨日(11月14日),航展的单日成交额达到了370亿美元,其中空客公司签下了255架新型飞机的合同,订单价值超过300亿美元。本届航展将持续至11月18日,是世界上规模最大的航空业贸易活动。 #热词加油站 equity [ˈekwəti]【股票】 fluctuation [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn]【波动,涨跌】 soar [sɔːr]【激增,暴涨】 multistage [ˌmʌltiˈsteɪdʒ]【多级的】 compatible [kəmˈpætəbl]【兼容的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~