NEWS ON 11/12 1. CHINA ANNOUNCES AGREEMENT WITH U.S. ON CLIMATE 中美联合声明“新鲜出炉”,减排作战大突破! 2. MUJI OPENS FRESH MARKET IN SH 无印良品生鲜超市上海首秀,是作秀还是便民? 3. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE KILLED IN ROBBERY 24岁中国留学生在美遭枪杀,海外公民人身安全引担忧 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA ANNOUNCES AGREEMENT WITH U.S. ON CLIMATE 中美联合声明“新鲜出炉”****,减排作战大突破! China and the United States pledged【承诺】Wednesday to increase their cooperation on climate action in a joint declaration issued at the U.N. climate talks in Glasgow. Lei Shuran has the story. 11月10日,中美两国在格拉斯哥举行的联合国气候会谈上发表《中美关于在21世纪20年代强化气候行动的格拉斯哥联合宣言》,承诺在气候行动方面加强合作。 In separate news conferences, Chinese climate envoy Xie Zhenhua and U.S. counterpart John Kerry said the two countries would work together to accelerate the emissions reductions required to meet the temperature goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. 在新闻发布会上,中国气候变化事务特使解振华和美方特使约翰克里表示,两国将共同努力,加快减排以实现 2015 年《巴黎协定》规定的温控目标。 Xie Zhenhua China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change 解振华****中国气候变化事务特使 In the area of climate change there is more agreement between China and the US than divergence, making it an area with huge potential for cooperation. We are two days away from the end of the Glasgow conference, so we hope that this joint declaration between China and the United States can make a contribution to the success of COP26. 在气候变化领域,中美双方共识大于分歧,具有广泛的合作潜力。离格拉斯哥大会结束还有两天,我们希望此份联合声明能够为大会的成功做出中美的贡献。 John Kerry US Climate Envoy 克里****美国总统气候问题特使 It commits to a series of important actions, not in the long term, not way out in the future, but now. Now during this decade when it’s needed. Out of this cooperation, we expect acceleration【加速】 of the rate of reduction, and the only way you get it is by sharing technology, working together, sharing climate technology, working together in an effort to do it. 这份宣言提出了一系列重要行动:不是针对长期的、未来的行动,而是针对眼下这十年最迫切的行动。我们希望加速减排,而想要达成这一点,只能分享技术、通力合作。 China has announced recently on many multilateral occasions the country’s specific targets and concrete policies, measures and actions. Xie said that China has a policy framework to ensure that it can achieve its climate target. 中国近期在数个多边场合宣布了有关减排的具体目标、具体政策、措施及行动。解振华表示,中国有一个“1+N”政策体系,它能够确保中国实现气候目标。 Xie Zhenhua China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change 解振华****中国气候变化事务特使 That is why we announced that we will strictly control the increase in our coal consumption during our 14th five-year plan period from 2021 to 2025. And during the 15th five-year plan period from 2026 to 2030, we will begin phasing out our coal consumption. We also announced that China will no longer be building new coal-fired projects abroad. 我们已经提出了在"十四五"期间,也就是2021年到2025年,我们要严格控制煤炭消费总量的增长。"十五五"期间,煤炭的消费总量要逐步下降,而且在海外要停止建设煤电项目。 As the world’s largest developing country, China is striving to meet a grand goal: to reach a peak in its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This ambitious target means China will attempt to complete the world’s most dramatic reduction in carbon emissions, and plans realize carbon neutrality faster than any other country. 作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国正在努力实现一个宏伟目标:2030年前二氧化碳排放达到峰值,2060年前实现碳中和。这一宏伟目标意味着,中国将努力完成世界上最大幅度的碳减排并且计划比其他任何国家都要快地实现碳中和。 2. MUJI OPENS FRESH MARKET IN SH 无印良品生鲜超市上海首秀,是作秀还是便民? The deals weren’t just online, as retailers also offered Double-11 discounts. And Japanese retailer【零售商】 MUJI chose Shanghai to open its first fresh market in China. Zhang Yue has more. “双十一”不仅仅是网购盛会,零售商也提供双十一折扣。日本零售品牌无印良品的中国首家生鲜复合店落户上海。 It’s the first time MUJI has opened a fresh market in China. All vegetables and fruits are pre-packed, but a little more expensive than the average supermarket. 这是无印良品首次在中国涉足生鲜超市领域。超市里的蔬菜水果全部是提前包装好的,但是价格要比一般超市贵一点。 Customer****顾客 “The products are neatly arranged and sorted.” 这些菜品摆放地很整齐。 The market is operated by 7Fresh, which is owned by A 7Fresh employee said the Double 11 Shopping Festival was chosen to integrate【合并】 business modes. 整个生鲜复合店的超市区由京东七鲜运营。之所以选在“双十一”这天开门迎客,也是为了显示出电商平台加速线下布局的意图。 Huang Lin 7FRESH 黄琳****京东七鲜业态合作部负责人 There is no difference between online and offline sales in nature, and our offline shops serve our customers very well. 线上线下没有本质性的区别,我们线下的商店也可以很好地服务顾客。 One store in Changning (District) said it was busier than usual and that most customers were comparing its prices to those available online. One woman said she wanted to take advantage of the shopping festival. 长宁区的一家门店表示,这次”双十一“比平时更忙,大多数顾客都会比较门店商品和线上商品的价格差。一位女顾客说她想通过“双十一”捞点便宜。 Customer****顾客 “Today is the last day of the Double 11 Festival, so I came for the cheaper prices.” 今天是“双十一”购物节的最后一天,所以赶到今天来买了,价格会便宜一点。 The store guaranteed lower prices than what was offered online by having employees checked online prices every two hours. Its manager said sales had reached 4 million yuan by noon, one million more than the same time last year. 该门店通过让员工每两小时查看一次网上价格,来确保门店价格比网上更低。该店经理表示,截至中午,销售额已达400万元,比去年同期增加了100万元。 3. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GRADUATE KILLED IN ROBBERY 24****岁中国留学生在美遭枪杀,海外公民人身安全引担忧 The Chinese Consulate in Chicago confirmed yesterday that a Chinese student who recently graduated from the University of Chicago was fatally shot in a robbery on Tuesday afternoon in the city’s Hyde Park neighborhood. Lei Shuran has the details. 中国驻芝加哥总领事馆昨天(11月10日)证实,一名刚从芝加哥大学毕业的中国留学生于周二(11月9日)下午在该市海德公园附近的一次抢劫中惨遭枪杀。 The 24-year-old student was on a sidewalk at around 2 pm on Tuesday when a dark-colored vehicle approached. A man left the vehicle, took out a gun, demanded property, shot the student in the chest, then got back into the vehicle and fled. 当地时间周二(11月9日)下午 2 点左右,24岁的受害人正走在人行道上,一辆深色车辆突然在他旁边停靠,一名男子持枪从车里出来向受害人索要财物,然后突然向其胸部连开数枪,并驱车逃离。 Local Resident****当地居民 “You don’t just shoot someone in the chest? for what? phone?"哪有随便朝别人胸口开枪的?为了什么呀?抢一部手机吗? The victim was taken to the UChicago Hospital where he was pronounced dead. 案发后,受害者被送往芝加哥大学医院,但最终因伤重不治身亡。 UChicago Graduate****芝加哥大学毕业生 “Because we thought there was a little bit safer, relatively speaking, compared to the other areas, around the Hyde Park so just to hear about this incident, yeah, definitely scared me.” 说实话我们本以为和美国其他地方相比,这个地区会相对安全一点,但这起事件真的吓到我了。 A statement issued by UChicago President confirmed that a recent graduate of the university was shot and killed off-campus in the course of a robbery. The statement also said the university is working with the Chicago Police Department to gather more facts about the case. Deploring the student’s death, the Chinese Consulate in Chicago urged parties concerned in the United States to investigate the case and publish any and all information as quickly as possible, while adopting concrete measures to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals including the students in the country. 芝加哥大学校长发表的一份声明证实,该大学最近的一名毕业生在抢劫案中于校外被枪杀。声明还表示,该大学正在与芝加哥警察局合作,收集有关此案的更多线索。中国驻芝加哥总领事馆对这名学生的死亡表示痛惜,要求美国有关方面尽快查清并公布所有案件信息,并采取切实措施,确保包括留学生在内的中国公民的安全。 A week ago, a Chinese professor from Hunan Province, who was a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California, was forced to fight off a mugger in Los Angeles using his bare hands. The professor was walking on a street near Chinatown when a man in black outfit and mask suddenly attacked him. Held at gunpoint, the professor instinctively used his left hand to block the gun, and his right fist to knock it to the ground. After a struggle, the mugger fled the scene, stealing the professor’s suitcase. 一周前,湖南省一名华裔教授在南加州大学访问学者时,被迫徒手与洛杉矶的一名劫匪搏斗。教授走在唐人街附近的街道上时,一名身穿黑衣、戴着面具的男子突然袭击了他。在枪口的威胁下,教授本能地用左手挡住了枪,用右手把枪砸落在地。经过一番搏斗,劫匪最终逃离现场,并抢走了教授的手提箱。 #热词加油站 pledge[pledʒ]n. 誓言,保证,承诺 acceleration [əkˌseləˈreɪʃn]n. 加速,加快; integrate[ˈɪntɪɡreɪt]v. (使)合并,成为一体 retailer[ˈriːteɪlə(r)]n. 零售商,零售店;讲述者 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~