NEWS ON 10/181. NEW ENERGY VEHICLE SALES EXPECTED TO HIT 3 MLN新能源车销量猛增,发展势头强劲2. WUZHEN THEATRE FESTIVAL RETURNS WITH MORE AVANT-GARDE DRAMAS阔别两年,乌镇戏剧节再出发****3. UK,US FACING LABOR SHORTAGES**英国“猪满为患”?外籍“屠夫”临时签证派发中-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------*1.NEW ENERGY VEHICLE SALES EXPECTED TO HIT 3 MLN新能源车销量猛增,发展势头强劲*The China Association of Auto-mobile Manufacturers said 334,000 new energy vehicles were produced in the country last month, a year-on-year increase of more than 200%. Once again, Zhang Yue has more.全国乘用车市场信息联席会数据显示,9月新能源乘用车零售销量达33.4万辆,同比增长超200%。The association said sales of new energy vehicles are expected to hit 3 million units this year. Tesla China said it delivered around 56,000 units in September, the most since it started production at its Shanghai manufacturing plant two years ago. 该协会表示,今年新能源汽车的销量有望达到300万辆。特斯拉(中国)数据显示,9月交付量为5.6万辆,创其在上海建厂以来交付量新高。INTERVIEW:Ji Yuhan, Sales Manager, Tesla季雨涵,特斯拉门店销售主管Our order volume is booked until the end of the year. Customers need to wait 6 to 10 weeks for the Model 3, and at least two months for the Model Y.我们现在的订单量其实已经排到年末了,比如Model 3我们提车周期已经放到6-10周,(Model)Y我们现在预订最快也基本上要到12月中下旬才能提到大家的车Domestic brand Nio said it delivered over 10,000 vehicles in one month for the first time. 国内品牌蔚来9月交付量首次破万。INTERVIEW:Cao Jiajun, Nio Shanghai曹佳君,用户顾问部门负责人,蔚来汽车上海公司 The most units we have sold in a month is around 8,000. Our orders soared【上涨;猛增】during the National Day holiday.之前的(月销售)高点在8000多台,所以说增幅还是很明显的。国庆7天,我们新增的订单已经破千了。Auto industry insiders say supportive policies, low usage costs, and easy to change batteries are the main reasons behind rising sales. Production began today at the Ultium Center, an electric vehicle joint venture between GM and SAIC Motor. By 2025, SAIC-GM will launch more than 10 new energy vehicles in China. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers also said new energy vehicles accounted for more than 17% of total vehicle deliveries.对于销售井喷的原因,各大新能源车企一致认为,政策支持、补能便捷和使用成本低是主要推力。10月15日,上汽通用汽车Ultium 奥特能超级工厂正式投产。到2025年,上汽通用将在中国推出10余款新能源汽车。联席会还表示,新能源汽车占汽车交付总量的17%以上。2.WUZHEN THEATRE FESTIVAL RETURNS WITH MORE AVANT-GARDE DRAMAS阔别两年,乌镇戏剧节再出发**Performers, directors, viewers and visitors are descending on Wuzhen, an ancient water town in east China’s Zhejiang Province, to exchange ideas, share inspiration and celebrate the dramatic arts during the 10-day Wuzhen Theatre Festival. Our reporter Huang Yuanqing arrived on site early to get us a sneak peek【偷看,窥视】 at what this year’s festival has to offer. 众多演员、导演、观众及游客来到浙江乌镇,体验为期10 天的乌镇戏剧节,一起交流想法、分享灵感、欣赏戏剧。今年乌镇戏剧节有哪些惊喜?来随ICS记者先睹为快。Huang YuanqingReporterI’m now at the Wuzhen Grand Theater. It’s 10:30 in the morning, and I’m going to introduce some of my picks from this year’s performances before the crowds arrive. 现在是早上10:30,我在乌镇大剧院,我要在观众进场前向大家推荐几部我的心仪之作。Alright, to start with, the first play I’m recommending is this one, "Ago" by famous director Stan Lai. It’s a six-and-a-half-hour production, featuring five acts and a cast of over 200 roles, the play took Lai 10 years to write. I’ve watched part of it in Shanghai when it premiered at the Theater Above and it’s amazing!首先,我推荐大家看的第一部戏是著名导演赖声川的《曾经如是》。《曾经如是》长达六个半小时,包括五幕和 200 多个角色,赖导花费了10 年心血打磨剧本。我曾在上海上剧场观看部分情节,总之就是太棒了!Next up... is this modern Chinese play called "Sunrise" directed and performed by renowned 【著名的】dancer Jin Xing金星, who will challenge herself by playing two roles in this show. It is an adaptation of a play by the late Chinese playwright Cao Yu. I don’t know how you guys feel, but I am truly looking forward to it.下一步由著名舞蹈家金星导演并参演的现代中国戏剧《日出》。金星将在该剧中分饰两角,颇具挑战性。此剧改编于已故中国剧作家曹禺的同名话剧。我不知道你们怎么看,但我期待已久。OK, next, this one. Of course, you cannot miss this one, a remake of the French classic "The Red and the Black" by director Meng Jinghui. It’s also the opening performance of this year’s Festival which will be performed here tonight. OK, so those were some of my picks but there’s plenty more for you to choose from at this year’s Wuzhen festival.当然还不能错过由孟京辉戏剧工作室翻拍的法国经典片《红与黑》。它也将作为今年戏剧节的开幕表演,在乌镇大剧院上演。以上只是我的推荐,本次戏剧节还有其他优秀作品供戏剧爱好者选择。This year, hundreds of artistic groups and organizations from across China will display all kinds of theatrical performances that people can experience for free, almost every corner of this ancient water village will have something to offer.今年,来自全国各地的数百个艺术团体和组织将带来各种多样化文艺演出,游客可以免费观赏。在水乡乌镇,几乎每一个角落都有惊喜等待着人们去发掘。After a round of performances this afternoon, all the carnival groups have come all the way to courtyard in front of the Wuzhen Grand Theater, where the performers will give people a little taste of what they have in store for them. It’ll be like a big party. 经过下午的一轮表演,所有的表演队伍汇集于乌镇大剧院前的庭院,演员将在那里为观众带来一场豪华的视觉盛宴。So for those who want to enjoy the festival in person during the weekend, my advise is that please come as early as possible if you want to find a parking spot. And prepare for the weather, because Wuzhen is a lot cooler than Shanghai, and we are expecting showers over the weekend, so pack an umbrella and dress warm. 如有周末乘车游玩计划,请选择尽早出行。同时,留意天气情况,乌镇比上海要凉爽不少。本周末预报有阵雨,所以记得带好雨具,注意添衣。3. UK,US FACING LABOR SHORTAGES英国“猪满为患”?外籍“屠夫”临时签证派发中Britain announced it would offer six-month emergency visas to 800 foreign butchers yesterday to avoid a massive pig cull, after local farmers complained that many workers from abattoirs and meat processors had left the pork sector fighting for survival. Sun Siqi has more.英国屠夫和肉类加工人员为了生计,纷纷选择离开生猪加工行业,这令当地农民怨声连连。由于积压的待宰生猪过多,英国政府于10月14日宣布,将发放800份应急签证,从境外招募屠夫。Britain’s National Pig Association said a combination of Brexit and Covid-19 has sparked an exodus【(大批人同时)离开】of east European workers, leaving some 120,000 pigs in barns and fields across the country waiting to be slaughtered. The country’s Environment Secretary said the temporary visas for 800 foreign butchers would address the problem.英国国家养猪协会表示,"脱欧"以及新冠疫情导致英国流失大量来自东欧的工人。目前,全英积压的待宰生猪多达约12万头。英国环境部长表示,为应对该问题,将向境外招募屠夫发放800份应急签证。INTERVIEW:George Eustice, UK Environment Minister尤斯蒂斯,英国环境、食品与乡村事务大臣Well, what we’re going to do is allow butchers in abattoirs 【屠宰场】 and meat processors dealing with pigs to be able to come in on a temporary basis under the seasonal workers scheme for up to six months.我们要做的是,允许屠夫和肉类加工人员能够根据季节性用工计划,临时来到英国屠宰场工作,最长时间为6个月。The lack of butchers is just one of a number of areas where Britain is facing acute labor shortages. Last month, the British government announced its plans to issue temporary visas for 5,000 foreign truck drivers and 5,500 poultry workers. The ports in the US are also dealing with labor shortages. US President Joe Biden has announced that two of the country’s busiest ports--- that is the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach would expand a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week operation to unload an estimated 500,000 containers on cargo ships.缺少屠夫只是英国面临的劳动力缺口之一。上个月,英国政府宣布计划为 5000 名外国卡车司机和 5500名肉禽工人签发临时签证。同样缺人的,还有美国港口业。美国总统拜登日前下令,要求美国最大的两个港口洛杉矶港和长滩港实行一周7天、每天24小时的不间断工作制,以缓解港口货物拥堵。INTERVIEW:Gene Seroka, Executive Director, The Port of Los Angeles吉恩·沙洛卡 洛杉矶港执行主管So we’re moving as fast as possible. Retail goods that have to go through the omni channel distribution network to get to our doorstep or our store shelves. We’re only four and a half weeks away from Black Friday.我们正尽可能地加快清关速度,确保零售业商品尽快通过全渠道经销网络,抵达消费者的家门口或商店货架,毕竟我们距离今年的"黑五"采购季只剩四周半了。The two ports account for approximately 40 percent of the shipping containers entering the US. It was reported that there were 62 ships berthed at the two ports with another 81 waiting to dock and unload. 这两个港口约占进入美国的海运集装箱的40%。据悉,目前有62艘船舶停靠在这两个港口,另有81艘等待靠岸卸货。#热词加油站**soared [sɔːr]【上涨;猛增】exodus [ˈeksədəs]【(大批人同时)离开】abattoirs [ˈæbətwɑːr] 【屠宰场】renowned [rɪˈnaʊnd]【著名的】peek [piːk]【偷看,窥视】**订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!****不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”**喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~