cover of episode 10/15 TOP THE DAY 神舟十三号/把时间存进“银行”/“星际迷航”舰长勇闯太空

10/15 TOP THE DAY 神舟十三号/把时间存进“银行”/“星际迷航”舰长勇闯太空

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1.CHINA TO SEND ANOTHER 3 ASTRONAUTS TO SPACE今晚!神舟十三号新“太空三人组”将启程,工期加倍2."TIME BANK" PROVING TO BE VIABLE SOLUTION IN ELDERLY CARE把时间存进“银行”,陪你慢慢变老3.STAR TREK’S SHATNER BECOMES WORLD’S OLDEST SPACE TRAVELER**“星际迷航”舰长,90高龄勇闯太空****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA TO SEND ANOTHER 3 ASTRONAUTS TO SPACE今晚!神舟十三号新“太空三人组”将启程,工期加倍Another three astronauts will board Shenzhou-13 and blast off into space at 12:23am on Saturday. The spaceship will dock with the country’s space station, where the trio will stay in orbit for six months. 神舟十三号载人飞船将搭载新“太空出差三人组”,于本周六(16日)0时23分发射。飞船将前往中国空间站,三名航天员将在轨驻留6个月。Shenzhou-13 will be propelled【驱动】into space on a Long March-2F carrier rocket. After entering orbit, it will dock【对接】 with the space station. The astronauts will be there for six months in what will be the longest space mission ever for Chinese astronauts. 此次任务,由长征二号F遥十三火箭搭载神舟十三号载人飞船,进行发射。神舟十三号飞船入轨后,将与空间站交会对接。三位航天员将在太空停留半年时间,刷新我国载人航天的最长飞行时间记录。INTERVIEW:Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director, China Manned Space Agency林西强,中国载人航天工程办公室副主任The space station and its equipment are functioning well ahead of the arrival of the Shenzhou-13 crew members. The crew is in good condition, and all pre-launch preparations are in order.目前,天和核心舱与天舟二号、天舟三号组合体状态和各项设备工作正常,具备交会对接与航天进驻条件。执行神舟十三号飞行任务的航天员飞行乘组状态良好,发射前各项准备工作已基本就绪。The three astronauts selected for the mission are Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu. In 2008, Zhai became the first Chinese astronaut to do a spacewalk. Ye is the first Chinese astronaut to complete a survival training session organized by the European Space Agency and will go to space for the first time. Wang gave a lecture from space during a 2013 mission and will become the first female astronaut on the Tiangong space station.翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富三名航天员将执行神舟十三号载人飞行任务。2008年,翟志刚出色完成我国历史上第一次太空行走。叶光富是首位完成欧洲航天局组织的国际洞穴训练的中国航天员。2013年,王亚平曾成功进行了中国首次太空授课。她也将是天宫空间站迎来的首位女航天员。INTERVIEW:Wang Yaping, Senior Colonel, PLA Astronaut Division王亚平,大校,中国人民解放军航天员大队After giving a lecture during the Shenzhou-10 mission, many students wrote letters to me asking me when I would return to space and give another lecture. I’m happy to announce that eight years later, I’ve realized my dream to return to space.从神舟十号开通授课之后,有很多同学也给我写信问到这个问题:什么时候能够再次飞上太空,给大家再讲一课?那么今天我非常高兴地告诉大家,经过8年的不懈努力,亚平老师终于再次追梦成功。A send-off ceremony will start around 9:30pm tomorrow. Their mission will include two or three spacewalks, installing important devices for mechanical arms, along with a variety of experiments.出征仪式将于今晚(15日)9点半左右举行。此次任务中,航天员将进行2-3次出舱活动,开展机械臂空间站组装建造关键技术试验,以及一系列空间科学实验与技术试验。 2."TIME BANK" PROVING TO BE VIABLE SOLUTION IN ELDERLY CARE****把时间存进“银行”,陪你慢慢变老Shanghai is one of the country’s first adopters of the "Time Bank" concept, an initiative【方案】 to look after elderly people. It allows volunteers to receive the same amount of time they provide in service to others when they themselves are old enough to need care.上海是中国首批采用“时间银行”概念的城市之一,旨在照顾老年人。志愿者用心用情志愿服务,把这些精力存入“时间银行”,今后可能用还回自己的身上。87 year-old Ma Xiajing lives alone in Changning District as her son and daughter live far away. However, Ma is not lonely as her caretaker, 67-year-old Ding Peili, visits regularly, chatting with her and helping her with some easy chores.87岁的马霞静独自一人住在长宁区,和儿女离得很远。但马霞静并不孤单,她67岁的看护丁培丽经常来看她、和她聊天、帮她做一些简单的家务。INTERVIEW:Ma Xiajing, Resident, 87 Year-old马霞静,居民,87岁She helps me order fruits and vegetables online, and also picks up packages for me. I live on the 11th floor, and I have trouble walking. I am very touched, because I feel like she is one of the family.我不会用手机啊,志愿者过来会教我手机下单买菜,有时候帮我拿快递什么的,很感动的,他们都是义务劳动。INTERVIEW:Ding Peili, Community Volunteer, 67 Year-old丁培丽,志愿者老人,67岁 I am happy to help them before I become too old to look after myself. I have accumulated over 10 coins now, and it’s comforting to know that I can use them if needed in the future. 我很高兴能在我变老之前帮助他们。我已经有10个积分了,一想到我将来能用到这些积分,我觉得很欣慰。Here’s how the process works. The civil affairs bureau posts requests for volunteers on Wechat. It could be anything from helping take care of someone, or accompanying a cancer survivor on a hospital visit. Care providers earn "time coins" for their work. One hour of service equals 1 time coin. Time coins can be saved and used in the future. A China Development Research Foundation report found that people aged over 65 will make up 14 percent of the country’s population by 2022. Another report stated that from 2018 to 2019, over one tenth of this population was unable to do basic tasks including dress, eat and bathe on their own. Some experts say the time bank not only responds to the challenge of an aging population, but also promotes the development of volunteer services. “时间银行”的运行机制是什么样的呢?民政局会在微信上发布志愿者招募信息。志愿活动包括帮助照顾某位老年人,或陪同癌症康复后的病人去医院检查等。护理人员可以从他们的工作中赚取“时间积分”。一小时的服务等于一个时间积分。时间积分可以保存并在未来使用。中国发展研究基金会的报告指出:截至2022年,65岁以上的人口将占中国人口的14%。另一份报告显示,2018到2019年间,超过十分之一的65岁以上人口行动无法自理,他们无法自己穿衣服、吃饭和洗澡。一些专家表示,时间银行既能缓解人口老龄化困局,有能推进志愿服务发展。INTERVIEW:Shi, Zhongchao, Senior Service Center, Changning Civil Affairs Bureau施忠超,长宁区民政局,养老服务发展中心 More than 39% of the population in our district are those aged over 60. I am talking about 224,000 elderly people. We hope the "Time Bank" Project can encourage more people to share their time and love to seniors, not only those "young seniors" aged around 60, but also younger generations as well. 我们现在长宁,2020年底,登记老人数量为22.4万, 占总人数 39.1%,可以说是高度老龄化,压力还是非常大的。时间银行可以说是一定程度缓解了我们社区养老服务的压力。有助于激励并且规范社会成员为有需求的老人提供服务,不光是60到64这么些老人,而甚至是一些年轻人。So far, more than 820 volunteers in Changning have joined the project. They have served more than 2,500 elderly people above the age of 80. Two volunteers have earned more than 100 time coins, which means 4 days of care when they are old enough to need it. Citywide, four other districts including Hongkou and Yangpu are also implementing the project. The concept was introduced to China in the 1990s after it was created by a professor at Yale University. However, it didn’t take off due to a lack of volunteers, good management and clear rules. 到目前为止,长宁市已有820多名志愿者加入了该项目。他们已经为2500多名80岁以上的老人提供志愿服务。两名志愿者已经获得了100多个时间积分,这意味着他们将来也能享受到4天的志愿服务。虹口、杨浦等其他四个区也在实施“时间银行”项目。这个概念由一位耶鲁大学教授提出,于20世纪90年代引入中国。然而,由于志愿者短缺、管理制度不明确,“时间银行”没有取得显著的成果。INTERVIEW:Xu Yangping, Manager, Changning Time Bank Project徐杨萍,时间银行项目负责人,上海喜雅爱心社区服务中心At the beginning, some of the seniors didn’t initially want the intervention of a stranger, not to mention being checked on every day. Now they are familiar with the idea of volunteers and are willing to discuss their conditions without much prompting. 一开始,一些老年人并不希望陌生人介入,更不要说每天都被检查。现在他们熟悉了志愿者的概念,愿意在没有太多提示的情况下讨论他们的情况。INTERVIEW:Lu Xiaowen, Researcher, Institute of Sociology, SH Academy of Social Sciences陆晓文,社会学所,上海社科院Around 80% of elderly people hope to spend their old age at home or near home, as they feel isolated and uncomfortable in nursing homes. This is why public facilities, community healthcare centers, family doctors and more need to be improved.研究员老人到了一定岁数,进入到养老机构,不光是养老的需要,还有比如说社交需要、自我表现的需要。社会上的需求和个人的价值是我们需要考虑的。还有护理人员的技术能力素质也需要提高,很多养老机构的人员不是专业训练出来的。 老人对于养老的愿望百分之八十是希望居家、就近养老,那社区、社区医院、家附近的公共设施、家庭医生这种服务要更加成为一个系统为老人服务,如何做好基层配套设施,是一个更大的工程。Lu said the needs of the elderly pose a critical challenge as they will have a lasting impact on economic and social development. Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing have already started new test runs of the Time Bank concept. Men aged 60 to 70, and women aged 50 to 70 are available to register as a volunteer to serve those aged above 80. 陆晓文说,老年人的需求是一个重大挑战,因为他们将对经济和社会发展产生持久的影响。上海、南京和北京已经开始试行“时间银行”新模式。60至70岁的男性及50至70岁的女性均可登记成为义工,为80岁以上的老人服务。3.STAR TREK’S SHATNER BECOMES WORLD’S OLDEST SPACE TRAVELER“星际迷航”舰长,90高龄勇闯太空**The second sub-orbital【轨道的】tourism flight of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ company - Blue Origin blasted off yesterday, carrying a four-person crew. "Star Trek" actor William Shatner was on-board, at the age of 90. Shatner is the oldest person to ever travel to space. 10月14日, “蓝色起源”公司经营的航天器发射进入太空,进行第二次亚轨道飞行。本次有四名乘客搭乘该太空飞船飞往太空,其中包括90岁高龄的演员威廉·夏特纳,他曾在《星际迷航》中扮演柯克舰长。他是目前为止最年长的“太空旅人”。The New Shepard rocket took off from Blue Origin’s West Texas launch center at around 10:49am local time after a brief delay. The "Star Trek" actor and three passengers hurtled to an altitude of 107 kilometers over the West Texas desert in the fully automated capsule, then safely parachuted【跳伞】back to Earth. The flight lasted just over 10 minutes including about three minutes of weightlessness. Speaking about his voyage into space after landing safely back on Earth, Shatner summarized the trip as "unbelievable."“新谢泼德”号火箭发射曾因天气原因短暂推迟,最终于当地时间上午10点49分从蓝色起源的西德克萨斯州发射中心起飞。“柯克舰长”和其他三名乘客乘坐全自动太空舱在西德克萨斯沙漠上空飞到107公里的高度后跳伞,安全返回地球。这次飞行只持续了10多分钟,其中包括大约3分钟的失重状态。直到安全返回地球后,夏特纳仍然觉得“难以置信”。INTERVIEW:William Shatner, Actor威廉·夏特纳,演员And you look down, there’s the blue down there and the black up there and there is Mother Earth, comfort. This experience, it’s something unbelievable.当你往下看,那是一片蓝色。上面则是黑色的宇宙。地球就在那里,十分安宁。这段经历令人难以置信。Dozens of space fans yesterday gathered in the desert on the side of a Texas highway to watch Shatner go into space. 10月14日,数十名太空迷聚集在德克萨斯州一条高速公路旁的沙漠中,共同见证沙特纳进入太空。INTERVIEW:Movie Fan电影粉丝Wel, he grew up watching Captain Kirk, and to see him go up, I mean... This one says he wants to be an astronaut. He also wants to be a policeman, and a cook and an artist.我先生是看《星际迷航》长大的,现在能见证柯克舰长飞上太空(意义重大)。这个小家伙说他也想成为宇航员。Besides the Blue Origin, Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic are also attracting customers who are willing to pay large sums to experience spaceflight. 除了“蓝色起源”,埃隆·马斯克的SpaceX和理查德·布兰森的维珍银河也吸引了愿意花大价钱体验太空飞行的客户。#热词加油站propel [prəˈpel]【驱动】dock [dɒk]【对接】initiative [ɪnˈɪʃətɪv]【方案】orbital [ˈɔːbɪtl]【轨道的】parachute [ˈpærəˌʃuːt] 【跳伞】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~