NEWS ON 10/22 1.EXPLOSION KILLS 4, INJURES 47 IN SHENYANG 沈阳一餐馆爆炸致4死47****伤 2.SHANGHAI CUSTOMS RUNS STRICT INSPECTIONS ON CIIE PRODUCTS 进博展品漂洋过“海”来见你 3.U.S.** SURGEONS PERFORM SUCCESSFUL PIG-TO-HUMAN ORGAN TRANSPLANT** 史上首次!猪肾移植人体手术成功 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.EXPLOSION KILLS 4, INJURES 47 IN SHENYANG 沈阳一餐馆爆炸致4死47****伤 Four people were killed and 47 others injured after an explosion this morning in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. The injured were being treated in hospitals, while authorities investigated the incident. Lei Shuran has more. 10月21日早,位于沈阳市和平区太原南街的一家餐馆发生爆炸事故,已致4人死亡,47人受伤。伤者已全部送往就近医院抢救,此次事故的具体原因仍在调查中。 The blast took place at around 8:20am in a restaurant on Taiyuannan Street. It damaged nearby buildings and vehicles. Witnesses described the explosion as if "a bomb had been dropped." 爆炸发生在21日8时20分许,爆炸区域多出建筑、车辆受损。针对此次事件,目击者称:“像是扔下一个炸弹一样。” Shenyang Resident 沈阳居民 I heard the explosion when sitting on my bed. I went out of the house and I saw shattered【粉碎的】glass from buildings. 就听着坐在床上,忽悠一下子,咣一下子就爆炸了。完我们就出来看来了,看这玻璃都下来了。 More than 100 firefighters were sent to the scene. Media reports citing multiple sources said a gas pipeline had recently been laid out in the area. However, it wasn’t clear whether it was connected to the explosion. The explosion also caused *power outages 【停电;断电事故】 to some 15,000 households. The power utility was working to restore electricity. Shenyang government officials said residents whose homes were damaged need to stay in safe locations provided by their local community. 100余名消防队员已赶赴现场。据记者采访获悉,爆炸区域最近正进行燃气管网改造。爆炸是否与燃气管道的维修有关,仍有待官方调查。此外,爆炸导致线路受损,附近1.5万余户停电。断电期间,移动发电机紧急驰援。沈阳政府表示,当地社区已对事故波及居民进行妥善安置。 2. SHANGHAI CUSTOMS RUNS STRICT INSPECTIONS ON CIIE PRODUCTS 进博展品漂洋过“海”来见你 Some products from overseas that will be displayed during next month’s China International Import Expo have arrived in Shanghai. Customs officials say these products will *undergo **【经历;经受】*strict checks before being transported to the CIIE venue. Zhang Yue has more. 第四届进博会的部分展品已顺利抵沪。上海海关关员表示展品参展之前将受到严格检查监管。 Food, skin-care products and other items arrived today at Wusong Port in Baoshan District.A notice with the booth number was attached to each shipment so exhibitors will spend less time looking for their products. 10月21日,食品、护肤品及其他展品抵达上海宝山区吴淞港口。展品上加贴的展位数字标签,可帮助参展方快速定位展品。 Xu Xiaodong Wusong Customs Official 徐晓东上海吴淞海关物流监控二科关员* We will check the overall condition of the cargo, including the weight and size, and whether anything is broken or if a liquid has leaked. 核对货物大致的情况,包括分量体积,看看货物是否有破损,是否有各类外溢的情况。 Aisles and storage areas have been set up for officials to thoroughly check the cargo. 上海海关已建立展品通道、储仓,全面监管到港货物。 Song Wei, Deputy Director Shanghai Wusong Customs 宋炜上海吴淞海关副关长* We are open at any time for the latest shipments of CIIE goods. More personnel are in position to run checks on the products going to the CIIE. 及时了解进博展品进口的动向。我们的监管人员是每天驻守在我们进博的专用窗口,只要有货物一到,我们就立刻马上进行相关的监管作业。 Wusong Customs has completed inspections on 15 shipments. Citywide, a total of 110 fast-track windows have been set up to provide all day customs clearance services. This morning, the first delivery of imported cold chain meat from New Zealand arrived in Shanghai. It was transported to a designated warehouse after disinfection and environment sample tests for the coronavirus. Drivers and others transporting the products are required to be vaccinated and get tested regularly for the virus. 目前为止,吴淞海关已对15批货物进行检视。在上海海运、空运、陆运口岸共设立110个进博会专窗和绿色通道,提高全天候通关服务。21日早,本届进博会第一批新西兰进口冷链食品展品抵沪,接受集中消毒、核酸抽样检测后,被送至指定总仓。参照防疫要求,全体货运人员均已接种疫苗,并定期进行核酸测验。 Xu Liang, Deputy GM Shanghai Huachen Longdefeng Group 徐亮,上海华辰优安供应链副总经理 Last year we only needed to disinfect the exterior packaging. But this year both the inside and outside of all products need to be disinfected, and samples taken to test for the virus. 去年只是外包装消毒,今年在去年的基础上,又增加了防疫强度,内包装也要进行消毒加核酸检测。 Products that pass the inspection will then be delivered to the venue by a designated logistics company. A QR code with inspection information will be placed on the packaging. The cold chain warehouse has a storage capacity of 1,200 kilograms of products. 49 truckloads of food will be delivered to the warehouse next week. 经过防疫检验的展品将由指定物流公司运输到展馆场地。产品外包装上附着包含检疫信息的二维码。贮藏冷库可容纳1200千克物资,在接下来一周内,将有49车进口冷链食品展品陆续运至总仓。 3.U.S. SURGEONS PERFORM SUCCESSFUL PIG-TO-HUMAN ORGAN TRANSPLANT 史上首次!猪肾移植人体手术成功 US surgeons have successfully attached a pig’s kidney to a human body. The experimental procedure【手术】* is providing hope that transplants like this could be a major step in solving the shortage of organs available for transplant. Sun Siqi tells us more. 美国医生成功将猪的肾脏移植到人体。此台实验手术的成功有望解决器官供体不足的难题。 The operation was done last month at New York University’s Langone Health, one of the country’s top academic medical centers. The pig’s genes were altered so that it no longer contained a molecule known to cause immediate rejection by the human body. The patient was brain-dead and had signs of kidney problems. Her family agreed to the experiment before she was scheduled to be taken off life support. For over two days, the kidney was attached to her blood vessels. It was kept outside her body so that researchers could observe it. 美国最为顶尖的学术医学研究院之一——纽约大学兰贡医疗中心上月实施了该手术。这颗肾脏来自一头实施过基因改造的猪,因此其器官组织内不再含有引发排质现象的物质。接受该台手术的患者为脑死亡病人,其身体出现了肾衰竭迹象。其家人同意在对病人停止生命支持前,进行肾脏移植实验。自术后两天来,为方便医生观察,猪肾一直与患者的大腿血管相连。 Robert Montgomery Director of Transplant Institute, NYU Langone Health 蒙哥马力****纽约大学兰贡医疗中心外科医生 First of all, it made, you know, lots of urine, like the amount of urine that you would expect from a human kidney being transplanted into someone. For the 54 hours that we conducted the study, the kidney function perfectly. 首先,猪肾产生大量尿液。排尿水平与移植的人类肾脏相当。在54小时的试验过程里,该肾脏运作相当正常。 The organ did what a kidney is supposed to do. It filtered waste, produced urine and didn’t trigger**【触发】*rejection. 猪肾有着人的肾脏一样的功能——过滤废物,产生尿液,并没有触发任何排异反应。 Robert Montgomery Director of Transplant Institute, NYU Langone Health 蒙哥马力纽约大学兰贡医疗中心外科医生* The idea is we would need to identify individuals who have a really low likelihood of being offered a human kidney and have a poor prognosis on dialysis. And where even two years or a year of a functioning kidney would be an important thing. 我们的想法是来帮助那些不太可能获得人类肾脏的人,以及透析效果不佳的人。哪怕是拥有一两年能运作的[猪的]肾脏,对这些人来说也是弥足珍贵的。 Nearly 107,000 people are currently waiting for organ transplants and more than 90,000 are waiting for a kidney in the US. It can take three to five years for patients to receive a kidney transplant. The scientists involved in this experiment say trials with pig kidneys on critically-ill humans could happen within two years. 目,约10.7万美国病患等待器官移植,其中超9万人等待肾脏移植。为了匹配肾脏,患者可能要等待3-5年。参与此次实验的科学家们表示,有望在两年内实现对肾衰竭晚期患者的猪肾移植手术。 #热词加油站 *shattered [ˈʃætərd] 【粉粹的】 power outage [ˈpaʊər aʊtɪdʒ]【停电;断电事故】* undergo [ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ]****【经历;经受】 procedure [prəˈsiːdʒər]****【手术】 trigger [ˈtrɪɡər]****【触发】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~