NEWS ON 10/27 **1. **PBOC ISSUES NEW SET OF COMMEMORATIVE COINS FOR BEIJING WINTER GAMES 冬奥会倒计时100天,金银纪念币精彩亮相! **2. 1 ST CHINA-EURO SHANGHAI FREIGHT TRAIN ARRIVES IN HAMBURG 首班“中欧班列-**上海号”顺利抵达汉堡! 3.SHANGHAI TO HOST SHIPPING FORUM 2021北外滩国际航运论坛将在沪开幕 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1. **PBOC ISSUES NEW SET OF COMMEMORATIVE COINS FOR BEIJING WINTER GAMES 冬奥会倒计时100天,金银纪念币精彩亮相! With just 100 days to go before the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the central bank today issued a second set of 10 commemorative coins for the sporting extravaganza【华丽的表演】. The gold and silver coins, all legal tender【法定货币】, have the official emblem of the 24th Winter Olympics on one side along with the Great Wall and snowflakes. The reverse side features different designs, including mascots【吉祥物】of the 24th Winter Olympics and various winter sports. The first set of nine Beijing 2022 commemorative coins were launched in December 2020. 在北京冬奥会倒计时100天的重要时刻,为庆祝此次体育盛会,中国人民银行于今日(10月26日)发行一套10枚金银纪念币(第2组)。此套纪念币为中华人民共和国法定货币,正面图案均为第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会会徽,并衬以长城、雪花等元素组合设计。纪念币背面设计各式各异,图案包含本届冬奥会的吉祥物及各类冬奥会运动项目。北京冬奥会第一组金银纪念币已于2020年12月发行。 2. 1 ST CHINA-EURO SHANGHAI FREIGHT TRAIN ARRIVES IN HAMBURG 首班“中欧班列-上海号”顺利抵达汉堡! The first China-Euro "Shanghai Express" freight train arrived in Hamburg today, the largest port city in Germany. It departed from Shanghai at the end of last month. Sun Siqi has the details. 首发“上海号”中欧班列已于今日(10月26日)顺利抵达德国最大港口城市汉堡。该直达货运班列于上月底从上海驶离。 At 9am local time, the Shanghai Express, loaded with 50 containers of cargo, entered the Hamburg Bulverde freight station. As the largest port in Germany, Hamburg is also one of the largest terminals for China-Europe trade; nearly one-third of the containers are either going to or coming from China. Hamburg has also been one of Shanghai’s sister cities for 35 years. 当地上午9点,满载着50个集装箱的中欧班列“上海号”抵达汉堡布尔弗德货运站。作为德国最大的港口城市,汉堡也是中欧贸易之间最大的终点站之一,近三分之一的集装箱贸易来往于中国。汉堡和上海是缔结了35年友好关系的姊妹城市。 The cheaper and safer China-Euro freight trains are very popular as the pandemic has led to high prices for air and sea transport. 由于疫情期间海运、空运价格飙升,更为低廉、安全的中欧火车货运方式广受欢迎。 Michael Westhagenmann Deputy Mayor of Hamburg 迈克尔·韦斯塔格曼 汉堡副市长 We learned how important it is to have a shorter and faster mode of transport between China and Germany during the pandemic. I hope that the scope of train operations will be expanded in the next few years. 我们在疫情中体会到中德之间更短、更快的运输方式有多么重要。我希望在接下来的几年,列车运营范围还能够扩大。 Before the opening of the 4th China International Import Expo, a train from Hamburg arrived in Shanghai carrying exhibits from Germany. 在第四届中国国际进口博览会即将召开之际,搭载着部分展品的一列货车从汉堡驶来,已于日前抵达上海。 Wang Wei, Deputy Consul General Chinese Consulate General in Hamburg 王玮 中国驻汉堡副总领事 I think Germany is aware that China aims to demonstrate its firm determination to maintain economic globalization and trade liberalization through the expo, and I believe that this will help Hamburg to participate in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. 我觉得德国也意识到了,中国其实通过进博会、通过其他很多措施,实际是在展现我们维持经济全球化和贸易自由化的坚定决心。相信这(班列开通)有助于汉堡更全面、更深入地参与我们共建"一带一路"。 There will be one trip per week this year, and more trains will be added in the future. It is expected that 500 China-Euro freight trains will depart【离开;起程】 from Shanghai annually. 该班列目前每周开行一次,之后将逐步增加开行频次,预计将来每年达到500次发车量。 3.SHANGHAI TO HOST SHIPPING FORUM 2021北外滩国际航运论坛将在沪开幕 The 20-21 North Bund Forum will take place from November 3rd to 5th and is being organized by the Shanghai government and the Ministry of Transportation. Themed "Openness and Inclusiveness, Innovation and Reform, and Win-win Co-operation’, a series of activities and collaborative programs will be revealed during the forum, as well as a set of announcements regarding the shipping industry, the development of ports and energy saving. The government said the event will allow an exchange of ideas on major issues in the global shipping industry. 2021北外滩国际航运论坛将于11月3日至5日在上海市虹口区北外滩举行。该论坛由上海市人民政府、交通运输部共同主办,主题为“开放包容,创新变革,合作共赢”。该论坛聚焦航运经济、港口发展和节能减排方面的重要成果,其他系列活动、合作项目也将在此次会议中发布。上海市政府表示将力争把北外滩国际航运论坛打造成为全球航运领域重大问题的交流平台。 #热词加油站 extravaganza [ɪkˌstrævəˈɡænzə] n.【华丽的表演】 legal tender [ˌliːɡl ˈtendər] n.【法定货币】 mascot [ˈmæskɑːt] n.【吉祥物】 depart [dɪˈpɑːrt] v.【离开;起程】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~